Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
The Department may impose a remedy or remedies when it determines an agency is not in compliance with these rules.
01. Determination of Remedy. In determining which remedy or remedies to impose, the Department will consider the agency's compliance history, change of ownership, the number of deficiencies, the scope and severity of the deficiencies, and the potential risk to participants. Subject to these considerations, the Department may impose any of the remedies in Subsection 500.02 of this rule, independently or in conjunction with others, subject to the provisions of these rules for notice and appeal.
02. Enforcement Remedies. If the Department determines that an agency is out of compliance with these rules, it may impose any of the following remedies according to Section 500.01 of this rule.
03. Immediate Jeopardy. If the Department finds an agency's deficiency or deficiencies immediately jeopardize the health or safety of its participants, the Department may summarily suspend the agency's certificate.
04. No Immediate Jeopardy. If the Department finds that the agency's deficiency or deficiencies do not immediately jeopardize participant health or safety, the Department may impose one (1) or more of the remedies specified in Subsections 500.02.a. through 500.02.e. of this rule.
05. Repeat Deficiencies. If the Department finds a repeat deficiency in an agency, it may impose any of the remedies listed in Subsection 500.02 of this rule as warranted. The Department may monitor the agency on an "as needed" basis, until the agency has demonstrated to the Department's satisfaction that it is in compliance with requirements governing residential habilitation agencies and that it is likely to remain in compliance.
06. Failure to Comply. The Department may impose one (1) or more of the remedies specified in Subsection 500.02 of this rule if:
Effective March 17, 2022