Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
Each agency certified under these rules must maintain accurate, current, and complete participant and administrative records. Each participant record must clearly document the date, time, duration, and type of service, and include the signature of the individual providing the service, for each service provided. Each participant record must contain the following information:
01. Profile Sheet. Each participant record must include a profile sheet containing the following:
02. Authorized Plan of Service. The agency must obtain a current authorized plan of service from the paying entity.
03. Participant Rights. Each agency must document upon initiation of services, that each participant and their guardian, where applicable, have been informed of their rights, access to grievance procedures, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of protection and advocacy services. This information must be provided in easily understood terms both verbally and in writing.
04. History and Physical. Results of a most current history and physical.
05. Functional Assessment. An age-appropriate functional assessment must be completed or obtained by the agency within thirty (30) days of the initiation of service. The functional assessment must be used for the development of program plans and include:
06. Psychological or Psychiatric Assessment. When a participant has had a psychological or psychiatric assessment for the purpose of treatment, the results of the assessment must be maintained in the participant's record and used when developing program objectives.
07. Program Plan. Each participant must have a program plan that includes goals and objectives specific to their authorized residential habilitation program. Program plans that include participant's name, baseline statement, measurable objectives, start date, written instructions to staff, service environments, and target date.
08. Record of Significant Incidents, Accidents, Illnesses, and Treatments.
09. Daily Medication Log, When Applicable.
10. Daily Record of the Date, Time, Duration, and Type of Service Provided.
11. Service Delivery and Progress Notes. Documentation of service delivery and progress notes that correspond with the program plans when services are delivered to the participant.
12. Status Review. Residential habilitation agencies must review each participant's progress to ensure revisions are made for progress, regression, or inability to maintain independence. The review of progress must be documented on a status review document. The status review document identifies the participant's progress toward goals defined in the plan of service.
13. Termination Procedures. The agency must develop and implement termination policies and procedures that address how the agency will ensure safety of the participant and community to the extent possible in the event that emergency conditions exist or the participant no longer in need of or desires services.
Effective March 17, 2022