Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Outside Services. Services provided to a resident by someone that is not a member of facility personnel.
02. Owner. Any person or entity having legal ownership of the facility as an operating business, regardless of who owns the real property.
03. Personal Assistance. The provision by the staff of the facility of one (1) or more of the following services:
04. Personnel. Paid individuals assigned the responsibility of providing care, supervision, and services to the facility and its residents. In this chapter of rules, "personnel" and "staff" are synonymous.
05. Physical Restraint. Any device or physical force that restricts the free movement of, normal functioning of, or normal access to, a portion or portions of an individual's body, except for the temporary treatment of a medical condition, such as the use of a cast for a broken bone.
06. Portable Heating Device. Any device designed to provide heat on a temporary basis that is not designed as part of a building's heating system, is not permanently affixed to the building, and, if electrical, is not hardwired to the building's electrical service. This does not include the use of therapeutic devices such as heating pads, heated mattress pads, and electric blankets, which require a physician or authorized provider's order.
07. PRN. Indicates that a medication or treatment prescribed by a medical professional to an individual may be given as needed.
08. Pressure Injury. Any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to the underlying tissue(s).
09. Provisional License. A license which may be issued to a facility not in compliance with the rules pending the satisfactory correction of all deficiencies.
10. Publicly Funded Program. Any program funded in whole, or in part, by an appropriation of the U.S. Congress, the Idaho Legislature, or other governmental body.
11. Punishment. The use of an adverse consequence with a resident, the administration of any noxious or unpleasant stimulus, or deprivation of a resident's rights or freedom.
12. Relative. A person related by birth, adoption, or marriage.
13. Repeat Deficiency. A deficiency found on a licensure survey, complaint investigation, or follow-up survey that was also found on the previous survey.
14. Reportable Incident. A situation when a facility is required to report information to the Residential Assisted Living Facilities Program, including:
15. Resident. An adult, other than the owner, administrator, their immediate families, or employees, who lives in a residential assisted living facility.
16. Residential Assisted Living Facility. A facility or residence, however named, licensed in the state of Idaho, operated on either a profit or nonprofit basis for the purpose of providing necessary supervision, personal assistance, meals, and lodging to three (3) or more adults not related to the owner.
17. Room and Board. Lodging, meals, and utilities.
18. Scope. The frequency or extent of the occurrence of a deficiency in a facility.
19. Self-Administration of Medication. The act of a resident taking a single dose of their own medication from a properly labeled container and placing it internally in, or externally on, their own body as a result of an order by an authorized provider.
20. Story. A level of rooms in a building.
21. Substantial Compliance. The status of a facility that has no core issue deficiencies.
22. Substantial Evening Meal. An offering of three (3) or more menu items at one time, one (1) of which is a high-quality protein such as meat, fish, eggs, or cheeses. The meal should represent no less than twenty percent (20%) of the day's total nutritional requirements.
23. Supervision. A critical watching and directing activity which provides protection, guidance, knowledge of the resident's general whereabouts, and assistance with activities of daily living. The administrator is responsible for providing appropriate supervision based on each resident's Negotiated Service Agreement or other legal requirements.
24. Survey. A review conducted by a surveyor to determine compliance with statutes and rules. There are two (2) components to a survey:
25. Surveyor. A person authorized by the Department to conduct surveys or complaint investigations to determine compliance with statutes and rules.
26. Therapeutic Diet. A diet ordered by a physician or authorized provider as part of treatment for a clinical condition or disease, to eliminate or decrease specific nutrients in the diet (e.g., sodium), to increase specific nutrients in the diet (e.g., potassium), or to provide food the resident is able to eat (e.g., a mechanically altered diet).
27. Toxic Chemical. A substance that is hazardous to health if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through skin.
28. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment. The term applies to open or closed-head injuries resulting in impairments in one (1) or more areas.
29. Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP). Staff, with or without formal credentials, employed to perform nursing care services under the direction and supervision of licensed nurses.
30. Variance. Permission by the Department to do something contrary to rule.
Effective March 15, 2022