General Requirements. Any residence used as a CFH must be suitable for that use. CFHs must only be located in buildings intended for residential use.
a. Remodeling or additions to the home must be consistent with residential use of the property and must comply with local building standards and IDAPA 24.39.30, "Rules of Building Safety (Building Code Rules)," including obtaining building permits as required by the local jurisdiction.
b. All homes are subject to Department approval.
Toilet Facilities and Bathrooms. The home must contain:
a. A bathroom equipped with at least one (1) flush toilet, one (1) tub or shower, and one (1) sink with a mirror;
b. Toilet and shower or bathing facilities separated from all rooms by solid walls or partitions;
c. A window that is easily opened to the outside, or forced ventilation to the outside, in each room containing a toilet, shower, or bath;
d. All tubs, showers, and sinks connected to hot and cold running water; and
e. Without passing through another person's sleeping room, access to toilet and bathing facilities designated for the resident's use.
Accessibility for Residents with Physical and Sensory Impairments. A provider choosing to provide services to a resident who has difficulty with mobility or who has sensory impairments must ensure the physical environment maximizes the resident's independent mobility and use of appliances, bathroom facilities, and living areas. The home must be equipped with necessary accommodations that meet the "American With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines--Standards for Accessible Design (SFAD)," under Section 002 of these rules and as described below according to the individual resident's needs:
a. A ramp that complies with Section 405 of the SFAD. Elevators or lifts that comply with Sections 409 and 410, respectively, may be utilized in place of a ramp;
b. Doorways large enough to allow easy passage of a wheelchair and that comply with Subsection 404.2.3 of the SFAD;
c. Toilet and bathing facilities that comply with Sections 603 and 604 of the SFAD;
d. Sinks that comply with Section 606 of the SFAD;
e. Grab bars in resident toilet facilities and bathrooms that comply with Section 609 of the SFAD;
f. Bathtubs or shower stalls that comply with Sections 607 and 608 of the SFAD, respectively;
g. Non-retractable faucet handles that comply with Subsection 309.4 of the SFAD. Self-closing valves are not allowed;
h. Suitable handrails on both sides of all stairways leading into and out of the home that comply with Section 505 of the SFAD; and
i. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that comply with Section 702 of the SFAD.
Storage Areas. Adequate storage space must be provided in the home.
Lighting. Adequate lighting must be provided in all resident sleeping rooms and any other rooms accessed by the resident.
Ventilation. The home must be well-ventilated and the provider must take precautions to prevent offensive odors.
Heating and Cooling. The temperature in the home must be maintained between sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (65°F) and eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80°F) when residents or adult hourly care participants are at home. Thermostats must be located away from stoves, fireplaces, and furnaces.
Plumbing. All plumbing in the home must be in good working order and comply with local and state codes. All plumbing fixtures must be maintained in good repair.
Resident Sleeping Rooms. The provider must ensure each sleeping room occupied by a resident is:
a. Not an attic, stairway, hall, or any other space commonly used for other than bedroom purposes.
b. Not in a below-ground basement or a room located on the second story or higher unless the following conditions are met:
i. The resident is able to independently recognize an emergency and self-evacuate from the sleeping room without physical assistance or verbal cueing as assessed and indicated in the resident's plan of service; or
ii. The sleeping room of a responsible and able-bodied individual living in the home is located on the same level with the resident's sleeping room; and
iii. The level of the home on which the resident's sleeping room is located has floors, ceilings, and walls that are finished to the same degree as the rest of the home.
c. Separated by walls running from floor to ceiling and has a solid door.
d. Not also the provider's sleeping room unless there is medical necessity to share the room. A relative of the provider must not share the resident's sleeping room unless the individual is also a relative of the resident.
e. Covered by a ceiling with a height of at least seven feet, six inches (7'6") at its lowest point.
f. Equipped with a closet that is:
i. If shared, fairly and substantially divided such that each resident's space is clearly distinct.
ii. Equipped with a door if the resident so chooses.
g. At least one hundred (100) square feet for a one (1) person sleeping room and at least one hundred and sixty (160) square feet for a two (2) person sleeping room. Free-standing closet space must be deducted from the square footage in the sleeping room.