Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
Starting August 11, 1993, the participant is subject to a penalty if they transfer their income or resources for less than fair market value. The asset transfer penalty applies to Medicaid services received October 1, 1993 and later. Excluded resources, other than the home and associated property, are not subject to the asset transfer penalty. Asset transfers subject to penalty under these rules may be voided and set aside by court action as provided in Section 56-218, Idaho Code. The asset transfer penalty applies to a Medicaid participant in long-term care or HCBS. A participant in long-term care is a patient in a nursing facility or a patient in a medical institution, requiring and receiving the level of care provided in a nursing facility.
01. Rebuttable Presumption. Unless a transfer meets the requirements of Section 841 of these rules, it is presumed that the transfer was made for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid. The asset transfer penalty is applied unless the participant shows that the asset transfer would not have affected their eligibility for Medicaid, or the transfer was made for another purpose than qualifying for Medicaid.
02. Contract for Services Provided by a Relative. A contract for personal services to be furnished to the participant by a relative is presumed to be made for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid. The asset transfer penalty applies unless the participant shows that:
03. Transfer of Income or Resources. Transfer of income or resources includes reducing or eliminating the participant's ownership or control of the asset.
04. Transfer of Income or Resources by a Spouse. A transfer by the participant's spouse of either spouse's income or resources, before eligibility is established, subjects the participant to the asset transfer penalty. After the participant's eligibility is established, a transfer by the spouse of the spouse's own income or resources does not subject the participant to the asset transfer penalty.
05. Transfer of Certain Notes and Loans. Funds used to purchase a promissory note, loan, or mortgage are considered a transferred asset which subjects the participant to a period of ineligibility. The amount of the asset transfer of such note, loan, or mortgage is the outstanding balance due on the date of the Medicaid application, unless the note, loan, or mortgage meets the following:
Effective July 1, 2024