Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
Persons listed below may purchase prepared meals with their Food Stamps at sites authorized to accept Food Stamps.
01. Older Persons Eating at Communal Dining Facility. Persons sixty (60) or older and their spouses, or persons who receive SSI and their spouses, can use Food Stamps to buy meals made for them at communal dining facilities authorized to accept Food Stamps.
02. Persons Unable to Prepare Meals Getting Meal Delivery Service. A person sixty (60) years of age or over, and a spouse, can elect to use Food Stamps to purchase meals from a nonprofit meal delivery service. A housebound, physically handicapped, or otherwise disabled person, unable to adequately prepare all meals, and a spouse, can elect to use Food Stamps to purchase meals from a nonprofit meal delivery service.
03. Resident Center. A resident of a residential treatment center for substance use disorders can use Food Stamps at the center. The person must be enrolled in a treatment and rehabilitation program operated by a nonprofit organization or institution.
04. Battered Women and Children. A resident of a shelter for battered women and children can use Food Stamps to purchase meals prepared by the shelter.
05. Homeless. A homeless Food Stamp participant can use Food Stamps to buy meals prepared by a homeless meal provider.
Effective July 1, 2024