Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
The household can choose a nonhousehold member to act as an authorized representative. The household can designate in writing another responsible household member or a responsible adult outside the household as an authorized representative. An adult employee of an authorized substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation center, or an authorized group living arrangement center, may act as an authorized representative for the household. Conditions for an authorized representative are:
01. Designating Authorized Representative. Households may designate an authorized representative to act on behalf of a household to apply for, receive, or use food stamps. The authorized representative should be aware of household circumstances.
02. Persons Who Cannot Be an Authorized Representative. Persons with a conflict of interest may not act as an authorized representative without the Department's written approval. The field office supervisor must determine if no one else is available and give written approval. Persons with a conflict of interest are listed below:
03. Department Responsibilities. The Department will:
04. Authorized Representative Removed. The Department may remove an authorized representative for up to one (1) year if the person knowingly gives false information, or improperly uses the Food Stamps. This provision does not apply to substance use disorder centers and group homes. Written notice must be sent to the household and the authorized representative thirty (30) days before the penalty begins. The notice must list:
05. Authorized Representatives for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers and Group Homes. Substance use disorder treatment centers and the heads of group living arrangements that act as authorized representatives for their residents, and which intentionally misrepresent households' circumstances, may be prosecuted under applicable federal and state statutes for their acts.
Effective July 1, 2024