Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of

Universal Citation: ID Admin Code

Current through September 2, 2024

01. Migrant Farmworker Household. Has a member who travels from community to community to do agricultural work.

02. Minimum Utility Allowance (MUA). Utility deduction given to a food stamp household that has a cost for one (1) utility that is not heating, cooling, or telephone.

03. Nonexempt. A household member who must register for work and participate in the JSAP program.

04. Nonprofit Meal Delivery Service. A political subdivision or a private nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers meals and is authorized to accept Food Stamps.

05. Overissuance. The amount Food Stamps issued exceeds the Food Stamps a household was eligible to receive.

06. Parental Control. Means that an adult household member has a minor in the household who is dependent financially or otherwise on the adult. Minors living with children of their own are not under parental control.

07. Participant. A person who receives Food Stamp benefits.

08. Program. The Food Stamp Program created under the Food Stamp Act and administered in Idaho by the Department.

09. Recertification. A recertification is a process for determining ongoing eligibility for Food Stamps.

10. Retail Food Store. For Food Stamp purposes means:

a. An establishment, or recognized department of an establishment, or a house-to-house food trade route, whose food sales volume is more than fifty percent (50%) staple food items for home preparation and consumption.

b. Public or private communal dining facilities and meal delivery services.

c. Private nonprofit drug addict or alcohol treatment and rehabilitation programs.

d. Public or private nonprofit group living arrangements.

e. Public or private nonprofit shelters for battered women and children.

f. Private nonprofit cooperative food purchasing ventures, including those whose members pay for food prior to the receipt of the food.

g. A farmers' market.

h. An approved public or private nonprofit establishment that feeds homeless persons. The establishment must be approved by FNS.

11. Sanction. A penalty period when an individual is ineligible for Food Stamps.

12. Seasonal Farmworker Household. Has a member who does agricultural work of a seasonal or other temporary nature.

13. Self-Employment. The process of actively earning income directly from one's own business, trade, or profession. To be considered self-employed, a person is responsible for obtaining or providing a service or product that generates, or is expected to generate, income.

14. Spouse. Persons who are legally married under Idaho law.

15. Standard Utility Allowance (SUA). Utility deduction given to a food stamp household that has a cost for heating or cooling.

16. State. Any of the fifty (50) States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands of the United States.

17. Student. An individual between the ages of eighteen (18) and fifty (50), physically and intellectually fit, and enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education. An institution of higher education usually requires a high school or general equivalency diploma for enrollment. This includes colleges, universities, and vocational or technical schools at the post-secondary school level.

18. Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program. Any drug or alcohol rehabilitation program conducted by a private nonprofit organization or institution or a publicly operated community mental health center under Part B of Title XIX of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 300x, et seq.). Indian reservation-based centers may qualify if FNS requirements are met and the program is funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse under Public Law 91-616 or was transferred to Indian Health Service funding.

19. Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Monthly cash payments under Title XVI of the Social Security Act. Payments include state or federally administered supplements.

20. Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE). The federal automated system that provides immigration status needed to determine an applicant's eligibility for many public benefits, including Food Stamps.

21. Telephone Utility Allowance (TUA). Utility deduction given to a Food Stamp household that has a cost for telephone services and no other utilities.

22. Timely Notice. Notice that is mailed electronically, at least ten (10) days before the effective date of an action taken by the Department.

23. Tribal General Assistance. Cash, excluding in-kind assistance, financed by federal, state, or local government and provided to cover living expenses or other basic needs.

24. Verification. Third party data or documents used to prove the accuracy of information used to make an eligibility determination.

25. Verified Upon Receipt. Information received from certain authorized automated system matches that are considered automatically verified unless questionable.

26. Written Notice. Correspondence that is generated by any method including handwritten, typed, or electronic, delivered to the customer by hand, U.S. Mail, professional delivery service, or by any electronic means. The terms "notice" and "written notice" are used interchangeably.

Effective July 1, 2024

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