Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT). A method of issuing Food Stamps to an eligible household.
02. Eligible Foods. Any food or food product for human consumption excluding alcohol, tobacco, and hot food products ready for immediate consumption. Eligible foods also include garden seeds and plants to grow food for human consumption.
03. Eligible Household. A household living in Idaho and meeting the eligibility criteria in these rules.
04. Exempt. A household member who is not required to register for, or participate in, the JSAP program is exempt. A household member who is not required to register for work is exempt.
05. Extended Certification Household (EC). A household in which all members are elderly or disabled, and no one has earned income.
06. Fair Hearing. A fair hearing in an appeal of a Department decision.
07. Federal Fiscal Year (FFY). The period from October 1 to September 30.
08. Field Office. A Department service delivery site.
09. Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The federal entity under the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) that administers the Food Stamp program.
10. Group Living Arrangement. A public or private nonprofit residential setting serving no more than sixteen (16) residents. The residents are blind or disabled and receiving benefits under Title II or XVI of the Social Security Act, certified by the Department under Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act, or under standards determined by the Secretary of USDA to be comparable to Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act.
11. Homeless Person. A person:
12. Homeless Meal Provider. A public or private nonprofit establishment or a profit-making restaurant that provides meals to homeless people. The establishment or restaurant must be approved by the Department and authorized as a retail food store by FNS.
13. Identification Card. The card identifying the bearer as eligible to receive and use Food Stamps.
14. Inadvertent Household Error Claim (IHE). A claim resulting from an overissuance, caused by the household's misunderstanding or unintended error.
15. Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS). A system of information acquisition and exchange for income and eligibility verification which meets Section 1137 of the Social Security Act requirements.
16. Institution of Higher Education. Any institution that normally requires a high school diploma or equivalency certificate for enrollment. These institutions include colleges, universities, and business, vocational, technical, or trade schools at the post-secondary level.
17. Institution of Post-Secondary Education. Educational institutions normally requiring a high school diploma or equivalency certificate for enrollment or admits persons beyond the age of compulsory school attendance. The institution must be legally authorized by the state and provide a program of training to prepare students for gainful employment.
18. Legal Noncitizen. A qualified alien under 8 USC Section 1641(b).
19. Limited Utility Allowance (LUA). Utility deduction given to a food stamp household that has a cost for more than one (1) utility. This includes electricity and fuel for purposes other than heating or cooling, water, sewage, well and septic tank installation and maintenance, telephone, and garbage or trash collection.
Effective July 1, 2024