Current through September 2, 2024
In addition to the requirements detailed in the incorporated reference, Section B, the following is required with application for use of x-ray producing devices.
Responsible Authority. All applications must be signed by the responsible authority (RA) over the x-ray producing device. Required qualifications of the RA can be found in Section B.6c of the SSRCR.
Application For License. Application for license must be on forms furnished by the Radiation Control Agency and must contain:
a. Name of the owner, organization or person having administrative control and responsibility for use (responsible authority); and
b. Address and telephone number where the machine is located; and if the radiation producing machine is used as a mobile device, a central headquarters must be used.
c. A designation of the general category of use, such as dental, medical, industrial, veterinary, and research; and
d. The manufacturer, model number, and type of machine; and
e. Name of the radiation machine supplier, installer, and service agent.
f. Name of an individual to be responsible for radiation protection, when applicable.
Qualifications for Authorized Operation, Service, and Repair of X-ray Machines. The responsible authority must prohibit any person from operating, performing maintenance, or furnishing servicing or services to an x-ray producing machine under their authority that is not properly trained, certified, or licensed to do so. The responsible authority must obtain and retain documentation for a minimum of two (2) years that all operation, service, repair, and maintenance of x-ray producing machine(s) under their authority are done so by a qualified individual or entity.
Operator Qualifications. No individual will be permitted to act as an operator of a particular machine until such individual has received an acceptable amount of training in radiation safety as it applies to that machine and is approved by the Radiation Protection Supervisor or Radiation Safety Officer. Operators will be responsible for:
a. Keeping radiation exposure to himself and to others as low as is practical;
b. Being familiar with safety procedures as they apply to each machine;
c. Wearing of personnel monitoring devices, if applicable; and
d. Notifying the Radiation Protection Supervisor or Radiation Safety Officer of known or suspected excessive radiation exposures to himself or others.
Minimum Safety Requirements. Unless otherwise specified within these or the incorporated rules, the following are the minimum safety requirements for personnel acting as radiographers or radiographers assistants.
a. Licensees must not permit any individuals to act as radiographers as defined in these rules until such individuals:
i. Have received copies of and instructions in the licensee's operating and emergency procedures; and have demonstrated understanding thereof; and
ii. Have been instructed in the subjects outlined in Subsection 053.06 of this rule, and have demonstrated understanding thereof; and
iii. Have received copies of and instruction in the correct execution of these rules and have demonstrated understanding thereof; and
iv. Have demonstrated competence to use the specific radiation machine(s), related handling tools, and survey instruments that will be employed in their assignment.
v. Have demonstrated an understanding of the instructions in this section by successful completion of a written test and a field examination on the subjects covered.
b. Licensees must not permit any individuals to act as a radiographer's assistant as defined in these rules until such individuals:
vi. Have received copies of and instructions in the licensee's operating and emergency procedures; and have demonstrated understanding thereof; and
vii. Have demonstrated competence to use under the personal supervision of the radiographer the radiation machine(s) and radiation survey instrument(s) that will be employed in their assignment.
viii. Have demonstrated an understanding of the instructions in this section by successfully completing a written or oral test and a field examination on the subjects covered.
c. Records of the above training, including copies of written tests and dates of oral tests and field examinations, must be maintained for inspection by the Radiation Control Agency for three (3) years following termination of employment.
d. Each licensee must conduct an internal audit program to ensure that the Radiation Control Agency's conditions and the licensee's operating and emergency procedures are followed by each radiographer and radiographer's assistant. These internal audits must be performed at least quarterly, and each radiographer must be audited at least annually. Records of internal audits must be maintained for inspection by the Agency for two (2) years from the date of the audit.
Subjects to Be Covered During the Instruction of Radiographers.
a. Fundamentals of Radiation Safety, to include at least:
i. Characteristics of gamma and x-radiation;
ii. Units of radiation dose (millirem);
iii. Bioeffects of excessive exposure of radiation;
iv. Levels of radiation from radiation machines;
v. Methods of controlling radiation dose, including:
(2) Working distances; and
vi. Radiation Protection Standards;
b. Radiation Detection Instrumentation, to include at least:
i. Use of radiation surveys instruments, including:
iii. Use of Personnel Monitoring Equipment, including:
(2) Pocket dosimeters; and
c. Radiographic Equipment, to include operation and control of x-ray equipment;
d. The Requirements of Pertinent Federal regulations and State rules;
e. The Licensee's Written Operating and Emergency Procedures; and
f. Case histories of radiography accidents.
Modification, Revocation, and Termination of Licensees. In accordance with amendments to the Act, departmental rules or regulations, or orders issued by the Radiation Control Agency, the terms and conditions of all licenses are subject to amendment, revision, or modification, and are subject to suspension or revocation.
a. Any license can be revoked, suspended, modified, or denied, in whole or in part.
i. For any materially false statement:
(1) In the application; or
(2) In any statement of fact required under provisions of the Act or under these rules; or
ii. Because of conditions revealed:
(1) Within the application; any report, record, or inspection; or
(2) By any other means that would warrant the Radiation Control Agency to refuse to grant a license on an original application; or
iii. For violations of or failure to observe any of the terms and conditions:
(4) Of any regulation; or
(5) Of an order of the Radiation Control Agency.
b. Except in cases of willful violation or in which the public health, interest or safety requires otherwise, no license can be modified, suspended, or revoked unless such issues have been called to the attention of the licensee in writing and the licensee afforded the opportunity to demonstrate or achieve compliance with all lawful requirements.
Emergency Action. If the Radiation Control Program Director finds the public health, safety or welfare requires emergency action, the Director will incorporate findings in support of such action in a written notice of emergency revocation issued to the licensee. Emergency revocation is effective upon receipt by the licensee. Thereafter, if requested by the licensee in writing, the Director will provide the licensee a revocation hearing and prior notice thereof. Such hearings are conducted in accordance with IDAPA 16.05.03, "Contested Case Proceedings and Declaratory Rulings."
Effective March 15, 2022