Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
In addition to the applicable definitions in Section 56-1012, Idaho Code, and IDAPA 16.01.02, "Emergency Medical Services (EMS) -- Rule Definitions," the following are used in these rules:
01. Credentialed EMS Personnel. Individuals authorized to provide medical care by the EMS medical director, hospital supervising physician, or medical clinic supervising physician.
02. Credentialing. The local process by which licensed EMS personnel are authorized to provide medical care in the out-of-hospital, hospital, and medical clinic setting, including the determination of a local scope of practice.
03. Designated Clinician. A Physician Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner designated by the EMS medical director, hospital supervising physician, or medical clinic supervising physician responsible for direct (on-line) medical supervision of licensed EMS personnel in the temporary absence of the EMS medical director.
04. Direct (On-Line) Supervision. Contemporaneous instructions and directives about a specific patient encounter provided by a physician or designated clinician to licensed EMS personnel providing medical care.
05. Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Under Section 56-1012(12), Idaho Code, emergency medical services or EMS is aid rendered by an individual or group of individuals who do the following:
06. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Bureau. The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Preparedness for the Department.
07. Emergency Medical Services) Physician Commission (EMSPC). The Idaho Emergency Medical Services Physician Commission as created under Section 56-1013A, Idaho Code.
08. EMS Agency. An organization licensed by the EMS Bureau to provide emergency medical services in Idaho.
09. EMS Medical Director. A physician who supervises the medical activities of licensed personnel affiliated with an EMS agency.
10. Hospital. A facility in Idaho licensed under Sections 39-1301 through 39-1314, Idaho Code, and defined in Section 39-1301(a)(1), Idaho Code.
11. Hospital Supervising Physician. A physician who supervises the medical activities of licensed EMS personnel while employed or utilized for delivery of services in a hospital.
12. Indirect (Off-Line) Supervision. The medical supervision provided by a physician to licensed EMS personnel who are providing medical care including EMS system design, education, quality management, patient care guidelines, medical policies, and compliance.
13. License. A license issued by the EMS Bureau to an individual for a specified period indicating that minimum standards corresponding to one (1) of several levels of EMS proficiency have been met.
14. Licensed EMS Personnel. Individuals who possess a valid license issued by the EMS Bureau.
15. Medical Clinic. A place devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for outpatient medical, surgical, and emergency care of acute and chronic conditions or injury.
16. Medical Clinic Supervising Physician. A physician who supervises the medical activities of licensed EMS personnel while employed or utilized for delivery of services in a medical clinic.
17. Medical Supervision. The advice and direction provided by, or under the direction of a physician, to licensed EMS personnel who are providing medical care, including direct and indirect supervision.
18. Medical Supervision Plan. The written document describing the provisions for medical supervision of licensed EMS personnel.
19. Nurse Practitioner. An Advanced Practice Professional Nurse, licensed as a Nurse Practitioner, under IDAPA 24.34.01, "Rules of the Idaho Board of Nursing."
20. Out-of-Hospital. Any setting outside of a hospital, including inter-facility transfers, in which the provision of emergency medical services may take place.
21. Physician. Under Section 54-1803, Idaho Code, a person who holds a current active license issued by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or osteopathic medicine in Idaho and is in good standing with no restriction upon, or actions taken against, their license.
22. Physician Assistant. A person who meets the requirements to practice as a licensed physician assistant under Title 54, Chapter 18, Idaho Code, and IDAPA 24.33.02, "Rules for the Licensure of Physician Assistants."
Effective July 1, 2024