Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Formative Evaluation. Assessment, including diagnostic testing, that is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process.
02. Glasgow Coma Score (GCS). A scale used to determine a patient's level of consciousness. It is a rating from three (3) to fifteen (15) of the patient's ability to open their eyes, respond verbally, and move normally. The GCS is used primarily during the examination of patients with trauma or stroke.
03. Ground Transport Time. The total elapsed time calculated from departure of the ambulance from the scene to arrival of the ambulance at the patient destination.
04. Hospital. A facility in Idaho licensed under Sections 39-1301 through 39-1314, Idaho Code, and defined in Section 39-1301(a)(1), Idaho Code.
05. Instructor. Person who assists a student in the learning process and meets the requirements to obtain instructor certification.
06. Instructor Certification. A credential issued to an individual by the EMS Bureau for a specified period of time indicating that minimum standards for providing EMS instruction under IDAPA 16.01.05, "Emergency Medical Services (EMS) -- Education, Instructor, and Examination Requirements," have been met.
07. Intermediate Life Support (ILS). The provision of medical care, medication administration, and treatment with medical devices that correspond to the knowledge and skill objectives in the AEMT curriculum currently approved by the State Health Officer and within the scope of practice defined in IDAPA 16.02.02, "Idaho Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Physician Commission," by persons licensed as AEMTs by the EMS Bureau.
08. Investigation. Research of the facts concerning a complaint or issue of non-compliance that may include performing or obtaining interviews, inspections, document review, detailed subject history, phone calls, witness statements, other evidence, and collaboration with other jurisdictions of authority.
09. License. A document issued by the EMS Bureau to an agency or individual authorizing specified activities and conditions under Sections 56-1011 through 56-1023, Idaho Code.
10. Licensed Personnel. Those individuals who are licensed by the EMS Bureau as Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT), and Paramedics.
11. Licensed Professional Nurse. A person who meets all the applicable requirements and is licensed to practice as a Licensed Professional Nurse under Sections 54-1401 through 54-1418, Idaho Code.
12. Local Incident Management System. The local system of interagency communications, command, and control established to manage emergencies or demonstrate compliance with the National Incident Management System.
13. Medical Supervision Plan. The written document describing the provisions for medical supervision of licensed EMS personnel.
14. National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS). The national repository used to store national EMS data that sets the uniform data conventions and structure for the Data Dictionary and collects and provides aggregate data available for analysis and research through its technical assistance center accessed at
15. National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). An independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization that prepares validated examinations for the state's use in evaluating candidates for licensure.
16. Non-Transport Service. An EMS agency that provides emergency medical care, but does not transport patients and does not respond to 911 calls or respond to calls using emergency driving procedures unless requested by CECS, PSAP, or a 911 Response agency.
17. Non-Transport Service Type. An agency that is licensed as a non-transport service type, is not intended for patient transport or transfers, and cannot advertise ambulance services.
18. Non-Transport Vehicle. Any vehicle operated by an agency with the intent to provide personnel or equipment for medical stabilization at an emergency scene, but not intended as the vehicle that will actually transport sick or injured persons.
19. Nurse Practitioner. An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, licensed in the category of Nurse Practitioner, under IDAPA 24.34.01, "Rules of the Idaho Board of Nursing."
Effective July 1, 2024