Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Section - PERMITS
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Request for Permits. Request for the permits required under Section 100 are to be in writing, by telephone or facsimile and set forth the name and address of the owner of the animals offered for movement into the state of Idaho, the number and class of sheep and goats to be brought in, the destination, the name and address of the consignee, and the approximate date and place of entry. A copy of the permit, or permit number written on the face of the waybill or certificate of veterinary inspection accompanying movement, will be shown to a representative of the Board or any law enforcement officer of the state, county, or municipality of the state of Idaho upon request.
02. Certificates of Veterinary Inspection to Be Furnished. Copies of the certificates of veterinary inspection from the point of origin must accompany the shipment and include a copy of the permit or the permit number written on the face of the certificate of veterinary inspection and will be shown to a representative of the Board or any law enforcement officer of the state, county, or municipality of the state of Idaho upon request, and a copy forwarded to the Idaho Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Industries, c/o Idaho Sheep and Goat Health Board, P.O. Box 7249, Boise, Idaho 83707, immediately after issuance for sheep and goats entering the state of Idaho.
03. Inspection Fees. An inspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100) per incidence, plus mileage, will be paid on all sheep and goats exported from or imported into Idaho in violation of these rules. Such incidences require an inspection of animals, certificates of veterinary inspection and permit.
04. Examination and Treatment Fees. The Board may assess a fee on sheep and goat producers who receive services from the Board or its representatives, such as examination and treatment of animals for diseases or parasites. The fees assessed are not to exceed the actual costs for the services rendered.
Effective March 23, 2023