Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Subchapter A - PURE SEED
Current through September 2, 2024
The kinds of flower seeds listed below are those for which standard testing procedures have been prescribed by the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) and that are required by the labeling provisions of Section 22-415, Idaho Code. The percentage listed opposite each kind is the germination standard for that kind. For the kinds marked with an asterisk, the percentage is arrived at by totaling the percent germination and percent hard seed.
01. Table 1.
Kind |
Percent |
Achillea (The Pearl) - Achillea ptarmica |
50 |
African Daisy - Dimorphotheca aurantiaca |
55 |
African Violet - Saintpaulia spp. |
30 |
Ageratum - Ageratum mexicanum |
60 |
Agrostemma (rose champion) - Agrostemma coronaria |
65 |
Alyssum - Alyssum campactum, A. maritimum, A. procumbens, A. saxatile |
60 |
Amaranthus - Amaranthus spp. |
65 |
Anagalis (pimpernel) - Anagalis arvensis, Anagalis coerulia, Anagalis grandiflora |
60 |
Anemone - Anemone coronaria, A. pulsatilla |
55 |
Angel's Trumpet - Datura arborea |
60 |
Arabis - Arabis alpina |
60 |
Arctotis (African lilac daisy) - Arctotis grandis |
45 |
Armeria - Armeria formosa |
55 |
Asparagus, fern - Asparagus plumosus |
50 |
Asparagus, sprenger - Asparagus sprengeri |
55 |
Aster, China - Callistephus chinensis; except Pompon, Powderpuff, and Princess types |
55 |
Aster, China - Callistephus chinensis; Pompon, Powderpuff, and Princess types |
50 |
Aubretia - Aubretia deltoides |
45 |
Baby Smilax - Asparagus asparagoides |
25 |
Balsam - Impatiens balsamina |
70 |
Begonia - Begonia fibrous rooted |
60 |
Begonia - Begonia tuberous rooted |
50 |
Bells of Ireland - Molucella laevis |
60 |
Brachycome (swan river daisy) - Brachycome iberidifolia |
60 |
Browallia - Browallia elata and B. speciosa |
65 |
Buphthalum (sunwheel) - Buphthalum salicifolium |
60 |
Calceolaria - Calceolaria spp. |
60 |
Calendula - Calendula officinalis |
65 |
California Poppy - Eschscholtzia californica |
60 |
Calliopsis - Coreopsis bicolor, C. drummondi, C. elegans |
65 |
Campanula: |
Canterbury Bells - Campanula medium |
60 |
Cup and Saucer Bellflower - Campanula medium calycanthema |
60 |
Carpathian Bellflower - Campanula carpatica |
50 |
Peach Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia |
50 |
Candytuft, Annual - Iberis amara, I. umbellata |
65 |
Candytuft, Perennial - Iberis gibraltarica, I. sempervirens |
55 |
*Castor Bean - Ricinus communis |
60 |
Cathedral Bells - Cobaea scandens |
65 |
Celosia - Celosia argentea |
65 |
Centaurea: | |
Basket Flower - Centaurea americana, Cornflower - C. cyanus, Dusty Miller - C. candidissima, Royal Centaurea - C. imperialis, Sweet Sultan - C. moschata, Velvet Centaurea - C. gymnocarpa |
60 |
Cerastium (snow-in-summer) - Cerastium biebersteini and C. tomentosum |
65 |
Chinese Forget-me-not - Cynoglossum amabile |
55 |
Chrysanthemum, Annual - Chrysanthemum carinatum, C. coronarium, C. segetum |
40 |
Cineraria - Senecio cruentus |
60 |
Clarkia - Clarkia elegans |
65 |
Cleome - Cleome gigantea |
65 |
Coleus - Coleus blumei |
65 |
Columbine - Aquilegia spp. |
50 |
Coral Bells - Heuchera sanguinea |
55 |
Coreopsis, Perennial - Coreopsis lanceolata |
40 |
Corn, ornamental - Zea mays |
75 |
Cosmos: | |
Sensation, Mammoth and Crested types - Cosmos bipinnatus; Klondyke type - C. sulhureus |
65 |
Crossandra - (Crossandra infundibuliformis) |
50 |
Dahlia - Dahlia spp. |
55 |
Daylily - Hemerocallis spp. |
45 |
Delphinium, Perennial: |
Belladonna and Bellamosum types; Cardinal Larkspur - Delphinium cardinale; Chinensis types; Pacific Giant, Gold Medal and other hybrids of D. elatum |
55 |
Dianthus: | |
Carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus |
60 |
China Pinks - Dianthus chinensis, heddewigi, heddensis |
70 |
Grass Pinks - Dianthus plumarius |
60 |
Maiden Pinks - Dianthus deltoides |
60 |
Sweet William - Dianthus barbatus |
70 |
Sweet Wivelsfield - Dianthus allwoodi |
60 |
Didiscus - (blue lace flower) - Didiscus coerulea |
65 |
Doronicum (leopard's bane) - Doronicum caucasicum |
60 |
Dracaena - Dracaena indivisa |
55 |
Dragon Tree - Dracaena draco |
40 |
English Daisy - Bellis perennis |
55 |
Flax - | |
Golden flax (Linum flavum); Flowering flax L. grandiflorum; Perennial flax, L. perenne |
60 |
Flowering Maple - Abutilon spp. |
35 |
Foxglove - Digitalis spp. |
60 |
Gaillardia, Annual - | |
Gaillardia pulchella; G. picta; Perennial - G. grandiflora |
45 |
Gerbera (transvaal daisy) - Gerbera jamesoni |
60 |
Geum - Geum spp. |
55 |
Gilia - Gilia spp. |
65 |
Gloriosa daisy (rudbeckia) - Echinacea purpurea and Rudbeckia hirta |
60 |
Gloxinia - (Sinningia speciosa) |
40 |
Godetia - Godetia amoena, G. grandiflora |
65 |
Gourds: Yellow Flowered - Cucurbita pepo; White Flowered - Lagenaria sisceraria; Dishcloth - Luffa cylindrica |
70 |
Gypsophila: Annual Baby's Breath - Gypsophila elegans; Perennial Baby's Breath - G. paniculata, G. pacifica, G. repens |
70 |
Helenium - Helenium autumnale |
40 |
Helichrysum - Helichrysum monstrosum |
60 |
Heliopsis - Heliopsis scabra |
55 |
Heliotrope - Heliotropium spp. |
35 |
Helipterum (Acroclinium) - Helipterum roseum |
60 |
Hesperis (sweet rocket) - Hesperis matronalis |
65 |
*Hollyhock - Althea rosea |
65 |
Hunnemania (Mexican tulip poppy) - Hunnemania fumariaefolia |
60 |
*Hyacinth bean - Dolichos lablab |
70 |
Impatiens - Impatiens holstii, I. sultani |
55 |
*Ipomea - Cypress Vine - Ipomea quamoclit; Moonflower - I. noctiflora; Morning Glories, Cardinal Climber, Hearts and Honey Vine - Ipomea spp. |
75 |
Jerusalem cross (maltese cross) - Lychnis chalcedonica |
70 |
Job's Tears - Coix lacrymajobi |
70 |
Kochia - Kochia childsi |
55 |
Larkspur, Annual - Delphinium ajacis |
60 |
Lantana - Lantana camara, L. hybrida |
35 |
Lilium (regal lily) - Lilium regale |
50 |
Linaria - Linaria spp. |
65 |
Lobelia, Annual - Lobelia erinus |
65 |
Lunaria, Annual - Lunaria annua |
65 |
*Lupine - Lupinus spp. |
65 |
Marigold - Tagetes spp. |
65 |
Marvel of Peru - Mirabilis jalapa |
60 |
Matricaria (feverfew) - Matricaria spp. |
60 |
Mignonette - Reseda odorata |
55 |
Myosotis - Myosotis alpestris, M. oblongata, M. palustris |
50 |
Nasturtium - Tropaeolum spp. |
60 |
Nemesia - Nemesia spp. |
65 |
Nemophila - Nemophila insignis |
70 |
Nemophila, spotted - Nemophila maculata |
60 |
Nicotiana - Nicotiana affinis, N. sanderae, N. sylvestris |
65 |
Nierembergia - Nierembergia spp. |
55 |
Nigella - Nigella damascena |
55 |
Pansy - Viola tricolor |
60 |
Penstemon - Penstemon barbatus, P. grandiflorus, P. laevigatus, P. pubescens |
60 |
Petunia - Petunia spp. |
45 |
Phacelia - Phacelia campanularia, P. minor, P. tanacetifolia |
65 |
Phlox, Annual - Phlox drummondi all types and varieties |
55 |
Physalis - Physalis spp. |
60 |
Platycodon (balloon flower) - Platycodon grandiflorum |
60 |
Plumbago, cape - Plumbago capensis |
50 |
Ponytail - Beaucarnea recurvata |
40 |
Poppy: |
Shirley Poppy - Papaver rhoeas; Iceland Poppy - P. nudicaule; Oriental Poppy - P. orientale; Tulip Poppy - P. glaucum |
60 |
Portulace - Portulace grandiflora |
55 |
Primula (Primrose) - Primula spp. |
50 |
Pyrethrum (painted daisy) - Pyrethrum coccineum |
60 |
Salpiglossis - Salpiglossis gloxinaeflora, S. sinuata |
60 |
Salvia: |
Scarlet Sage - Salvia splendens; Mealycup Sage (blue bedder) - Salvia farinacea |
50 |
Saponaria - Saponaria ocymoides, S. vaccaria |
60 |
Scabiosa, Annual - Scabiosa atropurpurea |
50 |
Scabiosa, Perennial - Scabiosa caucasica |
40 |
Schizanthus - Schizanthus spp. |
60 |
*Sensitive plant (mimosa) - Mimosa pudica |
65 |
Shasta Daisy - Chrysanthemum maximum, C. leucanthemum |
65 |
Silk Oak - Grevillea robusta |
25 |
Snapdragon - Antirrhinum spp. |
55 |
Solanum - Solanum spp. |
60 |
Statice - Statice sinuata, S. suworonii (flower heads) |
50 |
Stocks: Common - Mathiola incana; Evening Scented - Mathiola bicornis |
65 |
Sunflower - Helianthus spp. |
70 |
Sunrose - Helianthemum spp. |
30 |
*Sweet Pea, Annual and Perennial other than dwarf bush - Lathyrus odoratus, L. latifolius |
75 |
*Sweet Pea, dwarf bush - Lathyrus odoratus |
65 |
Tahoka daisy - Machaeanthera tanacetifolia |
60 |
Thunbergia - Thunbergia alata |
60 |
Torch Flower - Tithonia speciosa |
70 |
Torenia (wishbone flower) - Torenia fournieri |
70 |
Tritoma Kniphofia spp. |
65 |
Verbena, Annual - Verbena hybrida |
35 |
Vinca - Vinca rosea |
60 |
Viola - Viola cornuta |
55 |
Virginian stocks - Malcolmia maritima |
65 |
Wallflower - Cheiranthus allioni |
65 |
Yucca (Adam's needle) - Yucca filamentosa |
50 |
Zinnia (except Linearis and Creeping) - Zinnia angustifolia, Z. elegans, Z. grandiflora, Z. gracillima, Z. haegeana, Z. multiflora, Z. pumila |
65 |
Zinnia, Linearis and Creeping - Zinnia linearis, Sanvitalia procumbens |
50 |
All other kinds |
50 |
02. Below Standard. A mixture of kinds of flower seeds will be considered to be below standard if the germination of any kind or combination of kinds constituting twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the mixture by number is below standard for the kind or kinds involved.
Effective March 15, 2022