Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
The following definitions apply in the interpretation and enforcement of Subchapter A, Sections 104 -203 only:
01. Approved Laboratory. A soil testing laboratory with a valid certification from the North American Proficiency Testing Program under the auspices of the Soil Science Society of America.
02. Certified Soil Sampler. A person who has completed a Department approved soil sampler certification program and has received written certification from the Department.
03. Nutrient Management Plan. A plan prepared in conformance with the Nutrient Management Standard for managing the amount, source, placement, form, and timing of the land application of nutrients and soil amendments for plant production.
04. Nutrient Management Standard. Beef cattle animal feeding operations, the Nutrient Management Standard is the 1999 publication by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Practice Standard, Nutrient Management Code 590 or other standard approved by the Director. For poultry concentrated animal feeding operations, the Nutrient Management Standard is the 2007 publication by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Practice Standard, Nutrient Management Code 590 or other standard approved by the director. For dairies, the Nutrient Management Standard is (a) the 1999 Idaho NRCS Nutrient Management Standard 590; (b) the Idaho Phosphorus Site Index, or (c) other standard approved by the Director, pursuant to Idaho Code § 37-606(2).
05. Operation(s). Animal feeding operation(s).
06. Resource Concerns. Surface water runoff that leaves the operation from normal storm events, rain or snow, frozen ground or irrigation; and ground water concerns on the operation from a high water table, fractured bedrock, cobbles, gravel, course textured soils or other environmental considerations such as tile drains or shallow soils that are conducive for the downward movement of water and associated nutrients.
Effective July 1, 2024