Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
The Trichomoniasis testing season begins on September 1 of each year and continues until August 31 of the succeeding year. All bulls within the state of Idaho shall be tested negative for Trichomoniasis before being allowed to come into contact with female cattle or by April 15 of each Trichomoniasis testing season, whichever occurs first, except:
01. Bulls in Public Grazing Allotments. Bulls that are to be turned out on public grazing allotments shall be tested for Trichomoniasis by April 15 of each Trichomoniasis testing season or prior to turnout, which ever occurs first.
02. Virgin Bulls. All bulls native to Idaho that are less than twenty-four (24) months of age and have never serviced a cow are exempt from the Trichomoniasis testing requirements.
03. Dairy Bulls. All dairy bulls in dry lot operations are exempt from the Trichomoniasis testing requirements. Dairy bulls that are pastured or grazed must meet the Trichomoniasis testing requirements.
04. Bulls Consigned to Slaughter or to an Approved Feedlot. Bulls consigned directly to slaughter at an approved slaughter establishment or to an approved feedlot are exempt from testing requirements.
05. Extension of Testing Deadline. The Administrator may grant an extension of time beyond April 15 to accomplish Trichomoniasis testing after the owner submits a written request, outlining the reasons for the extension and requested length of extension, to the Division of Animal Industries.
Effective April 6, 2023