Dairy Plant's Sampling and Testing Responsibilities. All milk shipped for processing or intended to be processed on the Dairy Farm where it was produced will be sampled and tested, prior to processing, for beta lactam drug residue or other drugs as determined by the Department. Collection, handling and testing of samples shall be done according to procedures established by the Department.
a. When so specified by the US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all milk shipped for processing, or intended to be processed on the Dairy Farm where it was produced, will be sampled and tested, prior to processing, for other drug residues under a random drug sampling program. A random drug sampling program may be conducted at a frequency determined by the Department.
b. When the Commissioner of the FDA determines that a potential problem exists with an animal drug residue or other contaminant in the milk supply, a sampling and testing program will be conducted, as determined by the FDA.
c. Dairy Plants shall analyze samples for beta lactams and other drug residues by methods evaluated by OMA and accepted by the FDA as effective in determining compliance with established "safe levels" or tolerances. "Safe levels" and tolerances for particular drugs are established and amended by the FDA.
d. Individual Producer sampling.
i. Bulk Milk. A milk sample for beta lactam drug residue testing shall be taken at each farm and will include milk from each Dairy Farm Tank.
ii. Can Milk. A milk sample for beta lactam drug residue testing shall be performed separately at the receiving Dairy Plant for each can milk Producer included in a delivery, and be representative of all milk received from the Producer.
iii. Producer Dairy Plant. For those Producers who also have a licensed Dairy Plant, a milk sample for beta lactam drug residue testing shall be performed on each batch of milk to be processed.
e. Load sampling and testing.
i. Bulk milk. A load sample shall be taken from the Transport Tank after its arrival at the Dairy Plant and prior to further commingling.
ii. Can milk. A load sample representing all of the milk received on a shipment shall be formed at the plant, using a sampling procedure that includes milk from every can on the vehicle.
iii. Producer Dairy Plant. A load sample shall be tested at the Dairy Plant using a sampling procedure that includes all milk produced and received.
f. Sample and record retention. A load sample that tests positive for drug residue shall be retained according to guidelines established by the Department. The records of all sample test results shall be retained for a period of not less than twelve (12) months.
g. Dairy Plant follow-up.
i. When a load sample or individual Producer sample tests positive for drug residue, Dairy Plant personnel shall notify the Department immediately, of the positive test result and of the intended disposition of the shipment of milk containing the drug residue. All milk testing positive for drug residue shall be disposed of in a manner that removes it from the human or animal food chain, except when acceptably reconditioned under FDA compliance policy guidelines.
ii. Each individual Producer sample represented in the positive-testing load sample shall be individually tested as directed by the Department to determine the Producer of the milk sample testing positive for drug residue. Identification of the Producer responsible for producing the milk testing positive for drug residue, and details of the final disposition of the shipment of milk containing the drug residue, shall be reported immediately to the Department.
iii. Milk shipment from the Producer identified as the source of milk testing positive for drug residue shall cease immediately and may resume only after a sample from a subsequent milking does not test positive for drug residue.
Department's Monitoring and Surveillance Responsibilities. The Department will monitor the Dairy Plant's drug residue program by conducting unannounced on-site inspections to observe testing and sampling procedures and to collect samples for comparison drug residue testing. In addition, the Department will review industry records for compliance with these rules. The review will seek to determine that:
a. Each Producer is included in a routine, effective drug residue milk monitoring program utilizing FDA-approved methods to test samples for the presence of drug residue;
b. The Department receives prompt notification from industry personnel of each occurrence of a sample testing positive for drug residue, and of the identity of each Producer identified as a source of milk testing positive for drug residue;
c. The Department receives prompt notification from industry personnel of the intended and final disposition of milk testing positive for drug residue, and that disposal of the load is conducted in a manner that removes it from the human or animal food chain, except when acceptably reconditioned under FDA compliance policy guidelines; and
d. Milk shipment from a Producer identified as a source of milk testing positive for drug residue completely and immediately ceases until a milk sample taken from the dairy herd does not test positive for drug residue.
Enforcement. If a Producer ships milk testing positive for drug residue three (3) times within a twelve (12) month period, the Department may initiate procedures to suspend the Producer's milk shipping privileges.