Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
In addition to the definitions found in Idaho Code Sections 25-239 and 25-802, the definitions in Section 110 apply in the interpretation and enforcement of Subchapter A only:
01. Accredited Veterinarian. A veterinarian approved by the Administrator and USDA/APHIS/VS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Part 161, Code of Federal Regulations, to perform functions of State-Federal animal disease control programs.
02. Animal. Any vertebrate member of the animal kingdom, except man.
03. Approved Pseudorabies Vaccine. Any pseudorabies vaccine produced under current USDA license and intended for immunizing swine against pseudorabies.
04. Cachexia. Weakness and emaciation caused by a serious disease such as tuberculosis or cancer.
05. Epithelioma. Cancer or tumor.
06. Equidae. Horses, ponies, mules, asses, and zebras.
07. Exposed Livestock. Any livestock that have been in contact with an animal infected with, or affected by, any contagious, infectious or communicable disease, including all livestock in a known infected herd.
08. Gamebirds. Domesticated gallinaceous fowl such as pheasants, partridge, quail, grouse, and guineas.
09. Garbage. Putrescible animal and vegetable waste containing animal parts resulting from the handling, preparation, processing, cooking or consumption of foods.
10. Hatching Eggs. Fertilized eggs.
11. Herd. A herd is any group of livestock maintained on common ground for any purpose, or two (2) or more groups of livestock under common ownership or supervision, geographically separated, but which have an interchange or movement of animals without regard to whether the animals are infected with or exposed to contagious, infectious, or communicable animal diseases.
12. Infected Livestock. Any livestock determined to be infected with a contagious infectious, of communicable disease by an official test or diagnostic procedure, or diagnosed by a veterinarian as infected.
13. Interstate Movement. Movements of livestock and poultry from Idaho into any other state, territory or the District of Columbia or from any other state, territory or the District of Columbia into Idaho.
14. Intrastate Movement. Movement of any animal from one location to another location within Idaho.
15. Known Infected Herd. Any herd in which any livestock has been determined to be infected with contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases by an official test or diagnostic procedure, or diagnosed by a veterinarian as being infected.
16. Livestock. Swine, cattle, sheep, goats, equidae, domestic bison, domestic cervidae, camelids, ratites, and other domestically raised animals.
17. Necrosis. Death of tissue.
18. Negative. An animal that has been tested with official test procedures and is found to be negative.
19. Neoplastic Tissue. New growth or tissue associated with a tumor.
20. Official Pseudorabies Test. Any test for the diagnosis of pseudorabies that has been approved by USDA/APHIS and is conducted by a state/federal approved laboratory.
21. Orbital Region. The cavity containing the eye and surrounding bones.
22. Positive. An animal that has been tested and found positive with official disease test procedures and is considered infected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease.
23. Poultry. Domesticated fowl, including chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, and gamebirds.
24. Pseudorabies. The contagious, infectious, and communicable disease of livestock and other animals also known as Aujeszky's disease, mad itch or infectious paralysis.
25. Quarantine. A written order, or a verbal order followed by a written order, executed by the Administrator, to confine or hold animals on a premise or any other location, and to prevent movement of animals from a premise or any other location when the Administrator has determined that the animals have been found or are suspected to be exposed to or infected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, or the animals are not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
26. Quarantined Area. The counties, areas, or districts, portions thereof, quarantined by the Division of Animal Industries for specific contagious, infectious, or communicable animal diseases.
27. Quarantined. Isolation of all animals diseased or exposed thereto, from contact with healthy animals and exclusion of such healthy animals from enclosures or grounds where said diseased or exposed animals are, or have been kept.
28. Ratites. Large, non-flying birds including, but not limited to ostriches, emus, cassowaries, and rheas.
29. Registered Veterinarians. Veterinarians registered with, and approved by, the Division of Animal Industries to collect Trichomoniasis samples for official Trichomoniasis culture testing.
30. Restrain. The confinement of livestock, or other animals, in a chute, or other device, for the purpose of efficiently, effectively, and safely inspecting, treating, vaccinating, or testing, as approved by the Administrator.
31. Stockyards. A facility where trading in livestock is carried on, where yarding, feeding and watering places are provided by the stockyards or transportation companies, or where livestock associations or similar companies maintain corrals for feeding, shearing, dipping and separating animals.
32. Suppuration. The formation of pus.
33. Suspect. An animal that has a response to an official test, but the response is not sufficient to determine the disease status of the animal tested.
34. Swine. All breeds of domestic porcine and all wild and exotic porcine.
35. Swine Feedlot. Premises designed and used exclusively for the finish feeding of swine, from which the swine will be moved directly to slaughter.
36. Waterfowl. Domesticated fowl that normally swim such as ducks and geese.
37. Wildfowl. Wild gallinaceous fowl, turkeys, and waterfowl.
Effective March 15, 2022