Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of

Universal Citation: ID Admin Code

Current through September 2, 2024

To obtain a professional applicator's license an applicant must:

01. Submit Application. Submit an application prescribed by the Department with applicable fee (Section 280).

02. Demonstrate Competence.

a. All professional applicators must pass the Applicator Core Competency exam in addition to any other category. Professional applicators may only, make pesticide recommendations, or make pesticide applications for any purpose for which they have demonstrated competence. Competence is demonstrated by passing Department examinations and becoming licensed in categories described in Subsection 100.04.

b. An applicant will demonstrate core competency in all standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(c).

03. Certification and Department Examination Procedures. Be certified by passing Department examinations with a minimum score of seventy percent (70%) in the applicable pesticide categories (Subsection 100.04). Examinations shall adhere to standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(a)(2) . In addition, examinations are:

a. Proctored by ISDA staff or by an authorized agent following approved Department procedures.

b. Retaken after a minimum waiting period of one (1) day.

c. Scores valid for twelve (12) months from the date of the examination.

d. It is prohibited to:
i. Attempt to cheat, or otherwise obtain an unfair advantage on the exam(s).

ii. Remove or attempt to remove any test questions or responses or any notes from a testing session.

iii. At any time, improperly access or attempt to improperly access the test site, the test (or any part of the test), an answer key, or any information about the test.

iv. Engage in any way in:
(1) Theft or attempted theft of test content through platform intrusion.

(2) Post-exam manipulation of test content, responses, or test administration data.

(3) Attempting to adversely impact the exam proctor, test center, or testing platforms through any means including cybersecurity means.

v. Attempt to give or receive assistance, including by copying or through the use of an answer key.

vi. Record or copy information during the testing session including questions, answers, identifying information about the version or form of a test, or any other information that compromises the security of the test.

vii. Communicate with other test takers or other individuals in any form while testing is in session.

viii. Allow anyone to see your test questions or answers or attempt to see or copy others' test questions or answers.

ix. Consult notes, other people, electronic devices, textbooks, or any other resources during the test or during breaks.

x. Have subject-related information on your clothing, shoes, or body.

xi. Use or access any prohibited items including devices or aids such as, but not limited to, mobile phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, other oral or written communication devices or wearable technology, cameras, notes, and reference books, etc., during or in connection with the test, including during breaks.

xii. Fail to turn in or store away a mobile/smartphone in accordance with the test site's collection process.

xiii. Use a prohibited calculator.

xiv. Deliberately attempt to and/or take the test for someone else or attempt to have someone else impersonate you to take the test.

04. Categories. All professional applicators must be certified in Applicator Core Competency in one (1) or more of the following categories:

Category Name

Category Description

Applicator Core Competency (CO)

Includes general knowledge of pesticides including proper use and disposal, product characteristics, first aid, labeling and laws. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(c) . This category is required for all Idaho Professional Pesticide Applicator Licenses

Agricultural Crop Pest Control (AC)

This category applies to professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides in production of agricultural commodities including grasslands, and non-crop agricultural lands. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(1)(i).

Aerial Pest Control (AA)

For application of pesticides to all application sites by operating or flying fixed-wing or rotary aircraft. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(15).

Anti-Fouling Coatings (FC)

For applicators who use or supervise the use of anti-fouling coatings to control fouling organisms on aquatic vessels, underwater structures, and other similar structures. An applicant will demonstrate practical knowledge of problems caused by fouling organisms, methods of control using fouling organisms using through anti-fouling coatings, characteristics of antifouling coatings, alternative active ingredients other than copper-based paints, and best management practices for application and removal of anti-fouling coatings.

Agricultural Livestock Pest Control (LP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides on animals or to places on or in which animals are confined. Certification in this category alone is not sufficient to authorize the purchase, use, or supervision of use of products for predator control listed in the General Vertebrate category or outlined in 40 CFR 171.101(k)(l) . An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(1)(ii).

Aquatic Weed and Pest Control (AP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of any pesticide purposefully applied to standing or running water, excluding applicators engaged in public health related activities included in as specified in the Public Health (PH) category. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(5).

Consultant and Research (CR)

For consultations or recommendations to supply technical advice concerning the use of agricultural pesticides and for the application or supervision of the use of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) for no compensation, to demonstrate the action of the pesticide or conduct research with restricted use pesticides. For all demonstration additional relevant professional applicator categories will be required. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(10).

Forest Pest Control (FP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides in forests, forest nurseries and forest seed production. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(2).

General Vertebrate Control (GV)

For controlling vertebrate pests such as large and small predators, rodents, and birds by Wildlife Services (WS) personnel of the United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). This category applies to professional applicators who use or supervise the use of sodium cyanide and sodium fluoroacetate to control regulated predators. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d) (11-12).

Industrial, Institutional, and Structural Pest Control - Commodity (CP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides on manufactured products or commodities in the following: Food handling establishments, packing houses, and food-processing facilities; and industrial establishments, including commodity storage facilities, grain elevators, and any other similar areas, public or private, for the protection of stored, processed, manufactured products, or commodities. Applicators must demonstrate a practical knowledge of pests associated with manufactured products or commodities, including recognizing those pests and signs of their presence, their habitats, their life cycles, biology, and behavior as it may be relevant to problem identification and control. Applicators must demonstrate practical knowledge of types of formulations appropriate for control of pests associated with manufactured products or commodities, and methods of application that avoid contamination of food, minimize damage to and contamination of areas treated, minimize acute and chronic exposure of people and pets, and minimize environmental impacts.

Industrial, Institutional, and Structural Pest Control - Non-Commodity (IP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides in, on, or around the following: food handling establishments, packing houses, and food-processing facilities; human dwellings; cooling towers; air washers; evaporative condensers; swimming pools; pulp and paper mills; sewer treatment; residential and commercial building; institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and prisons; and industrial establishments, including manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and any other structures and adjacent areas, public or private, for the protection of health, dwellings, structures, and stored, processed, or manufactured products. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(7).

Non-Soil Fumigation (NS)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of a pesticide to fumigate anything other than soil. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(14).

Ornamental Pest (OP)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides to control pests in the maintenance and production of ornamental plants and turf. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(3).

Public Health Pest (PH)

For State, Tribal, Federal or other governmental employees and contractors who use or supervise the use of pesticides in government-sponsored public health programs for the management and control of pests having medical and public health importance. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(8).

Regulatory Pest Control (RP)

For State, Tribal, Federal, or other local governmental employees and contractors who use or supervise the use of pesticides in government-sponsored programs for the control of regulated pests. Certification in this category does not authorize the purchase, use, or supervision of use of products for predator control pesticides listed in the General Vertebrate category or outlined in 40 CFR 171.101(k)(l) . An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(9).

Right-of-Way Herbicide (RW)

For professional applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides in the maintenance of roadsides, powerlines, pipelines, and railway rights-of-way, and similar areas. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(6).

Seed Treatment (ST)

For professional applicators using or supervising the use of pesticides on seeds in seed treatment facilities. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(4).

Soil Fumigation (SF)

For applying soil fumigation pesticides to agricultural fields, plant nurseries, and other similar growing media for the growing of agricultural commodities, excluding rodent control. An applicant will demonstrate competency standards outlined in 40 CFR 171.103(d)(13).

a. Professional Commercial Apprentice License. For conducting General Use Pesticide (GUP) applications only in situations applicable to the CP, OP, AC, IP, and RW categories. To obtain a professional commercial apprentice license the applicant must pass the Applicator Core Competency exam with a minimum score of seventy percent (70%) or better, and meet the requirements as outlined in Section 100. Persons with this license may only perform pesticide applications under limited supervision of a properly certified professional applicator. Applicators with this license cannot supervise other pesticide applicators. The professional commercial apprentice license may not be reciprocated with other participating agencies. This license will expire one (1) year from the date of issuance. The professional commercial apprentice license is non-renewable.

b. Professional applicators who engage in janitorial services and use pesticides for cleaning, surface sanitation, and similar activities using general use pesticides with the labeled signal words Warning or Caution, are exempt from professional applicator licensing requirements as outlined in Sections 22-3404 (2)(3)(4), Idaho Code.

05. Financial Responsibility. Submits written proof of financial responsibility by any of the following methods:

a. Liability insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in Idaho and documented on a form approved by the Director;

b. A bond that is approved by the Director;

c. A cash certificate of deposit in escrow with a bank or trust company;

d. An annuity issued by an insurance company, bank or other financial institution found acceptable to the Director;

e. An irrevocable letter of credit issued by a national bank in Idaho or by an Idaho state-chartered bank insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation.

f. Any certificate of deposit, annuity, or irrevocable letter of credit must be payable to the Director as trustee and remain on file with the Department until it is released, canceled or discharged by the Director. Any certificate of deposit, annuity, or irrevocable letter of credit must maintain a cash value equal to the requirements of Subsection 100.05.h., less any penalty for early withdrawal. Accrued interest upon a certificate of deposit or annuity shall be payable to the purchaser of the certificate or annuity.

g. Exclusions. Any exclusion to liability insurance, bond, cash certificate of deposit, annuity or irrevocable letter of credit coverage shall be listed on a form approved by the Director.

h. Minimum Coverage Required.
i. Bodily injury - fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per person/one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per occurrence.

ii. Property damage - fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per occurrence.

iii. Maximum deductible - five thousand dollars ($5,000).

i. Target Property Not Required to Be Covered. The immediate property being treated is not required to be covered.

j. Cancellation or Reduction. The applicator must notify the Department in writing immediately after cancellation or reduction below the requirements of the financial coverage.

06. Licensing Periods and Recertification. The recertification period for professional applicators will be concurrent with their two (2) year licensing period, beginning at the license issuance, and ending upon license expiration. For a professional applicator's license to be renewed, the license holder must complete the recertification provisions of this section. Licenses belonging to professional applicators with last names beginning with A through L, expire on December 31st in every odd-numbered year, and licenses belonging to professional applicators with last names beginning with M through Z, expire on December 31st in every even-numbered year. The apprentice license may not be recertified and will expire one year from the date that it was issued. Recertification requirements may be accomplished by complying with either Subsection 100.06.a. or 100.06.b. Any professional applicator with less than thirteen (13) months in the licensing period is not required to obtain recertification credits during the initial licensing period. Any license holder who fails to accumulate the required recertification credits prior to the expiration date of their license will be required to pass the appropriate examination(s) before being licensed.

a. Continuing Education: To recertify, an applicator must accumulate sixteen (16) recertification credits during their recertification period, by attending Department-accredited pesticide seminars which meet the following criteria:
i. One (1) credit is issued for each fifty (50) minutes of instruction.

ii. To request accreditation for a seminar not provided by the Department, an applicant must submit a written request to the Department. Applications received prior to thirty (30) days shall receive preference for credit approval and have the ability to amend their application until the seminar is held. Applications received after thirty (30) days shall be reviewed by the Department as time and workload allows.

iii. The number of credits to be given will be decided by the Department and may be revised if it is later found that the training does not comply. Credit is given only for those parts of seminars that deal with pesticide subjects as listed in Subsection 100.02.b. No credit will be given for training given to persons to prepare them for initial certification.

iv. Verification of attendance at a seminar is accomplished by validating the attendee's pesticide license, using a method approved by the Department. Verification of attendance must be submitted with the license renewal application.

v. Excess credits may not be carried over to the next recertification period.

vi. Upon completing all licensing requirements for recertification, the license holder is recertified for the next licensing period. Licenses may be renewed up to twelve (12) months after the expiration date of the license.

b. Recertification by Examination: A certified applicator who passes the Department's Applicator Core Competency (CO) examination plus examinations for all categories in which intend to license.
i. Recertification examinations may be taken by a professional applicator beginning the thirteenth month of the recertification period.

ii. The examination procedures as outlined in Subsection 100.03 will be followed.

c. The Department may grant variances in the recertification of professional applicators' and dealers' licenses. Issuance of variances will not relieve the recipient from compliance with all other responsibilities under the Pesticide and Chemigation Act and Rules. The request will be on a Department-prescribed form and state fully the grounds for requesting a variance.

d. Licenses are eligible for renewal no sooner than forty-five (45) days from the expiration date.

Effective July 1, 2024 (Temporary)

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