Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 02 - Agriculture, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Authority of Determination. The Director has sole authority in determining the eligibility of a product for participation in the program.
02. Fresh Produce and Commodities. Fresh produce and commodities are one hundred percent (100%) Idaho grown or raised.
03. Processed Foods and Beverages. Processed foods and beverages:
04. Non-Food Agricultural Products. Non-food agricultural products must be at least twenty percent (20%) agricultural content by weight that has been grown or raised in Idaho and processing must occur in Idaho.
05. Potatoes. Only certification marks owned or administered by the Idaho Potato Commission may be branded on potatoes grown in Idaho unless prior Idaho Potato Commission approval in writing is secured and granted for the use of additional words or designs. Any person or participant applying to the Idaho Preferred® program, with the intention to promote Idaho-grown potatoes or products made from Idaho-grown potatoes, and provide proof of such permission prior to making application with the Department.
06. Wine. Wines contain a minimum of ninety-five percent (95%) Idaho grapes.
07. Beer. Beer will brewed in Idaho and at least one (1) Idaho agricultural product such as malt, wheat or hops, or soluble remnant thereof, but excluding water.
08. Distilled Spirits. Distilled spirits will be distilled in Idaho; and contain at least one (1) Idaho agricultural product such as grains, potatoes or fruit, but excluding water.
09. Water. Water must be extracted from an Idaho water source.
10. Nursery Stock. Nursery stock will have been grown in Idaho a minimum of one (1) growing season or growing cycle.
11. Livestock Products. Livestock products come from livestock that:
12. Poultry and Poultry Products. Poultry and poultry products will come from fowl that:
13. Apicultural Products. Products produced by honey bees including honey, wax, pollen, and propolis will be one hundred percent (100%) Idaho origin. Processed honey will be eighty percent (80%) Idaho origin.
14. Forest Products. Forest products will:
15. Exceptions. The Director has the authority to establish product qualification requirements specific to individual products and commodities by written order.
Effective March 23, 2023