Hawaii Administrative Rules
PHYLUM Annelida |
CLASS Oligochaeta |
ORDER Haplotaxida |
FAMILY Lumbricidae |
Lumbricus rubellus |
earthworm, red |
PHYLUM Arthropoda |
CLASS Crustacea |
ORDER Amphipoda |
FAMILY Gammaridae |
Gammarus (all species in genus) |
crustacean, freshwater,- |
scud |
FAMILY Hyalellidae |
Hyalella azteca |
shrimps, imps (amphipod) |
ORDER Cladocera |
FAMILY Sididae |
Diaphanosoma (all species in genus) |
flea, water |
ORDER Cyclopoida |
FAMILY Cyclopidae |
Cyclops (all species in genus) |
copepod, freshwater |
ORDER Decapoda |
FAMILY Alpheidae |
Alpheus brevicristatus |
shrimp, Japan (pistol) |
FAMILY Palinuridae |
Panulirus qracilis |
lobster, green spiny |
Panulirus (all species in genus except Panulirus argus, P. lonqipes femoristriqa, P. pencillatus) |
lobster, spiny |
FAMILY Pandalidae |
Pandalus platyceros |
shrimp, giant (prawn) |
FAMILY Penaeidae |
Penaeus indicus |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus californiensis |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus japonicus |
shrimp, wheel (ginger) |
Penaeus monodon |
shrimp, jumbo tiger |
Penaeus orientalis (chinensis) |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus plebjius |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus schmitti |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus semisulcatus |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus setiferus |
shrimp, white |
Penaeus stylirostris |
shrimp, penaeid |
Penaeus vannamei |
shrimp, penaeid |
ORDER Isopoda |
FAMILY Asellidae |
Asellus (all species in genus) |
crustacean, freshwater |
ORDER Podocopina |
FAMILY Cyprididae |
Cypris (all species in genus) |
ostracod, freshwater |
CLASS Insecta |
ORDER Diptera |
FAMILY Calliphoridae |
Lucilia sericata |
blow fly, green bottle |
ORDER Hymenoptera |
FAMILY Braconidae |
Cotesia plutellae |
parasite, diamondback |
moth |
ORDER Lepidoptera |
FAMILY Nymphalidae |
Dryadula phaetusa |
butterfly |
Eueides isabella |
butterfly |
Heliconius charitonius |
butterfly |
Heliconius erato |
butterfly |
Heliconius hecale |
butterfly |
Heliconius melpomene |
butterfly |
Heliconius sara |
butterfly |
Morpho raenelaus |
butterfly |
Morpho peleides |
butterfly |
FAMILY Papilionidae |
Ornithoptera priamus |
butterfly |
Pachliopta aristolochiae |
butterfly |
Pachliopta kotzebuea |
butterfly |
Papilio thoas |
butterfly |
Papilio ulysses |
butterfly |
Parides iphidamas |
butterfly |
Parides photinus |
butterfly |
Troqonoptera brookiana |
butterfly |
Troides helena |
butterfly |
Troides rhadamanthus |
butterfly |
ORDER Orthoptera |
FAMILY Gryllidae |
Acheta domesticus |
cricket, house |
PHYLUM Cnidaria |
CLASS Anthozoa |
ORDER Alcyonacea |
FAMILY Alcyoniidae |
Sarcophyton ehrenbergi |
coral, leather |
Sarcophyton glaucum |
coral, leather |
Sarcophyton trocheliophorum |
coral, leather |
ORDER Scleractinia |
FAMILY Acroporidae |
Acropora aspersa |
coral, stony |
Acropora austera |
coral, stony |
Acropora elseyi |
coral, stony |
Acropora formosa |
coral, stony |
Acropora microphthalma |
coral, stony |
Acropora nana |
coral, stony |
PHYLUM Mollusca |
CLASS Bivalvia |
ORDER Pelecypoda |
FAMILY Margaritiferidae |
Margaritifera margaritifera |
mussel, freshwater |
ORDER Pterioida |
FAMILY Pteridae |
Pinctada fucata |
oyster, akoya |
Pinctada margaritifera |
oyster, black lipped |
pearl |
Pinctada maxima |
oyster, silver lipped |
Pearl |
ORDER Unionoida |
FAMILY Unionidae |
Anodonta (all species in genus) |
mussel, freshwater |
Proptera alata |
mussel, freshwater |
Unio (all species in genus) |
mussel, freshwater |
ORDER Veneroida |
FAMILY Tridacnidae |
Hippopus hippopus |
clam, giant |
Tridacna crocea |
clam, giant |
Tridacna derasa |
clam, giant |
Tridacna gigas |
clam, giant |
Tridacna hippopus |
clam, giant -, |
Tridacna maxima |
clam, giant |
Tridacna squamosa |
clam, giant |
FAMILY Veneridae |
Anodontia stearnsiana |
clam, mangrove |
Mercenaria mercenaria x M. |
clam, hybrid |
campechiensis |
CLASS Gastropoda |
ORDER Archaeogastropoda |
FAMILY Trochidae |
Trochus niloticus |
topshell |
PHYLUM Nemata (=Nematoda) |
CLASS Adenophorea |
ORDER Trichocephalida |
FAMILY Trichuridae |
Trichuris trichiura |
nematode |
CLASS Secernentea |
ORDER Ascaridida |
FAMILY Oxvuridae |
Enterobius vermicularis |
nematode |
ORDER Strongylida |
FAMILY Trichostrongylidae |
Trichostrongylus (all species in genus) |
nematode |
ORDER Tylenchida |
FAMILY Heteroderidae |
Rotylenchus (all species in genus) |
nematode |
PHYLUM Chordata |
CLASS Amphibia |
ORDER Caudata |
FAMILY Salamandridae |
Triturus boscai |
newt |
Triturus italicus |
newt, Italian |
Tylotriton verrocosus |
newt, emperor |
ORDER Salientia |
FAMILY Dendrobatidae |
Dendrobates (all species in qenus) |
frog, poison arrow |
(poison dart) |
FAMILY Hylidae |
Hyla vasta |
treefrog, Haitian giant |
FAMILY Ranidae |
Rana erythraea |
frog, red-eared |
Rana jerboa |
frog |
Rana limnocharis |
frog, rice |
Rana pustulosa |
frog |
PHYLUM Chordata |
CLASS Reptilia |
ORDER Squamata |
FAMILY Chamaeleonidae |
Chamaeleo iacksoni |
chameleon, Jackson's |
FAMILY Iguanidae |
Amblyrhynchus cristatus |
iguana, Galapagos- |
marine |
Anolis carolinensis |
chameleon, American |
Conolophus subcristatus |
iguana, Galapagos-land |
FAMILY Scincidae |
Emoia physicae |
skink, ground |
Lobulia eleqans |
skink, ground |
Lobulia morokana |
skink, ground |
Lobulia stanleyana |
skink, ground |
ORDER Testudines |
FAMILY Chelidae |
Chelodina lonqicollis |
turtle, Australian side-neck |
FAMILY Cheloniidae |
Chelonia mydas aqassizii |
turtle, green sea |
Lepidochelys olivacea |
turtle, loggerhead (Ridley) |
FAMILY Emydidae |
Bataqur baska |
turtle, Batagur |
Callaqur borneoensis |
turtle, giant river |
Chinemys kwanqtunqensis |
turtle, Kwangtung pond |
Chinemys reevesi |
turtle, Reeves |
Chrysemys (Pseudemys) |
turtle, Alabama red- |
alabamensis |
bellied |
Chrysemys (Pseudemys) |
turtle, Plymouth |
rubriventris |
red-bellied |
Cuora amboinensis |
turtle, Malayan box |
Cuora flavomarginata |
turtle, ye How-margined box |
Cuora galbinifrons |
turtle, white-fronted box |
Cuora trifasciata |
turtle, three-keeled box |
Cyclemys dentata |
turtle, Asian leaf |
Geoclemys hamiltoni |
turtle, black pond |
Geoemyda spengleri |
turtle, black-bellied |
notched |
Graptemys oculifera |
turtle, ringed map |
Hardella thurji |
turtle, Brahminy river |
Heosemys (all species in qenus except H. grandis) |
turtle, cogwheel |
Hieremys annandalei |
turtle, temple |
Kachuga (all species in genus) |
turtle, roof |
Malaclemys terrapin |
turtle, diamond back |
terrapin |
Mauremys (Annamemys) |
turtle, Eurasian pond |
annamensis |
Melanochelys tricarinata |
turtle, three-keeled |
Indian terrapin |
Melanochelys trijuga |
turtle, black-bellied |
terrapin |
Morenia ocellata |
turtle, ocellated |
peacock |
Morenia petersi |
turtle, Peter's peacock |
Notochelys platynota |
turtle, flat-back |
Ocadia sinensis |
turtle, Chinese striped |
Orlitia borneensis |
turtle, Bornean river |
Pyxidea mouhoti |
turtle, Indian thorn |
Rhinoclemmys (Callopsis) (all species in genus) |
turtle, painted forest |
Sacalia bealei |
turtle, six-eyed pond |
Siebenrockiella crassicollis |
turtle, fat-headed |
Terrapene coahuila |
turtle, aquatic box |
Trachemys (all species in genus) |
turtle, slider |
FAMILY Kinosternidae |
Kinosternon (all species in genus) |
turt1e, mud |
Staurotypus salvini |
turtle, giant musk |
Staurotypus triporcatus |
turtle, giant musk |
Sternotherus carinatus |
turtle, keel-backed musk |
Sternotherus minor depressus |
turtle, flattened musk |
Sternotherus minor minor |
turtle, loggerhead musk |
Sternotherus minor peltifer |
turtle, musk |
Sternotherus odoratus |
turtle, stinkpot(common musk) |
FAMILY Testudinidae |
Asterochelys radiata |
tortoise, radiated |
Asterochelys yniphora |
tortoise, angulated |
Chelonoidis elephantopus |
tortoise, Galapagos |
Gopherus (Xerobates) aqassizi |
tortoise, desert |
Gopherus flavomarqinatus |
tortoise, Bolson |
Gopherus polyphemus |
tortoise, gopher |
Indotestudo (all species in genus) |
tortoise |
Kinixys belliana |
tortoise, Bell's hinged |
Kinixys erosa |
tortoise, Schweigger's |
hinge-back |
Kinixys homeana |
tortoise, Homer's hinged |
Malacochersus tornieri |
tortoise, pancake |
Manouria (all species in genus) |
tortoise |
Psammobates geometricus |
tortoise, cape |
geometric |
Pyxi arachnoides |
tortoise, spider |
FAMILY Trionychidae |
Chitra indica |
turtle, narrow-headed |
soft-shell |
Cyclanorbis eleqans |
turtle, Nubian soft-shell |
Cyclanorbis seneqalensis |
turtle, Senegal sof t-shell |
Cycloderm aubryi |
turtle, Aubry1s soft-shell |
Cycloderma frenaturn |
turtle, bridled soft-shell |
Lissemys punctata |
turtle, Indian flap-shelled |
Pelochelys bibroni |
turtle, giant soft-shell |
Trionyx (all species in genus) |
turtle, soft-shell |
PHYLUM Chordata |
CLASS Chondrichthyes |
ORDER Carcharhiniformes |
FAMILY Carcharhinidae |
Carcharhinus melanopterus |
shark, black-tip reef |
Cephaloscyllium ventriosum |
shark, swell |
FAMILY Hemigaleidae |
Triaenodon obesus |
shark, white-tip reef |
FAMILY Triakidae |
Rhinnotriakis henlei |
shark, smoothound |
Triakis semifasciatum |
shark, leopard |
ORDER Heterodontiformes |
FAMILY Heterodontidae |
Heterodontus zebra |
shark, highf in |
ORDER Orectolobiformes |
FAMILY Brachaeluridae |
Brachaelurus waddi |
shark, blind |
FAMILY Ginglymostomatidae |
Ginglymostoma cirratum |
shark, nurse |
FAMILY Hemiscyllidae |
Chiloscyllium colax |
shark, banded |
Hemiscyllium ocellatum |
shark, epaulette |
FAMILY Stegostomatidae |
Stegostoma fasciatum |
shark, zebra |
CLASS Osteichthyes |
ORDER Acipenseriformes |
FAMILY Acipenseridae |
Acipenser transmontanus |
sturgeon, white |
ORDER Atheriniformes |
FAMILY Anablepidae |
Anableps (all species in genus) |
four-eyes |
Jenynsia (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
FAMILY Goodeidae |
Allodontichthys (all species in genus) |
darter goodeid |
Alloophorus (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Allotoca (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Ameca (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Ataeniobius (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Chapalichthys (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Characodon (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Girardinichthys (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Goodea (all species in genus) |
goodea |
Hubbsina (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Ilyodon (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Neoophorus (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Skiffia (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Xenoophorus (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Xenotaenia (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Xenotoca (all species in genus) |
goodeid |
Zoogoneticus {all species in genus) |
goodeid |
FAMILY Poeciliidae |
Alfaro (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Brachyrhaphis (all species in genus) |
bishop |
Carlhubbsia (all species in genus) |
widow |
Cnesterodon (all species in genus) |
millionfish |
Flexipenis (all species in genus) |
mosquitofish |
Gambusia (all species in genus |
mosquitofish |
except Gambusia amistadensis, |
G. gaigei, G. georgei, |
G. heterochir and G. nobilis) |
Girardinus (all species in genus) |
girardinus |
Heterandria (all species in genus) |
mosquitofish |
Heterophallus (all species in genus) |
strange-fin |
Limia (all species in genus) |
molly |
Neoheterandria (all species in genus) |
killifish |
Phallichthys (all species in genus) |
widow |
Phalloceros {all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Phalloptychus (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Phallotorynus (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Poecilia (all species in genus) |
molly |
Poeciliopsis (all species in genus except Poeciliopsis occidentalis) |
livebearer |
Priapella (all species in qenus) |
livebearer |
Priapichthys (all species in genus) |
diamond-scale |
Pseudopoecilia (all species in genus) |
diamond-scale |
Quintana (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Scolichthys (all species in genus) |
mosquitofish |
Tomeurus (all species in genus) |
prongfin |
Xenodexia (all species in genus) |
livebearer |
Xenophallus (all species in genus) |
mosquitofish |
xiphophorus (all species in genus) |
platy |
ORDER Cypriniformes |
FAMILY Cyprinidae |
Aristichthys nobilis |
carp, bighead |
Ctenopharyngodon idellus |
carp, grass (white amur) |
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix |
carp, silver |
Mylopharyngodon piceus |
carp, black |
ORDER Gonorynchiformes |
FAMILY Chanidae |
Chanos chanos |
milkfish |
ORDER Perciformes |
FAMILY Centrarchidae |
Micropterus salmoides |
bass, Florida |
floridanus |
largemouth |
FAMILY Centropomidae |
Lates calcarifer |
bass, Asian sea |
FAMILY Channidae |
Ophiocephalus (Channa) striatus |
pongee (snakehead) |
FAMILY Cichlidae |
Oreochromi saureus |
tilapia, blue |
Oreochromis mossambicus |
tilapia, Mozambique |
Oreochromis niloticus |
tilapia, Nile |
Oreochromis spilurus |
tilapia |
Paretroplus polyactis |
cichlid, Damba |
Paretroplus sp. "lamena" |
cichlid, Damba |
FAMILY Percichthyidae |
Morone saxatalis x Morone chrysops |
bass, hybrid striped |
FAMILY Potophaenidae |
Coryphae hippurus |
mahimahi |
ORDER Pleuronectiformes |
FAMILY Bothidae |
Paralichthys olivaceus |
flounder, Japanese (hirame) |
FAMILY Pleuronectidae |
Hippoglossus hippoqlossus |
halibut, Atlantic |
Hippoqlossus stenolepis |
halibut, Pacific |
ORDER Salmon! formes |
FAMILY Salmonidae |
Oncorhynchus kisutch |
salmon, coho |
Oncorhynchus mykiss |
trout, rainbow |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
salmon, Chinook |
Salmo qairdnerii |
trout, rainbow |
Salmo salar |
salmon, atlantic |
ORDER Scorpaeniformes |
FAMLY Anoplopomatidae |
. Anoplopoma fimbria |
sablefish |
BIRDS (Taxonomy after Sibley and Monroe 1990) |
PHYLLUM Chordata |
CLASS Aves |
ORDER Anseriformes |
FAMILY Anatidae |
Aix galericulata |
duck, mandarin |
Aix sponsa |
duck, wood |
Alopochen aegyptiacus |
goose, Egyptian |
Anas acuta |
duck, north pintail |
Anas bahamensis |
duck, Bahama pintail |
(white-cheeked) |
Anas capensis |
duck (teal) , cape |
Anas clypeata |
duck, northern shoveler |
Anas crecca |
duck (teal), green wing |
Anas cyanoptera |
duck (teal), cinnamon |
Anas discors |
duck (teal), blue wing |
Anas flavirostris |
duck (teal), Chilean |
Anas penelope |
duck, European wigeon |
(Eurasian) |
Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis |
duck (teal), Laysan |
Anas platyrhynchos wyvilliana |
duck (teal), Hawaiian |
Anas sibilatrix |
wigeon (duck), Chiloe |
Anas undulata |
duck, African |
yellowbill |
Anser caerulescens |
goose, lesser snow |
Anser canaqicus |
goose, emperor |
Anser indicus |
goose, bar-headed |
Aythya americana |
duck, red head |
Aythya fuligula |
duck, tufted |
Aythya valisineria |
duck, canvasback |
Biziura lobata |
duck, musk |
Branta (Nesochen) sandvicensis |
goose, nene |
Branta bernicla |
goose, brant |
Branta canadensis |
goose, Canadian |
Branta canadensis minima |
goose, cackling |
(Canada) |
Branta ruficollis |
goose, red-breasted |
Calonetta leucophrys |
teal, ringed |
Cereopsis novaehollandiae |
goose, Cape Barren |
Chloephaqa melanoptera |
goose, Andean |
Chloephaga picta leucoptera |
goose, Andean (greater Magellan) |
Chloephaqa poliocephala |
goose, ashy-headed |
Cyanochen cyanopetrus |
goose, Abyssinian blue |
wing |
Cygnus (all species in genus) |
swan |
Dendrocyqna arborea |
duck, black-billed |
whistling |
Dendrocyqna arcuata |
duck, wandering |
whistling |
Dendrocyqna autumnalis |
duck, red-billed |
whistling |
Dendrocygna bicolor |
duck, fulvous tree |
(fulvous whistling) |
Dendrocyqna eytoni |
duck, Eyton tree (plum |
whistling) |
Dendrocygna viduata |
duck, white-faced tree |
(whistling) |
Heteronetta atricapilla |
duck, black-headed |
Merqanetta armata |
duck, torrent |
Mergus cucullatus |
duck, hooded merganser |
Merqus merqanser |
duck, goosander |
(merganser) |
Merqus octosetaceus |
duck, Brazilian |
merganser |
Neochen jubatus |
goose, Orinoco |
Netta erythrophthalma |
pochard |
Netta peposaca |
rosy-bill |
Netta rufina |
pochard, red-crested |
Oxyura jamaicensis |
duck, North American |
ruddy |
Sarkidiornis melanotos |
duck, comb |
Somateria mollissima |
duck, common eider |
Somateria mollissima dresseri |
duck, American eider |
Tadorna (all species in qenus) |
shelduck |
ORDER Charadriiformes |
FAMILY Scolopacidae |
Numenius tahitiensis |
curlew, bristle-thighed |
ORDER Ciconiiformes |
FAMILY Ardeidae |
Nycticorax nycticorax |
heron, black-crowned |
night |
FAMILY Ciconiidae |
Ciconia ciconia |
stork, white |
Mycteria ibis |
.stork, yellow-billed |
FAMILY Phoenicopteridae |
Phoeniconaias minor |
flamingo, African lesser |
Phoenicopterus chilensis |
flamingo, Chilean |
Phoenicopterus ruber |
flamingo, rosy (scarlet), American |
FAMILY Threskiornithidae |
Ajaia ajaja |
spoonbill, roseate |
Eudocimus ruber |
ibis, scarlet |
Haqedashia hagedash |
ibis, hadada |
Platalea alba |
spoonbill, African |
Threskionis aethiopicus |
ibis, sacred |
ORDER Cuculiformes |
FAMILY Musophagidae |
Tauraco hartlaubi |
turaco, blue-crested |
ORDER Gruiformes |
FAMILY Gruidae |
Anthropoides paradisea |
crane, Stanley (paradise) |
Anthropoides virgo |
crane, Demoiselle |
Balearica pavonina |
crane, crown of Africa (crowned) |
Grus antiqone |
crane, sarus |
Grus canadensis |
crane, sandhill |
FAMILY Rallidae |
Fulica americana alai |
coot, Hawaiian |
Gallinula chloropus |
gal1inue, Hawaiian |
sandvicensis |
ORDER Pelecaniformes FAMILY Fregatidae |
Freqata minor |
frigate bird, great |
Freqata minor palmerstoni |
frigate bird |
FAMILY Phaenthontidae |
Phaethon lepturus |
tropicbird, white-tailed |
Phaethon rubricauda |
tropicbird, red-tailed |
FAMILY Sulidae |
Sula dactylatra |
booby, blue-faced (masked) |
Sula leucogaster |
booby, brown |
Sula nebouxii |
booby, blue-footed |
Sula sula |
booby, red-footed |
ORDER Procellariiformes |
FAMILY Diomedeidae |
Diomedea immutabilis |
albatross, Laysan |
Diomedea nigripes |
albatross, black-footed |
ORDER Psittaciformes |
FAMILY Psittacidae |
Coracopsis nigra |
parrot, black |
Coracopsis vasa |
parrot, vasa |
Psittacula krameri |
parakeet, rose-ringed (ringnecked) |
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha |
parrot, thick-billed |
ORDER Sphenisciformes |
FAMILY Spheniscidae |
Spheniscidae (all species in family) |
penguins |
ORDER Struthioniformes |
FAMILY Struthionidae |
Struthio camelus |
ostrich |
PHYLUM Chordata |
CLASS Mammalia |
ORDER Artiodactyla |
FAMILY Bovidae |
Aepyceros melampus |
impala |
Ammotragus lervia |
sheep, barbary (aoudad) |
Antilope cervicapra |
antelope, blackbuck |
Bison bison |
bison |
Bubalus bubalis |
water buffalo |
Capra falconeri |
markhor |
Capra ibex |
ibex |
Gazella dama |
gazelle, dama |
Hippotraqus niqer |
antelope, sable |
Oryx beisa beisa (=0. gazella beisa) |
oryx, beisa |
Ovis musimon |
sheep, moufIon |
Tragelaphus imberbis |
kudu, lesser |
Tragelaphus oryx (=Taurotraqus oryx) |
eland, common |
Traqelaphus scriptus |
bushbuck |
Tragelaphus strepsiceros |
kudu, greater |
FAMILY Cervidae |
Axis axis (=Cervis axis) |
deer, axis |
Cervus elaphus |
elk |
Rangifer tarandus |
reindeer |
FAMILY Giraffidae |
Giraffa sp. |
giraffe |
ORDER Carnivora |
FAMILY Mustelidae |
Lutra persipicillata |
otter, Malayan smooth |
FAMILY otariidae |
Zalophus californianus |
sea lion |
FAMILY Phocidae |
Monachus schauinslandii |
seal, Hawaiian monk |
ORDER Diprotodontia (=Marsupialia) |
FAMILY Macropodidae |
Macropus eugenii |
wallaby, dama |
Macropus robustus |
wallaro, Woodward's |
Macropus rufogriseus |
wallaby, Bennett's |
Macropus rufus |
kangaroo, red |
ORDER Odontoceti (=Cetacea) |
FAMILY Delphinidae |
Globicephala macrorhynchus scammoni |
whale, Pacific pilot |
Pseudorca crassidens |
whale, false killer |
Tursiops truncatus |
porpoise, bottlenosed |
ORDER Perissodactyla |
FAMILY Equidae |
Equus burchelli |
zebra, plains |
Equus burchelli bohmi |
zebra, Grant |
ORDER Pinnipedia |
FAMILY Phocidae |
Phoca vitulana |
seal, harbor |
ORDER Primates |
FAMILY Callithricidae Callithricidae (all species in tamarins family) (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
monkey, marmosets, |
FAMILY Cebidae Cebidae (all species in family) (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filminq, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
monkey, new world |
FAMILY Cercopithecidae Cercopithecidae (all species in family) (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
monkey, old world; baboon; colobus; langur, Mac aque |
FAMILY Hylobatidae Hylobates (all species in qenus) (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
gibbons |
FAMILY Lemuridae Lemuridae (all species in family) (Prohibited for a short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
lemur, bush baby (Galago) |
FAMILY Lorisidae Nycticebus coucang (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
loris, slow |
Perodicticus potto (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
potto |
FAMILY Pongidae Gorilla gorilla (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
gorilla |
Pan troglodytes (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
chimpanzee |
Pan paniscus (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
chimpanzees |
Pongo pygmaeus (Prohibited for short-term performance or exhibition in circuses, carnivals, or state fairs. Allowed for short-term, performance for commercial filming, for exhibition in government zoos, or for other purposes permitted under section 4-71-6.5) |
orangutan |