Hawaii Administrative Rules
Section 18-237-8.6-05 - Allocation of gross income from the rental, lease, or license of tangible and intangible personal property
Current through November, 2024
(a) Except as provided in this section, gross income from the rental, lease, or license of tangible and intangible personal property shall be allocated to the taxation district where the property is used.
Example 1: Taxpayer is engaged in the business of renting motor vehicles in each of the four taxation districts. Taxpayer rents a vehicle to a customer in the Maui district. Taxpayer shall allocate the gross income received from the rental to the Maui district, where the vehicle is used.
Example 2: Taxpayer, located in the Oahu district, is engaged in the business of renting equipment. Taxpayer rents equipment to XYZ, located in the Maui district, for a job in the Kauai district. Taxpayer shall allocate the gross income from this rental to the Kauai district, where the property is used.
Example 3: Taxpayer, located in the Oahu district, wrote and copyrighted a song. A musician pays Taxpayer a royalty to perform that song for profit in a hotel in the Maui district. Taxpayer shall allocate the gross income from the license of the copyright to the Maui district where the property is used.
(b) Where a taxpayer rents or leases tangible personal property or licenses or receives a royalty from intangible personal property that is used in more than one taxation district, gross income shall be allocated using any reasonable method; provided that the method is consistently used by the taxpayer and supported by verifiable data that reasonably quantifies the proportionate benefit received by each taxation district. This rule also applies to property that is constantly in transit between taxation districts, such as barges, containers, and aircrafts without home ports or bases.
Example 1: Taxpayer rents equipment to XYZ to be used in the Maui district and the Oahu district. The equipment will be used in the Maui district for six months and in the Oahu district for six months. Taxpayer shall allocate fifty per cent of the gross income from the rental of the equipment to the Maui district and fifty per cent to the Oahu district.