Hawaii Administrative Rules
Section 18-231-96-01 - Fine for failure to record transaction
Current through November, 2024
(a) A person who conducts taxable business transactions in cash and who fails to offer a receipt or other record of the transaction and who fails to maintain a contemporaneously generated record of all business transactions conducted each day, shall be fined as follows:
(b) For purposes of this section, a transaction is a business transaction if the activity of the person would require the person to hold a license or permit in accordance with any provision of title 14, HRS, or the rules adopted thereunder.
(c) For purposes of this section, the following methods will satisfy the requirements of this section:
(d) If the person is otherwise in compliance with title 14, HRS, at the time a fine for violation of section 231-96, HRS, is issued, the fine shall be commensurate with the violation as follows:
(e) For purposes of this section, "cash" shall include legal tender of any country, currency in whatever form, and negotiable instruments in whatever form, but shall not include charge card or debit card payments.
(f) For purposes of this section, a transaction is deemed to have occurred at the time that a customer pays for the goods and/or services and the person accepts the payment, notwithstanding any rights of return or refund that the customer may have.
(g) Only one citation may be issued to the person per day. Every citation issued under this section shall be considered as a separate violation.