Hawaii Administrative Rules
Department of Human Services
Chapter 676 - INCOME
Subchapter 3 - UNEARNED INCOME
Section 17-676-21 - Social security benefits
Current through November, 2024
(a) All social security benefits, shall be counted as unearned income. Social Security benefits may include, but are not limited to:
(b) In the financial assistance programs, the amount of social security benefits actually received, which may reflect recoupments, shall be the countable benefit amount. Medicare premium deductions, even if actually deducted from the payment, shall be considered countable income.
(c) In the food stamp program, the Social Security benefits, prior to any deductions for Medicare premiums, garnishments, or voluntary withholdings, shall be considered countable income. Any benefits withheld due to recoupment for an overpayment of social security benefits shall be excluded.