Hawaii Administrative Rules
Department of Human Services
Section 17-1739.1-4 - Authorization of services
Current through August, 2024
(a) The department shall provide:
(b) Authorizations shall insure that:
(c) Authorization may be required when the department considers or has found a service to be associated with, but not necessarily limited to:
(d) The authorization function may be contracted to certain individuals or organizations, including the State's fiscal agent.
(e) The department, through its medical consultants, may place appropriate limits on a Medicaid service based on such criteria as medical necessity or utilization control procedures. The department shall pay for health care services when the department's medical consultants determine that the services are necessary to the patient's well-being and the services are provided under standards accepted by the medical profession. However, no payment shall be made in a situation where the program rules were violated or when services furnished did not involve economical or effective health care management of the patient.
(f) A request for medical authorization, which does not require prior authorization, must be submitted for approval within sixty calendar days before or thirty calendar days after the initial date the service is rendered. Authorization may be obtained by submission of an authorization request adequately justifying the service and signed and dated by the requesting physician. Requests not received within thirty calendar days after the initial date of service shall be denied. The following services require medical authorization:
(g) The following services require medical authorization prior to the service being rendered. A request for authorization may be submitted up to sixty days prior to the services being rendered.
(h) Services provided without the necessary prior authorizations are subject to denial of payment.
(i) A request for authorization shall be acted upon within thirty calendar days for a non-urgent request and two working days for an urgent request. An exception to this provision is a request for authorization for augmentative communicative devices (ACD's) as indicated in subsection (o). If the request is deferred or denied, a notice to include a reason for the deferral or denial, shall be sent to the provider(s) and the recipient.
(j) An authorization request that requires urgent medical action, shall be acted upon within two working days. For the purpose of this section, an "urgent" medical service or item is a service or item for the diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition which is serious but not an immediate threat to life. The service or item is medically needed by the patient within two working days of request to preserve an essential bodily function or prevent a serious complication.
(k) Services which necessitate immediate professional medical action shall not be subject to prior authorization if obtaining prior authorization may delay service and place a patient in jeopardy. The request for authorization must be submitted within thirty calendar days after the initial date of service. The request shall then be processed in accordance with the procedures stated in this section. Requests not received within thirty calendar days after the initial date of service shall be denied.
(l) When a request for authorization is submitted for services which require prior authorization but have already been rendered, an explanation for the delay in submittal must be provided for consultant review. If the explanation adequately justifies the untimely submittal, the request shall be processed in accordance with the procedures stated in this section. If the explanation does not justify the untimely submittal, the request shall be denied. Requests not received within thirty calendar days after the initial date of service shall be denied.
(m) An incomplete authorization form shall be returned to the sender. The form shall be deemed incomplete if the following is incomplete, illegible, or missing:
When the newly completed form is received, the form shall be processed in accordance with the procedures stated in this section from the date the completed form is received.
(n) When a request for authorization is deferred due to lack of supportive documentation to justify a service:
(o) A request for authorization relating to the purchase, repair, or rental of augmentative communicative devices shall be acted upon within two working days of receipt for an urgent request and within twenty-one calendar days of receipt for a non-urgent request. If the request is approved, the vendor shall be notified. If the request is denied, a notice of denial to include a reason for the denial and appeal rights shall be sent to the recipient and the requesting provider(s). When a request for authorization is deferred due to lack of supportive documentation to justify a service:
giving twenty-one calendar days to submit the requested information; and
(p) An approved authorization request and treatment plan shall be initiated within sixty calendar days of the signed approval by the department.
(q) The department, through its medical consultants, may permit exceptions and determine level of care, medical appropriateness, and medical necessity. In disagreements between the provider and DHS's authorized agent(s) regarding authorization of services and level of care determinations, the department's medical consultant's decision shall be final. Further appeal shall be pursued through the appeal administrator's office or the courts.