Hawaii Administrative Rules
Department of Human Services
Section 17-1418-3 - Definitions
For the purpose of this chapter:
"Activities of daily living" means eating, bed or chair transfer, or both, dressing, bathing, toileting and continence.
"Adult foster care services" means services, specified in section 17-1418-5, provided by the department to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements specified in section 17-1418-4, and are in or are seeking placement in a domiciliary care home.
"Domiciliary care home" means any facility which provides twenty-four hour living accommodations and personal care services and appropriate health care, as needed, to adults unable to care for themselves by persons unrelated to the recipient in licensed adult residential care homes or other care homes regulated by the department of health. A domiciliary care home does not include special treatment, nursing, nor acute care facilities. There are two types of licensed adult residential care homes:
(1) Type I home for five or less residents; and
(2) Type II home for six or more residents.
"Level of care" means the amount of supervision and assistance required by an individual to carry out the activities of daily living, socializing, and meeting health care needs.
"Level of care I" means minimal care, supervision, and assistance are needed by the individual who is able to manage most activities of daily living, socializing and health care needs independently.
"Level of care II" means moderate care, supervision, and assistance are needed by the individual who is able to manage some physical, mental, health care, and social functions but requires reminders, assistance, and supervision in performing several activities of daily living.
"Level of care III" means considerable care, supervision, and assistance are needed by the individual who is unable to manage many physical, mental, and social functions, activities of daily living, and health care needs without help. This level includes recipients of services delivered by the developmentally disabled/mental retardation home and community-based services program.
"Special care needs individual" means a domiciliary care facility resident who is certified by a physician for a higher than Level III care and is awaiting placement in a nursing facility providing the higher level of care.
"State supplemental payments" means state funded payments made to individuals who are current recipients of supplemental security income (SSI), or state funded aid to the aged, blind, and disabled (AABD), or general assistance (GA) payments and who are residents of domiciliary care homes. These are provided by the state legislature through general fund appropriations to provide payments for the special care needs individual.