Current through November, 2024
(a) A proposed name
or mark that is substantially identical to a registered name or mark shall be
rejected and not accepted for registration. A name or mark is "substantially
identical" if:
(1) The only variation from an
existing name or mark is the spelling of a number instead of the numerical
symbol for the number. For example, "Twenty-Seven, Inc.", "27, Inc.", and
"XXVII, Inc.";
(2) The names or
marks are pronounced the same and the only variation is that a word (or words)
is spelled differently. For example, "The Flour Shop, Inc." or "The Flower
Shop, Inc."; "Waimanalo Suns, Inc." or "Waimanalo Sons, Inc."; or "Beach Days,
Inc." or "Beach Daze, Inc.";
The only variation from an existing name or mark is the business entity suffix,
affix, prefix, or the use of the word "partner" (except in the case of a
subsidiary relationship, or where the entities are affiliated and the entity
that registered the existing name or mark consents to the use of its name or
mark). For example, "Sampson, Inc.", "Sampson Corporation", "Sampson,
Incorporated", "Sampson Company", "Sampson Limited Liability Company", "Sampson
Partnership", "Sampson Partners", "Sampson Limited Partnership", and "Sampson
Limited Liability Partnership";
The only variation from an existing name or mark is the use of "n", "-n-", or
the use of the letter "n" between two or more words rather than two or more
letters to connote "and", or the use of the letter "a" or the words "an",
"and", "the", "of, "in", "at", "on", "to" or "for" or the Hawaiian language
equivalent words of "da", "ka", "ke", "na", or "la". For example, "Oceanside
Pier Honolulu, Inc.", "The Oceanside Pier of Honolulu, Inc.", and "An Oceanside
Pier for Honolulu, Inc."; "Ka Hana Maiau, Inc." and "Hana Maiau, Inc."; or
"Peaches and Cream, Inc.", "Peaches 'N Cream, Inc.", "Peaches-N-Cream, Inc.",
and "Peaches 'N Cream, Inc.";
The only variation from an existing name or mark is the use of punctuation,
spaces, or symbols. For example, "ABC, Inc." "A.B.C., Inc.", "A B C, Inc.",
"AB&C, Inc.", and "A*B*C, Inc.";
(6) The only variation from an existing name
or mark is the double use of a business entity suffix or affix. For example,
"Acme Construction, Inc." and "Acme Construction Company, Inc.";
(7) The only variation from an existing name
or mark is the use of a plural word or addition of a possessive "s". For
example, "Acme Contractors, Inc.", "Acme's Contractor, Inc." and "Acmes
Contractor, Inc.";
(8) The only
difference from an existing name or mark is a universally recognized
abbreviation or shortened form of a word. For example, "Southeast Landscaping,
Inc.", "S.E. Landscaping, Inc.", "SE Landscaping, Inc." and "S E Landscaping,
(9) The only variation from
an existing name or mark is the use of the phrase "of Hawaii", or the word
"Hawaii", or its recognized abbreviation "HI" at the end of the name, unless
used by a subsidiary or associate entity, or unless the entity that registered
the existing name or mark consents to the registration of the name or mark. For
example, "Omni, Inc.", "Omni of Hawaii, Inc.", "Omni of HI, Inc.", "Omni
Hawaii, Inc." and "Omni HI, Inc.";
(10) The only variation from an existing name
or mark is the use of the word "Hawaii" or "Hawaiian" at the beginning of the
name. For example, "Hawaii Flower Bouquet, Inc." and "Hawaiian Flower Bouquet,
Inc."; and
(11) The only variation
from an existing name or mark is the use of a number, or alphabetical or
numerical symbol, in consecutive order indicating a close association with the
name or mark currently on file.
For example, "Acme Development I, Inc." and "Acme
Development II, Inc."; or "Acme Development A, Inc.", and "Acme Development B,
(b) A
name or mark is not "substantially identical" if
(1) A comparison of the name or mark reveals
a difference from the names on file with the division, unless the name is
likely to be confused upon oral communication. For example, "Ice Cream Shop,
Inc." and "Ice Cream Sweet Shop, Inc.";
(2) The name or mark contains a letter or
letters, other than the plural or possessive "s", to distinguish it from names
currently on file with the division. For example, "Star Decorating, Inc." and
"Start Decorating, Inc.";
(3) The
name or mark contains the addition of a suffix, prefix, or affix to a word or
words contained therein to make it different from names currently on file with
the division. For example, "Finance Specialists, Inc.", "Financing Specialists,
Inc.", "Financial Specialists, Inc." and "Financial Specialties,
(4) The name or mark
contains a variation in the sequencing or arrangement of the same words as
contained in names currently on file with the division. For example, "Systems
Analysis and Research Consultants, Inc." and "Systems Research and Analysis
Consultants, Inc."
In making determinations as to whether names or marks submitted for
registration are substantially identical to registered names or marks, the
following factors shall be considered:
Purely geographic names, or landmarks registered with a recognized historical
registry, shall not be registered even with the inclusion of a business entity
suffix, affix or prefix. For example, "Honolulu", "Olomana", "Wailuku, Maui",
"Kailua, Oahu", "Diamond Head", "Aloha Tower", "Pearl Harbor", "North Kohala",
"King Street", "Beretania Street", "San Francisco", "Paris", "Belgium", and
"Hawaii Foreign Trade Zone";
Coined words may be restricted to one registrant unless consent is granted by
the registrant. For example, "AMFAC" or "JALPAK"; and
(3) Deceptive words, symbols, or phrases
shall not be registered.
(d) Some filings are prohibited under federal
or state law. The following are examples of some of these prohibitions:
(1) The terms "financial institution",
"bank", "banker", "banking", "banc", "savings bank", "savings and loan",
"savings association", "financial services loan company", "credit union",
"trust company", "intrapacific bank", "international banking corporation", or
"trust" shall not be used unless authorized to engage in business as a
financial institution in this State or is otherwise approved by the
commissioner of financial institutions pursuant to chapter
412, HRS. No financial institution
may use words designating another type of financial institution, or words of
similar import, or translations of such words, in a manner that suggests or
might tend to lead others into believing that it is that type of financial
(2) Pursuant to 36
U.S.C. §380, as amended, the words "Olympic", "Olympiad", "Citius Altius
Fortius", or the Olympic ring symbol shall not be used without the approval of
the United States Olympic Committee except for organizations using said name
prior to September 21, 1950;
Federally registered names listed in Title 36 of the U.S. Code (patriotic
societies and observances) shall not be available for use;
(4) The words "Postal Service" or "Post
Office" shall not be used;
Pursuant to section
HRS, as amended, domestic insurance corporations shall utilize the word
"insurance" in the name and, as the last word thereof, one of the words
"corporation", "incorporated", "limited", or one of the abbreviations "corp.",
"inc.", or "ltd."; and in the case of the reciprocal insurer, the name shall
include the word "reciprocal", "interinsurer", "interinsurance", "exchange",
"underwriters", or "underwriting";
(6) Pursuant to section
466-10, HRS, as
amended, the words "certified public accountant", "public accountant" or the
abbreviations "CPA" or "PA" shall not be used unless the applicant is licensed
in accordance with chapter
466, HRS;
(7) The use of the word "cooperative" shall
be restricted to cooperative associations pursuant to chapters 421 and 421C,
HRS, as amended, and to cooperative corporations pursuant to chapters
421H and
421I, HRS, as amended; and
(8) Pursuant to section
HRS, as amended, the words "escrow", "escrow depository" or any other word or
phrase having the same or similar meaning shall not be used unless the
applicant is licensed in accordance with chapter
449, HRS.
(e) In addition to the above, a proposed name
or mark shall:
(1) Not be prohibited by
(2) Be filed in good faith
with the intent of conducting a legitimate business and not to defraud,
confuse, or mislead the public; and
(3) Not state or imply that it is connected
with a governmental agency, unless otherwise permitted by a governmental agency
or law.
(f) If a name or
mark is rejected, the division shall notify an applicant of the basis for the