(a) As used in
Hawaii Revised Statutes, and this section:
(1) Individuals employed in an
"instructional" capacity include persons engaged in teaching students in formal
classrooms, and individuals who teach in less formal arrangements, such as
tutorial relationships and direction of students in independent research and
(2) Individuals employed
in a "research" capacity include those who direct a research project and the
staff directly engaged in gathering, correlating, and evaluating information
and making findings. The individuals who provide supportive services for the
research, such as typists, clerks, and electricians engaged in wiring the
information processing equipment under the direction of the research staff, are
not included in this term;
Individuals employed in a "principal administrative" capacity include officers
of the institution (such as the president), the board of directors, business
managers, deans, associate deans, public relations directors, comptrollers,
development officers, chief librarians, registrars, and individuals who,
although they may lack official titles, actually perform in similar functions.
The duties performed by the individual rather than the title that person holds
shall determine whether or not that person is included in this term;
(4) "Service in any other capacity" includes
all other services performed by employees of an educational institution or
governmental agency such as the school secretary, office clerical staff, school
lunch aides, cafeteria workers, school health aides, school security aides, and
individuals who provide supportive services;
(5) "Professional capacity" includes the
individuals engaged in instructional, research, and principal administrative
(6) "Nonprofessional
capacity" includes the individuals engaged in performing "services in any other
capacity" in an educational institution or governmental agency;
(7) "Institution of education" means an
institution that:
(A) Offers an organized
course of study or training designed to transfer knowledge, skills,
information, doctrines, attitudes or abilities from, by or under the guidance
of an instructor or teacher to participants, trainees, or students. Such course
of study or training may be academic, technical, trade, or preparation for
gainful employment in a recognized occupation; and
(B) Is approved, licensed or issued a permit
to operate as a school by the State Department of Education, Board of
Education, or other government agency that is authorized within the State to
approve, license or issue permits for the operation of schools such as private,
public, profit making, and non-profit institutions, whether the institutions
are pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools, preparatory or vocational
schools, colleges, universities, junior or community colleges, or similar
institutions within or without the State;
(8) "Sabbatical leave" includes any paid
leave whether for professional improvement or other leave, where both the leave
and the individual's resumption of work upon termination of the leave are
provided for in the contract;
"Established and customary vacation or recess for a holiday" includes the
Christmas or spring break, or similar periods within an academic year or term,
when that period has been placed on the school calendar for that school
(10) "Governmental agency,"
as used in this section and section
Hawaii Revised Statutes, includes an educational service agency and any
federal, state, county, or other type of governmental agency which is
established and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing
instructional, research, or principal administrative services, or any other
services to one or more educational institutions;
(11) The "contract" which an individual has
with an institution of education or governmental agency may be written, oral,
implied, or expressed. In some cases, the contract may be merely a notice of
appointment or reappointment or a letter indicating that the individual's
services have been accepted. Generally, as long as there is a mutual commitment
between an individual and a particular institution, the individual's services
shall be considered covered by a contract;
(12) "Reasonable assurance" means a written,
oral, implied agreement that the individual will perform services or provides
the individual with a realistic expectation of employment in an institution of
education or governmental agency in an instructional, research, principal
administrative, or any other capacity during the ensuing academic year or term.
Notification from the institution of education or governmental agency to the
individual of reemployment for the next academic year or term shall constitute
reasonable assurance, provided there are sufficient facts to show that the
individual can realistically expect to be reemployed during the ensuing
academic year or term, including, but not limited to:
(A) The existence of a job opening;
(B) The nature and effect of any factors,
such as:
(i) Future enrollment;
(ii) Availability of funding;
(iii) Vacancies due to absences of regular
employees; or
(iv) The individual=s
past employment with an institution of education or governmental
(C) The
employer=s practice or procedure in assignment and offering work to its
employees; and
(D) Any other
factors to be considered in determining realistic expectation for reemployment;
(13) "Opportunity to
perform such services" means an actual chance to perform these services for an
institution of education or a governmental agency in the academic year or the
term that follows. The offer shall specify the conditions under which the offer
of work was made to the individual and upon which reasonable assurance was
previously given. If it is established that the offer was not bona fide, as may
be indicated by a dismissal shortly after the individual begins performance of
the required service, the individual may be eligible for retroactive payment of
(b) When an
initial claim is filed by an individual, the institution of education or
governmental agency shall provide the department with a statement as to whether
or not reasonable assurance of employment has been given to the individual for
the ensuing academic year or term and specific facts in support of the
reasonable assurance, such as:
(1) The
conditions of prospective work, including:
(A) Job title;
(B) The duties;
(C) The hours of work;
(D) The salary; and
(E) The dates of employment; and
(2) Any other information
necessary for a proper determination of a claim for benefits.
(c) If it has been determined by
the department that a denial is applicable under section
Hawaii Revised Statutes, benefits shall not be paid during:
(1) The interval between two successive
academic years, such as the summer vacation period;
(2) Any period or term within an
institution's academic year which occurs between two regular terms, whether or
not successive, and during which the individual is not required to perform
services in a professional capacity. For example, in the case of an individual
whose contracts for each of two twelve-month periods require that individual to
teach during the spring, summer, and winter terms in an institution with a
four-term academic year and do not require that individual to perform such
services during the intervening fall term, no benefits may be paid to that
individual during the fall term. The fall term would be the period "between two
regular terms, whether or not successive";
(3) Sabbatical leave;
(4) The period between the end of the
sabbatical leave and the beginning of the next academic year or term, and the
period between the end of the preceding academic year or term and the beginning
of the sabbatical leave;
(5) An
established and customary vacation or recess for a holiday which falls within
an academic year or term; or
Any period during an established and customary vacation or recess for a holiday
within an academic term when an employee in an educational institution working
in one capacity receives reasonable assurance of continued employment in
another capacity after the established and customary vacation or recess for a
holiday within the academic term. For example, if an individual performed
services in a professional capacity in the academic period prior to the
established and customary vacation or recess for a holiday for an educational
institution and will be returning to an educational institution in a
nonprofessional capacity in the academic period following the established and
customary vacation or recess for a holiday, the denial would apply.
(d) The denial of benefits shall
not apply during the applicable period between two academic terms or during an
established or customary vacation or recess for a holiday period:
(1) If the individual performed services in
an institution of education or governmental agency in the first academic period
and has a contract or reasonable assurance of employment with a different type
of employer in the ensuing academic period. The denial would not apply, for
example, where an individual was employed by an educational institution in the
first academic period and accepted employment with a governmental agency or a
non-educational employer in the second academic period; or
(2) If the individual has wages from other
covered employment and meets all eligibility requirements. The individual may
be paid benefits for the periods between academic years, terms or semesters, or
within academic periods based on the individual's covered wages from employers
other than an institution of education or governmental agency; or
(3) If the economic terms and conditions of
the job offered in the second period are substantially less than the terms and
conditions for the job in the first period. The denial would apply, for
example, where a full-time teacher is offered a one-year contract as a
long-term substitute teacher at the same rate of pay and daily employment is
guaranteed for the term of the contract. The denial would not apply, for
example, where a full-time teacher during the first academic year is offered a
contract to teach only one hour per day or is placed on the on-call list during
the second academic year.