Hawaii Administrative Rules
Chapter 25 - CHILD LABOR
Section 12-25-22 - Theatrical employment permitted
Current through November, 2024
A minor under fourteen years of age may be employed or permitted to work in theatrical employment provided that:
(1) A written consent to the employment is filed with the director by a guardian or parent with whom the minor resides; or, if the guardian or parent is not a resident of the State, the person who is primarily responsible for the care and custody of the minor;
(2) The minor is accompanied by and is under the immediate and direct control of the person who is required to file the consent as herein provided or by a responsible adult person designated by the person who files the consent;
(3) The employer submits to the director, whenever employment would occur during a school year, a statement signed by an authorized school official indicating that the attendance at school and the school work of the minor are satisfactory;
(4) The employment does not injuriously affect the health, safety, or well-being of the minor or contribute to the minor's delinquency;
(5) Where liquor is sold for consumption on the premises, the licensee shall comply with the rules of the appropriate county liquor commission relating to employment of minors as entertainers;
(6) The work is performed during periods when the minor is not legally required to attend school or when the minor is excused by school authorities from attending school; and
(7) The employer of the minor procures and keeps on file a valid certificate of employment.