Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 80-5-1-.01 - General
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) The appropriation for the Department of Banking and Finance is enacted by the General Assembly and signed into law annually. An annual fee shall be assessed on financial institutions supervised or regulated by the Department. These fees are remitted to the Office of the State Treasurer.
(2) Annual assessments are for the Department's fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. Assessments for depository institutions are based upon each financial institution's assets reported on the Report of Condition preceding the assessment date. All financial institutions will be assessed, either for a full year or for a partial year, as appropriate. Subject to an increased assessment due to an acquisition, annual assessments for Georgia chartered financial institutions existing on July 1, will be based on June 30 Call Report Assets, should be delivered on or about September 10, and are due and payable no later than September 30. A late payment penalty may be assessed for the full year billing at any time after the due date. Subject to the provisions herein, assessments related to a conversion to a Georgia state chartered institution or a charter issuance after July 1 will be prorated for the number of full and partial months as a Georgia state chartered institution and will be delivered as soon as practical and shall be due and payable upon receipt. A late payment penalty may be assessed for the partial year billing fourteen days after bill issuance. Under no circumstances, shall any portion of an annual assessment paid to the Department be refunded.
(3) Newly chartered financial institutions will not be assessed for the first three full months plus any partial month from the begin business date. Thereafter, annual assessments as set forth herein shall apply. The initial assessment period for newly chartered financial institutions shall begin on the first day of the month after the first three full calendar months from the begin business date.
(4) Assessment fees for a Georgia state chartered institution that is acquired by a federal or national institution or institution chartered by another state after July 1, but prior to the date that assessments are due and payable, will be prorated based on the number of full and partial months the institution operated as a Georgia state chartered institution. A Georgia state chartered institution that is acquired by a federal or national institution or an institution chartered by another state after the assessment date, shall pay the full assessment.
(5) Assessment fees for a Georgia state chartered institution that is acquired by another Georgia state chartered institution after July 1, but prior to the date that assessments are due and payable, will be assessed on the combined total assets and offices of the combined institutions as of June 30. A Georgia state chartered institution that is acquired after the assessment date, shall pay the full assessment.
(6) Assessment fees for a Georgia state chartered institution that converts to a federal or national institution or institution chartered by another state after July 1, but prior to the date that assessments are due and payable, will be prorated based on the number of full and partial months the institution operated as a Georgia state chartered institution. A Georgia state chartered institution that converts to a federal or national institution or institution chartered by another state after the assessment date, shall pay the full assessment.
(7) Assessment fees for a national bank, federal credit union, or institution chartered by another state that is acquired by a Georgia state chartered institution after July 1 will be prorated based on the number of full and partial months the additional assets of the national bank, federal credit union, or the institution chartered by another state were combined into the Georgia state chartered institution.
(8) The Department has made available an Applications Manual, which manual includes the fees for each type of application, registration and notification.
(9) The Department has policies which provide that certain qualifying institutions may expedite applications or submit shortened forms of applications. The fees for these expedited processes have been reduced accordingly. The criteria for banks to qualify for such treatment is set forth in Rule 80-1-1-.10 while the criteria for bank holding companies to qualify is set forth in Rule 80-6-1-.03.
O.C.G.A. §§ 7-1-41, 7-1-61.