(1) Except as otherwise indicated, these fines and penalties apply to any person, partnership, association, corporation, or any other group of individuals, however organized, that is required to be licensed under Article 4A of Chapter 1 of Title 7. The Department, at its sole discretion, may waive or modify a fine based upon the financial resources of the person, gravity of the violation, history of previous violations, and such other facts and circumstances deemed appropriate by the Department.
(4) The Department establishes the following fines and penalties for violation of the law and rules governing check cashers.
(a) Books and Records. If the Department, in the course of an examination or investigation, finds that a licensee has failed to maintain its books and records according to the requirements of O.C.G.A. §
7-1-706(a) and Rules 80-4-1-.01(2) or 80-4-1-.01(5), such licensee shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each books and records violation listed in Rules 80-4-1-.01(2) or 80-4-1-.01(5).
(b) Excessive Fees. If the Department, in the course of an examination or investigation, finds that a licensee has charged fees for cashing payment instruments in excess of the amount set forth in O.C.G.A. §
7-1-707(f), such licensee shall be subject to a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per occurrence.
(c) Posting of Charges. Any licensee who does not display, at all locations, a notice stating the charges/fees for cashing payment instruments in accordance with O.C.G.A. §
7-1-707.1 shall be subject to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500).
(d) Operating Without Proper License. Any person who acts as a check casher prior to receiving a current license required under Article 4A of Chapter 1 of Title 7, or who acquires a business that cashes payment instruments and operates without its own license, or during the time a suspension, revocation or applicable cease and desist order is in effect, shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per day.
(e) Felons. Any licensee that hires or retains a covered employee who is a felon as described in O.C.G.A. §
7-1-703(c), when such covered employee has not complied with the remedies provided for in O.C.G.A. §
7-1-703(c) for each conviction before such employment, shall be subject to a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each such covered employee.
(f) Background Checks on Employees. Any licensee that does not obtain a criminal background check on each covered employee prior to the initial date of hire, retention, or transition of an existing employee to a covered employee as set forth in Rule 80-4-1-.10(1) shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per occurrence. Proof of the required criminal background check must be retained by the licensee until five years after termination of employment by the licensee. Notwithstanding compliance with this requirement to perform a criminal background check prior to employment, failure to maintain criminal background checks as required will result in a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each covered employee for which the licensee is missing this documentation.
(g) Deferred Payment. Any licensee that defers payment on a payment instrument pending collection and has not obtained the surety bond as required by O.C.G.A. §
7-1-707(c) shall be subject to a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per occurrence.
(h) Other Business Activities. Any licensee found to have violated any law of this state by conducting any other business that is not lawful in conjunction with cashing payment instruments, shall be subject to a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(i) Corporate Checks. Any licensee that cashes a payment instrument made payable to a corporation or other business association or cashes a payment instrument drawn by the corporation or other business association and made payable to cash without the proper written authorization as required by O.C.G.A. §
7-1-707(d) and Rule 80-4-1-.01(3) shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per occurrence.
(j) Advertising - "No Identification Required." A licensee that advertises that it will cash payment instruments with no identification required will be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(k) Identification Requirements for Cashing Payment Instruments. No licensee shall cash payment instruments without identification of the bearer of such check. Failure to comply with the requirements of O.C.G.A. §
7-1-707(e) shall subject the licensee to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per occurrence.
(l) Failure to Submit to Exam. The penalty for the refusal of a licensee to permit the Department to conduct an investigation or examination of its books, accounts, and records (after a reasonable request by the Department), shall be a five thousand dollar ($5,000) fine. Refusal shall require at least two attempts by the Department to schedule an examination or investigation.
(m) Consumer Complaints. Any licensee who fails to respond to a written consumer complaint or fails to respond to the Department regarding a consumer complaint, within the time periods specified in the Department's correspondence to such licensee, shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each occurrence.
(n) Failure to Notify or Obtain Approval from the Department of Change in Ownership, Change in Control, or Designation of Executive Officer. Any licensee or other person who fails to obtain the Department's prior approval of a change in ultimate equitable ownership through acquisition or other change in control or change in executive officer resulting from such change in ownership or change in control of the licensee in compliance with O.C.G.A. §
7-1-705.1 and Rule 80-4-1-.01 shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any licensee or other person who fails to timely notify the Department of a change in executive officer not resulting from a change in control or ownership in compliance with O.C.G.A. §
7-1-705 shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(o) Bank Secrecy Act. If the Department, in the course of an examination or investigation, finds that a licensee has failed to comply with the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970 and its related regulations, including those set forth at 31 CFR Chapter X (together, the "Bank Secrecy Act") or the requirements referred to in Rules 80-4-1-.02, 80-4-1-.03, and 80-4-1-.04, such licensee shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each instance of non-compliance.
(p) Failure to Post Required License or Failure to Include Required Legend on Advertising. Any licensee that fails to post a copy of its license in prominent view of each teller window or other customer service station, or distributes advertising in this state related to the cashing of payment instruments that fails to comply with the requirements of Rule 80-4-1-.01(4) shall be subject to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) for each instance of non-compliance.
(q) Failure to Timely Disclose Change in Affiliation of Natural Person that Executed Lawful Presence Affidavit and Submission of New Affidavit. Any licensed check casher that fails to disclose that the owner or executive officer that executed the lawful presence affidavit is no longer in that position with the licensee within ten (10) business days of the date of the event necessitating the disclosure, shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any licensed check casher that fails to submit a new lawful presence affidavit from a current owner or executive officer within ten (10) business days of the owner or executive officer that executed the previous lawful presence affidavit no longer being in that position with the licensee, shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per day until the new affidavit is provided.
(r) Failure to Timely Update Information on the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry. Any licensee that fails to update its information on the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry ("NMLSR"), including, but not limited to, amendments to any response to disclosure questions, within ten (10) business days of the date of the event necessitating the change, shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per occurrence. In addition, the failure of a control person of a licensee to update the individual's information on the NMLSR, including, but not limited to, amendments to any response to disclosure questions by the control person, within ten (10) business days of the date of the event necessitating the change, shall subject the licensee to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per occurrence.
(s) Prohibited Acts. Any licensee or other person who violates the provisions of O.C.G.A. §
7-1-708 shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation or transaction that is in violation.
(t) Unauthorized Access to Customer Information. Any licensee that fails to provide the Department with notice of unauthorized access to customer information as required by Rule 80-4-1-.08 shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) a day until the notice is provided.