(1) Minimum adequate subterranean termite control treatment for post construction shall include the following:
(a) For pesticide products applied as a comprehensive soil termiticide application consistent with registered label directions:
1. Removal of all cellulosic material from underneath the building and removal of any other debris which would interfere with inspection or treatment in such area.
2. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and outside soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. The top of all supports for untreated wooden members shall be no closer than six (6) inches to the soil. In no case shall the minimum clearance between untreated wood and soil be less than six (6) inches. This requirement shall apply only to those situations where wood is exposed and by design is not separated from the outside soil line by anything other than air space. Such clearance shall not apply to sill plates or other wooden members of a structure which may be physically closer to the earth than the required clearance but are by design enclosed by and insulated from the earth by brick, stucco or other construction material.
3. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and inside soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. In no case shall the minimum clearance between wood and soil in a crawl space be less than eighteen (18) inches.
4. Removal of all visible accessible termite tunnels.
5. Trenching of soil along the outside and inside of foundation walls and around pillars and other supports to a minimum depth of six (6) inches, but not lower than the top of the footing in contact with the soil. Rodding may be performed from the bottom of the trench to lower depths as required. When the top of any footing is exposed and not in contact with the soil, trenching should not extend below the bottom of the footing.
6. Application of approved termiticide.
(i) Approved termiticides shall be those registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Under no circumstances shall the concentration applied be lower than the minimum nor greater than the maximum concentration specified on the product label for the termiticide as a soil termiticide application.
(ii) Rate of application shall be four (4) gallons per ten (10) linear feet per foot of depth from the soil surface to the lesser of either the top of footings or a depth of four (4) feet applied to the trenches and backfill. Soil into which pipes extend from the structure, soil under expansion joints, and soil in any other critical point of potential termite entry must also be treated with the approved termiticide at the above application rate.
(iii) Measures must be taken to prevent the back siphoning of pesticides and the contamination of public water supplies during dilution and filling operations. Do not apply pesticide while precipitation is occurring in any area where the application would be impacted by the precipitation.
(iv) Precautions must be taken to prevent the contamination of wells or cisterns, in or close to the structure being treated.
7. Drilling of all tile, brick, concrete block or other type cavity walls, chimneys, hollow pillars or other similar structure parts and application of the approved termiticide at a rate of two (2) gallons per ten (10) linear feet. Drilling of concrete blocks or other hollow masonry parts shall be made into the large voids only, as opposed to the vertical mortar joints, at horizontal intervals of no more than twelve (12) inches. Application of the termiticide shall be made through drill holes no more than eighteen (18) inches above the lowest of the soil or slab surfaces contiguous to the opposite side of the vertical wall. In the case of uncapped hollow parts, the termiticide may be applied through the top opening, provided the termiticide is released no higher than eighteen (18) inches above the top of the footing.
8. Treatment of the entire inside perimeter walls of all earth filled porches beneath concrete slabs contiguous to the structure with an approved termiticide at the rate of four (4) gallons per ten (10) linear feet by one of the following:
(i) Making access openings, by removing a six (6) inch band of soil along the entire inside perimeter walls and applying the termiticide in the trench.
(ii) Drilling from the top of the entire perimeter of the slab at intervals of no more than twelve (12) inches and no more than twelve (12) inches from the perimeter wall and applying the termiticide.
(iii) Drilling, rodding, and applying the approved termiticide from the inside of the foundation at no more than twelve (12) inch intervals along the entire inside perimeter and as close as possible to the lower edge of the slab.
(iv) Drilling, rodding, and applying the approved termiticide from the sides of the earth fill along the entire perimeter provided no horizontal rodding distance shall exceed twenty (20) feet.
9. Treatment of all grade level slabs contiguous to the structure with an approved termiticide at the rate of four (4) gallons per ten (10) linear feet by drilling and applying along the entire distance where slab joins any part of structure at intervals of no more than twelve (12) inches and no more than twelve (12) inches from the structure wall.
10. Treatment of all structures with concrete slabs at or above grade level with an approved termiticide at the rate of four (4) gallons per ten (10) linear feet by one of the following:
(i) Treating from the inside by drilling through from the top of the slab and applying the approved termiticide at intervals of no more than twelve (12) inches and no more than twelve (12) inches from the outside edge of slab along the entire perimeter and at all other points of potential termite entry through the slab. After such application all holes shall be securely sealed to prevent any upward movement of the termiticide.
(ii) Treating from the outside by rodding and applying termiticide along and under the entire perimeter of the slab by inserting the rod as close as possible to the lower edge of the slab.
11. Treatment of monolithic slabs by trenching and application of the approved termiticide to the soil along the entire perimeter of the slab at the rate of four (4) gallons per ten (10) linear feet and to any openings through the slab.
(b) For pesticide products allowing a defined soil treatment consistent with individual product registered label directions:
1. Removal of all cellulosic material from underneath the building and removal of any other debris which would interfere with inspection or treatment in such area.
2. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and outside soil other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. The top of all supports for untreated wooden members shall be no closer than six (6) inches to the soil. In no case shall the minimum clearance between untreated wood and soil be less than six (6) inches. This requirement shall apply only to those situations where wood is exposed and by design is not separated from the outside soil line by anything other than air space. Such clearance shall not apply to sill plates or other wooden members of a structure which may be physically closer to the earth than the required clearance but are by design enclosed by and insulated from the earth by brick, stucco or other construction material.
3. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and inside crawl space soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. In no case shall the minimum clearance between wood and soil in a crawl space be less than eighteen (18) inches.
4. Removal of visible accessible termite tunnels unless specified on the product label.
5. Application of approved termiticide.
(i) Approved termiticides shall be those registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
(ii) Trenching of soil along the outside foundation walls to a minimum depth of six (6) inches, but not lower than the bottom of the footing in contact with the soil. Rodding may be performed from the bottom of the trench to lower depths as required.
(iii) Treatment of all grade level slabs and earth filled porches beneath concrete slabs that are contiguous to the exterior of the structure, including any garage or carport slabs, with an approved termiticide by drilling and applying along the entire distance where slab joins any part of structure at intervals of no more than twelve (12) inches and no more than twelve (12) inches from the structure wall.
(iv) Measures must be taken to prevent the back siphoning of pesticides and the contamination of public water supplies during dilution and filling operations. Do not apply pesticide while precipitation is occurring in any area where the application would be impacted by the precipitation.
(v) Precautions must be taken to prevent the contamination of wells or cisterns, in or close to the structure being treated.
(c) For pesticide products, other than baits designed for the control of termites, applied for purposes other than as a soil termiticide application and when applied consistent with individual product registered label directions:
1. Removal of all cellulosic material from underneath the building and removal of any other debris which would interfere with inspection or treatment in such area.
2. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and outside soil other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. The top of all supports for untreated wooden members shall be no closer than six (6) inches to the soil. In no case shall the minimum clearance between untreated wood and soil be less than six (6) inches. This requirement shall apply only to those situations where wood is exposed and by design is not separated from the outside soil line by anything other than air space. Such clearance shall not apply to sill plates or other wooden members of a structure which may be physically closer to the earth than the required clearance but are by design enclosed by and insulated from the earth by brick, stucco or other construction material.
3. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and inside crawl space soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. In no case shall the minimum clearance between wood and soil in a crawl space be less than eighteen (18) inches.
4. Removal of visible accessible termite tunnels unless specified on the product label.
5. Application of approved termiticide, taking all precautions necessary to prevent the contamination of wells or cisterns, in or close to the structure being treated. Unless prohibited by the product's label directions, all applications of liquid pesticide applied to the surface of non-decorative or non-finished wood and/or sheathing shall include a sufficient amount of a dye or marker to readily indicate the areas that have been treated.
(d) For pesticide bait products applied for the purpose of controlling termites:
1. Removal of all cellulosic material from underneath the building and removal of any other debris which would interfere with inspection or treatment in such area.
2. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and outside soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. The top of all supports for untreated wooden members shall be no closer than six (6) inches to the soil. In no case shall the minimum clearance between untreated wood and soil be less than six (6) inches. This requirement shall apply only to those situations where wood is exposed and by design is not separated from the outside soil line by anything other than air space. Such clearance shall not apply to sill plates or other wooden members of a structure which may be physically closer to the earth than the required clearance but are by design enclosed by and insulated from the earth by brick, stucco or other construction material.
3. Removal of all wooden contacts between buildings and inside crawl space soil, other than those wooden supports which have been treated with preservatives to a minimum preservative retention designed for ground contact. In no case shall the minimum clearance between wood and soil in a crawl space be less than eighteen (18) inches.
4. Removal of visible accessible termite tunnels unless specified on the product label.
5. All termite baits and baiting systems shall be monitored, consistent with the products label and labeling directions, for a minimum period of one year at no additional cost to the property owner when installed for pre-construction treatments or for treatments to control an infestation found during the coverage period of an Official Georgia Wood Infestation Inspection Report.
6. The initial installation of a baiting system shall include a reasonable depiction of the structure noting the approximate locations of all bait or monitoring stations. This diagram shall be maintained for two (2) years past the expiration date of the contract.
7. In addition to all other record keeping requirements, each time there is an inspection or monitoring of a baiting system, the licensee shall record the following:
(a) date of the inspection
(b) results of the inspection for each station
(c) notation of any stations that were not able to be monitored
(d) notation of any additional stations that have been added
8. Application of an approved termiticide bait consistent with all product label directions.
(i) Approved termiticide bait shall be those registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Georgia Department of Agriculture.