Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia

Universal Citation: GA Rules and Regs r
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through September 23, 2024

The Administrative History following each Rule gives the date on which the Rule was originally filed and its effective date, as well as the date on which any amendment or repeal was filed and its effective date. Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. -- filed

eff. -- effective

R. -- Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. -- Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. -- Emergency Rule

Rev. -- Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date filed and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

Chapters 505-1 entitled "Operating Procedures", 505-2 entitled "Certification", 505-3 entitled "Teacher Education", 505-4 entitled "State Payments to Supervisors of Student Teachers" have been adopted. Filed December 18, 1991; effective January 7, 1992.

Rule 505-2-.123 has been amended. Filed January 7, 1992; effective July 1, 1992, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.11 has been amended. Filed April 6, 1992; effective July 1, 1992, as specified by the Agency.

Chapters 505-1, 505-2 and 505-3 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Filed December 16, 1992; effective July 1, 1993, as specified by the Agency.

Grant Chapter 505-5 entitled "Grants Program" submitted December 16, 1993.

Rules 505-2-.02, .09, .10, .11, .13, .17, .18, .37, .38, .95, .116, .117, .121, .124 and 505-3-.54 have been amended. Filed April 29, 1994; effective July 1, 1994, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.08 has been amended. Filed June 29, 1994; effective July 19, 1994. Rules 505-3-.01 and .29 have been amended. Filed June 29, 1994; effective July 19, 1994.

Rules 505-2-.08, .13, .15, .37, .38 have been amended. Rule 505-3-.01 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed June 19, 1995; effective July 9, 1995.

Rule 505-1-.04 has been amended. Filed October 6, 1995; effective November 1, 1995, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-1-.04, 505-3-.47, .53 and Chapter 505-2 have been amended. Filed June 21, 1996; effective July 11, 1996.

Rules 505-2-.03, .04 have been amended. Filed December 10, 1996; effective January 1, 1997, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-1-.04, 505-2-.02, .36, .74, .99, .118, .121 and .136 have been amended. Filed June 24, 1997; effective July 14, 1997.

Rules 505-3-.01, .26, .35, and .37 have been amended. Filed August 13, 1997; effective September 2, 1997.

Rules 505-2-.06, .100 to .108, .123, .124, 505-3-.13, .15, .19, .21, .32, .34, .42, .43 and .59 have been amended. Filed December 31, 1997; effective July 1, 1998, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-1-.04, .05, 505-2-.03 to .05, .17, .35 have been amended. Rules 505-1-.06, .07 have been adopted. Filed June 5, 1998; effective July 1, 1998, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.11, .89, 505-3-.33 have been amended. Rule 505-2-.109 has been adopted. Filed December 9, 1998; effective January 1, 1999, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.03, .04, .05, 505-3-.17, .29, .47 have been amended. Filed June 8, 1999; effective July 1, 1999, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.25, .31, .37 and 505-3-.40 have been amended. Filed January 25, 2000; effective February 15, 2000, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.52, .75, .80, .83 have been amended. Rule 505-3-.44 has been adopted. Filed March 7, 2000; effective April 1, 2000, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.10 has been amended. Rule 505-2-.24 has been adopted. Filed April 7, 2000; effective May 1, 2000, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.10 has been amended. Rules 505-1-.04, 505-2-.03 and .04 have been repealed. Chapter 505-6 entitled "Professional Practices" has been adopted. Filed July 10, 2000; effective August 1, 2000, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.08 and .13 have been amended. Filed August 11, 2000; effective September 1, 2000, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.24, .35 have been amended. Rule 505-6-.08 has been adopted. Filed May 10, 2001; effective June 1, 2001, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.62 has been repealed. Rules 505-2-.52, .71, .75, .80, .83, .86 and .97 have been amended. Filed July 13, 2001; effective August 5, 2001, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, 505-6-.01, .02, .07, .08 have been amended. Rule 505-6-.09 has been adopted. Filed September 10, 2001; effective October 1, 2001, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 505-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed November 9, 2001; effective December 1, 2001, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-6-.02, .07 have been amended. Filed February 27, 2002; effective April 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.59, .84, .100, .117, .119, 505-3-.17, .29, .33 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.110, .111, .112, 505-3-.08, .45, and .49 have been adopted. Filed May 9, 2002; effective June 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-3-.50 has been adopted. Filed May 9, 2002; effective July 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-6-.01 has been amended. Filed June 27, 2002; effective August 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, 505-6-.01, .03, and .09 have been amended. Rule 505-2-.19 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed September 19, 2002; effective October 15, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.17, .52, .71, .75, .80, .83, .86, and .97 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.104 and 505-3-.19 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 505-2-.113, .114, 505-3-.46, .51 and .60 have been adopted. Filed December 3, 2002; effective January 1, 2003, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.06 and .121 have been amended. Filed April 11, 2003; effective May 1, 2003.

Rule 505-6-.01 has been amended. Filed June 23, 2003; effective July 15, 2003, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .02, .05 to .11, .15, .17 to .24, .35 to .39, .50 to .61, .63 to .97, .99 to .113, .115 to .121, .123, .124, .130, .132 to .137 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 505-2-.03, .12, .16, .25, .26, .31 to .34, .62 have been adopted. Rules 505-2-.13, .40, and .114 have been repealed and Rules reserved. Filed February 20, 2004; effective March 15, 2004, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, .12, .21, .24, .26, .39, .84, .96, .115 to .121, 505-3-.01, .08 to .12, .14, .16 to .20, .22, .24, .26 to .30, .35, .36, .38, .39, .45 to .51, .53 to .57, 505-6-.01 and .05 have been amended. Rules 505-3-.05, .52, .61 to .75 have been adopted. Rules 505-3-.13, .15, .21, .23, .33, .34, .41 to .43, and .59 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed August 20, 2004; effective September 15, 2004, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.03, .06, .07, .12, .36, and .70 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.100 to .109, .111, .112, .115 to .121, .123, .124, .130, .132 to .137 have been repealed. Rule 505-2-.113 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rules 505-2-.150 to .158, .160, .161, .163 to .165, .173, .200 to .206, .250, .251, .300, .350 to .355 have been adopted. Filed October 22, 2004; effective November 15, 2004, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .06, .08, .19, .20, .21, .25, .64, .96, .205, and .206 have been amended. Filed December 14, 2004; effective January 15, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-6-.07 has been amended. Filed March 16, 2005; effective April 15, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.05, .06, .08 to .11, .20, .24, .35, .37, .84, .150, .164, .202, .205, .250, and 505-3-.52 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.97 and .163 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 505-2-.99 and .113 have been repealed. Rules 505-2-.116, .117, .252, and 505-3-.80 have been adopted. Filed June 23, 2005; effective July 15, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.75 and .83 have been repealed and the rules reserved. Rule 505-2-.103 to .109, .111, .112, .170 to .172, and .174 have been adopted. Rules 505-2-.110 and 505-3-.62 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 505-3-.61, .63, .66 to .68, .71 to .73, .75, and 505-6-.01 have been amended. Filed July 21, 2005; effective August 15, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 505-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed October 24, 2005; effective November 15, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-3-.46 has been adopted. Filed December 13, 2005; effective January 15, 2006, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.05 to .07, .09, .10, .12, .19, .20, .24, .25, .89, .97, .103, .150, .157, .163, .170 to .172, .174, .202, .205, .206, .250, and .350 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.92 and 505-3-.29 have been repealed. Filed February 10, 2006; effective March 15, 2006, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.52 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rules 505-2-.117 and .204 have been amended. Rules 505-3-.40 to .43 have been adopted. Filed April 17, 2006; effective May 15, 2006, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, .11, and .24 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.108 and 505-3-.32 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 505-2-.126 to .139 have been adopted. Filed August 3, 2006, effective September 1, 2006, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.05, .06, .25, .38, .150, .163, .165, .202, .204 to .206, and 505-3-.16 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.162 and 505-3-.85 have been adopted. Filed November 9, 2006; effective December 15, 2006, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.58 and .73 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed March 8, 2007; effective April 15, 2007.

Rules 505-2-.05, .06, .10, .18, .25, .37, .96, .170, .204 to .206, and 505-3-.78 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.116, .151, 505-3-.12, and .64 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 505-2-.125 has been adopted. Filed June 18, 2007; effective July 15, 2007, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04 and 505-3-.06 have been adopted. Filed September 18, 2007; effective October 15, 2007, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, .20, .26, .64, .96, and .150 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.166, .167, 505-3-.62, and .63 have been adopted. Rule 505-2-.351 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rules 505-2-.352 to .355 have been repealed. Filed November 15, 2007; effective December 15, 2007, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.202, .300, and .350 have been amended. Filed December 14, 2007; effective January 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.300 has been amended. Filed March 17, 2008; effective April 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.20 and .24 have been amended. Filed April 16, 2008; effective May 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .03, and .26 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.13 and .14 have been adopted. Rule 505-2-.24 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed August 15, 2008; effective September 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .10, .11, .104 to .110, .112, .126 to .139, .170, .171, and .174 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.140 to .143 have been adopted. Filed September 16, 2008; effective October 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.08, .13, .21, .38, .150, .157, and 505-3-.33 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.153, .154, .164, 505-3-.66, .67, and .76 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 505-2-.161 has been repealed. Filed February 16, 2009; effective March 15, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .02, .04 to .06, .24, .25, .50 to .55, .57 to .64, .66, .69 to .71, .74, .81, .82, .84, .85, .87 to .89, .91, .94, .95, .104 to .112, .116, .117, .125 to .143, .200 to .202, .204 to .206, and 505-3-.01 have been amended. Rules 505-2-.27 to .30, .40, and 505-3-.86 have been adopted. Rules 505-2-.97, .166, 505-3-.05, and .32 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 505-3-.06 has been repealed. Filed April 20, 2009; effective May 15, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.96 and 505-6-.01 have been amended. Filed May 22, 2009; effective June 15, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.08, .70, .203, 505-3-.22, and .49 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed June 12, 2009; effective July 15, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02 and .25 have been amended. Rule 505-2-.108 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed September 10, 2009; effective October 1, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.15 and 505-6-.01 have been amended. Filed September 18, 2009; effective October 15, 2009, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .12, .150, .155, .156, 505-3-.68 and .69 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed December 17, 2009; effective January 15, 2010, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .06, .07, .09, .10, .11, .20, .24, .30, .39, and 505-3-.01 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed June 7, 2010; effective July 15, 2010, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.20, 505-2-.38, 505-3-.83 repealed and readopted. F. Sept. 22, 2011; eff. Oct. 15, 2011.

Rules 505-2-.208, 505-2-.209, 505-2-.252, 505-3-.53, 505-3-.54, and 505-3-.59 adopted. F. Sept. 22, 2011; eff. Oct. 15, 2011.

Rules 505-2-.116, 505-2-.300, 505-3-.12, 505-6-.05 repealed and readopted. F. Dec. 20, 2011; eff. Jan. 15, 2012.

Rules 505-2-.210, 505-3-.55 adopted. F. Dec. 20, 2011; eff. Jan. 15, 2012.

Rules 505-2-200, 505-2-201, 505-2-202, 505-2-203, 505-2-204, 505-2-205, 505-2-206, 505-3-.05, 505-3-.28, and 505-3-.48 repealed. New Rule with same title adopted. F. Sept. 24, 2012; eff. Oct. 14, 2012.

Rule 505-3-.01 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. Dec. 26, 2012; eff. Jan. 15, 2013.

Rule 505-2-.32 amended. F. Dec. 26, 2012; eff. Jan. 15, 2013.

Rules 505-3-.16 and 505-3-.47 amended; Rule 505-3-.75 repealed and new rule title adopted. F. Mar. 26, 2013; eff. Apr. 15, 2013.

Rules 505-2-.02 and 505-2-.25 amended; Rules 505-2-.43, 505-2-.44, and 505-3-.60 adopted; Rule 505-3-.26 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. May 24, 2013; eff. Jun. 15, 2013, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, 505-2-.39, 505-2-.96 amended; Rule 505-3-.82 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. Sept. 25, 2013; eff. Oct. 15, 2013.

Rule 505-2-.40 amended. F. Dec. 26, 2013; eff. Jan. 15, 2014.

Chapter 505-3 repealed in its entirety, new chapter adopted. F. Apr. 24, 2014; eff. May 15, 2014, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 505-2, repealed all current rules, excluding Rules 505-2-.122, .123, .124, .125, and .174; adopted new Rules 505-2-.01 to 505-2-.199, excluding Rules 505-2-.122, .123, .124, .125, and .174. F. June 11, 2014; eff. July 1, 2014, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.01, .02, .05, .76, .92, and .93 amended. F. June 13, 2014; eff. July 3, 2014, Rules 505-2-.04, .05, .14, .22, .24, .26, .33, .34, .153, and .182 amended. Rules 505-2-.122, .123, .124, .125 and .174 adopted. F. June 13, 2014; eff. July 3, 2014,

Rule 505-3-.25 adopted; Rules 505-2-.87, .89, .90, 505-3-.01, 505-6-.01 and .02 amended; Rules 505-3-.13, .14, .24, .34 through .40, .82, .84, .86 and .87 repealed and new rules adopted; Rules 505-3-.17, .70 and .83 repealed. F. Oct. 7, 2014; eff. Oct. 15, 2014, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .05, .08, .09, .22, .24, .34, .56, .89, .90, .141, .142, .146, .149, .169, .170, 505-3-.19, .40, .69 amended; Rule 505-3-.94 repealed and rule number reserved. F. Dec. 22, 2014; eff. Jan. 15, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .04, .05, .14, .19, .24, .26, .33, and .144 amended; Rules 505-3-.76 and .77 repealed and new rules with same title adopted; Rule 505-3-.78 repealed and rule number reserved. F. Mar. 25, 2015; eff. Apr. 15, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .15, .27, .40, .90, .114, 505-3-.102, .105, 505-6-.01 amended; Rule 505-3-.71 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. May 22, 2015; eff. June 15, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.03, 505-2-.07 adopted. F. June 12, 2015; eff. July 1, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.44, .91.184, 505-3-.61 adopted; Rules 505-2-.05, .07, .23, .25, .26, .31, .32, .34, .36, .148, .179, .182 amended; Rules 505-3-.48, .56, .93 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. Sept. 24, 2015; eff. Oct. 15, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .02, .03, .04, .20, .22, .32, .33, .43, .102, .162, .181, 505-3-.76, .77 amended; Rule 505-2-.153 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. Dec. 21, 2015; eff. Jan. 15, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .13, .24, .26 amended; Rule 505-2-.185 adopted; Rules 505-3-.65, .90 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. Apr. 13, 2016; eff. Apr. 15, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .08, .09, .15, .18, .24, .90, .144, .145, .182, 505-3-.82, .84, .86 through .89, .95 through .102, .105, .106 amended; Rule 505-3-.61 repealed; Rule 505-3-.83 adopted; Rule 505-3-.90 repealed and new rule with same title adopted. F. May 25, 2016; eff. June 15, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 80-6-1-.12 corrected to delete non-substantive typographical error of "No" in rule title as requested by the agency. Effective Aug. 12, 2015.

Note: Rule 505-2-.153, correction of non-substantive typographical error in History. 'Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Dec. 21, 2015; eff. Jan. 15, 2016, as specified by the agency.' corrected to 'Repealed: New Rule entitled "Educational Leadership Certificate" adopted. F. Dec. 21, 2015; eff. Jan. 15, 2016, as specified by the agency.' Rule 505-3-.05, correction of non-substantive typographical error in History, original Rule title "Educator Preparation Provider Annual Reporting and Evaluation" corrected to "Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP)." Effective Oct. 15, 2016.

Rules 505-2-.08, .10, .13, .26, .32, .43, .44, .87, .89, .90, .153, 505-3-.50 amended; Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .44, .45 repealed and new rule with same title adopted; Rules 505-3-.46 repealed and new rule adopted; Rules 505-3-.94, 505-3-.107 adopted. F. Sept. 26, 2016; eff. Oct. 15, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.185 amended; Rules 505-3-.02, .67, .76 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. Dec. 20, 2016; eff. Jan. 15, 2017, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .26, .31, .32, .33, .144 amended; Rule 505-2-.186 adopted. F. Mar. 27, 2017; eff. Apr. 15, 2017, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-3-.41 adopted; Rules 505-3-.86, .95 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. May 25, 2017; eff. June 15, 2017, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.05, .06, .07, .09, .24 through .27, .34, .36 amended. F. June 8, 2017; eff. July 1, 2017, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .10, .34, .153 amended; Rule 505-2-.154 adopted. F. Oct. 4, 2017; eff. Oct. 15, 2017, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-6-.01 amended. F. Dec. 20, 2017; eff. Jan. 1, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.01, .05 amended. F. Dec. 20, 2017; eff. Jan. 15, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .04, .18, .23, .43, .87, .90, 505-3-.02 amended. F. Apr. 10, 2018; eff. Apr. 15, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.10, .26, .146, .185 amended; Rule 505-2-.45 adopted. F. June 5, 2018; eff. July 1, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.76, .77 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. June 25, 2018; eff. July 15, 2018.

Note: Rule 505-2-.26, correction of non-substantive typographical errors in History on SOS Rules and Regulations website. "Repealed: New Rule entitled "Education Program" adopted. F. Apr. 24, 2014; eff. May 15, 2014, as specified by the Agency." corrected to "Repealed: New Rule entitled "History Education Program" adopted. F. Apr. 24, 2014; eff. May 15, 2014, as specified by the Agency." Effective Oct. 15, 2018.

Rules 505-2-.10, .15, .16, .19, .24, .26 amended; Rules 505-2-.46, .187 adopted. F. Oct. 3, 2018; eff. Oct. 15, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .88 amended; Rules 505-3-.23, .25, .26, .28 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. Oct. 11, 2018; eff. Oct. 15, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.32, .39 amended; Rules 505-3-.108, .109, .110 adopted. F. Dec. 18, 2018; eff. Jan. 15, 2019, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .04, .10, .14, .26, .106 amended. F. Mar. 26, 2019; eff. Apr. 15, 2019, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .16, .22, .26, .34, .36, .55, .56, .102, .159, .168, .169, .170, .177, .184 amended; Rules 505-2-.188 through .191 adopted; Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .14, .56, .82, .91, .92, .93, .98, .102, .107 amended; Rule 505-3-.111 adopted. F. June 26, 2019; eff. July 1, 2019, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.04, .10, .32, .42, .45, .46, .163, 505-3-.02, 505-6-.01, 505-6-.05 amended. Rule 505-3-.06 adopted. F. Sept. 24, 2019; eff. Oct. 15, 2019, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.01, .02, .20, .27, .28, .32, .33, .145, .161, .181 amended; Rules 505-2-.04, .05, .08, .09, .13, .14, .21 thru .26, .34, .36, .45, .46, .87, .90, .140 thru .144, .146 thru .149 repealed and new rules adopted; Rules 505-3-.01, .02, .19, .72, .104 amended; Rules 505-3-.51, .112 adopted; Rules 505-3-.66, .96, .103 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Dec. 13, 2019; eff. Jan. 1, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-2-.26, correction of non-substantive typographical errors in subparagraph (3)(b)1.(i), "The appropriate Special Education field assessment must then be completed before conversion to a Professional" corrected to "The appropriate Special Education field assessment must then be completed before conversion to a Professional certificate;", as requested by the Agency. Effective Jan. 1, 2020.

Rules 505-3-.01, .05 amended; Rules 505-3-.47, .89 repealed and new rules with same title adopted. F. Apr. 7, 2020; eff. Apr. 15, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-3-.01, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraph (3) (e)4.(iv), "... see GaPSC Rules 505-3-.63 through 505-3-.8." corrected to "... see GaPSC Rules 505-3-.63 through 505-3-.81.", as requested by the Agency. Effective Apr. 15, 2020.

Rule 505-2-.57 adopted; Rules 505-2-.03, .04, .05, .08, .09, .22, .45, .46, .87, .90, .145, .147, .148 and 505-3-.01, .02, .05, .66, .112 amended; Rules 505-2-.10, .11, .18, .24, .26, .32, .39, .42, .153 and 505-3-.13, .14 repealed and new rules adopted; Rules 505-2-.54, .55, .56, .60 through .64, .68 through .80, .84, .85, .86, .88, .89, .91, .94 through .102, .107 through .114, .118 through .136 repealed. F. June 11, 2020; eff. July 1, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-3-.66, title was incorrectly cited as "Reading Specialist Education Program" on the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia website from January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 due to an administrative error. The correct title, "Literacy Specialist Program," (as filed Dec. 13, 2019; effective Jan. 1, 2020) was updated on the Rules and Regulations website July 1, 2020, as requested by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.192 adopted; Rule 505-3-.01 amended. F. Sept. 24, 2020; eff. Oct. 15, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2.150 adopted; Rules 505-2-.08, .10, .11, .33, .42, .45, .87, .90, .153, .172 amended. Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .46, .76, .77 amended; Rule 505-3-.07 repealed and number reserved; Rules 505-3-.64, .95 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Dec. 11, 2020; eff. Jan. 1, 2021, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.24, .36, .177 amended; Rule 505-2-.37 repealed and number reserved; Rule 505-2-.187 repealed and new rule adopted; Rule 505-6-.01 amended, Rule 505-6-.02 repealed and new rule adopted. F. Mar. 26, 2021; eff. Apr. 15, 2021, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.21, .142, .163, .164, 505-3-.82 through .96, .98 through .112 amended; Rules 505-2-.27, .180 repealed and new rule adopted; Rules 505-3-.09, .97 repealed and number reserved. F. June 15, 2021; eff. July 1, 2021, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-3-.06 amended; Rules 505-3-.27, .92 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Sept. 24, 2021; eff. Oct. 15, 2021, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.90, 505-2-.173, 505-3-.01, 505-6-.01 amended. F. Dec. 14, 2021; eff. Jan. 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-3-.29 amended. F. Mar. 25, 2022; eff. Apr. 15, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.08, .10, .26, .45, .46, .87, .90, .143, .144, .145, .147, 505-3-.01, .05 amended. F. June 10, 2022; eff. July 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.03, .27, amended, Rule 505-2-.193 adopted. F. June 22, 2022; eff. July 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.168, 505-3-.111, 505-6-.01 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Oct. 3, 2022; eff. Oct. 15, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.191, .193, 505-3-.02, .23, .27, .34 through .41, .86, .88, 505-6-.01 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Dec. 9, 2022; eff. Jan. 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 505-2-.39 amended. F. Mar. 24, 2023; eff. Apr. 15, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.24, .54 through .58, .60, .83, .91, .98, .99, .101, .102 repealed and new rules adopted, Rule 505-3-.113 adopted. F. Apr. 4, 2023; eff. Apr. 15, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .06 amended. F. May 30, 2023; eff. June 15, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.194 adopted, 505-2-.141, .142, .149 repealed and new rules adopted. F. June 9, 2023; eff. July 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.03 adopted, 505-3-.13, .19, .48, .59, .82, .96, .100 repealed and new rule adopted, 505-3-.14, .51, .66, .76, .77 amended. F. June 21, 2023; eff. July 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-3-.01, .05, .06, .23 through .30, .34 through .41, .44 through .47, .49, .50, .54 through .58, .60, .83, .89, .90, .92, .93, .95, .98, .99, .101 through .104, .107, .108, .110, .112 amended. Rule 505-6-.08 repealed. F. Aug. 10, 2023; eff. Aug. 15, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.195, 505-3-.70 adopted; Rules 505-3-.01, .02, .63, .71, .72, .76, .92, .104, 505-6-.01, .02 amended. F. Dec. 14, 2023; eff. Jan. 1, 2024, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-3-.01, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraph (2)(y), "... see GaPSC Rule 505-2-04 INDUCTION CERTIFICATE." corrected to "... see GaPSC Rule 505-2-.04 INDUCTION CERTIFICATE.", as requested by the Agency. Effective Feb. 19, 2024.

Note: Rule 505-3-.02, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraph (2)(l), "... see GaPSC Rule 505-2-04 INDUCTION CERTIFICATE." corrected to "... see GaPSC Rule 505-2-.04 INDUCTION CERTIFICATE.", as requested by the Agency. Effective Feb. 19, 2024.

Note: Rule 505-3-.76, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraph (3)(c)6., "(ii) A passing score..." corrected to "(iii) A passing score...", as requested by the Agency. Effective Feb. 19, 2024.

Rule 505-3-.65 repealed and new rule adopted; Rule 505-3-.77 amended. F. Mar. 22, 2024; eff. Apr. 15, 2024, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 505-2-.02, .10, .14, .22, .26, .57 amended. F. Apr. 9, 2024; eff. Apr. 15, 2024, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-3-.65, Media Specialist Program, filed on March 22, 2024 (i.e., "Rule 505-3-.65, MEDIA SPECIALIST PROGRAM, has been repealed and a new rule with the same number adopted entitled SCHOOL LIBRARIAN PROGRAM.") was transmitted in error by the Agency. The Rule was rescinded on April 17, 2024, effective April 15, 2024 as specified by the Agency. This repeal will not be cited in the Rule History. Effective April 15, 2024.

Note: Rule 505-3-.51, correction of non-substantive typographical errors in paragraph (1), "... for those holding an advanced degrees. All program leading to..." corrected to "... for those holding an advanced degree. All programs leading to..." (i.e., "degrees" to "degree" and "program" to "programs"), as requested by the Agency. Effective May 10, 2024.

Rules 505-3-.01, .76 amended. F. May 20, 2024; eff. June 15, 2024, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 505-2-.10, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraphs (3) (a) 2. (i) and (3) (a) 3., hyperlink "HERE" connection corrected, as requested by the Agency. Effective July 12, 2024.

Note: Rule 505-2-.57, correction of non-substantive typographical error in subparagraph (2) (b) 2., "Middles Grades Math" corrected to "Middle Grades Math," as requested by the Agency. Effective July 12, 2024.

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