Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 410-13-.02 - Continuing Competency Requirements for Licensed Practical Nurses
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) Applicants for licensure renewal must satisfy one of the following continuing competency requirements during the biennial renewal period:
(2) Failure to meet the minimum continuing competency requirement for renewal of a license shall be grounds for denial of a renewal application.
(3) The Board may waive or modify the requirements contained in this subsection in cases of hardship, disability, or illness or under such other circumstances as the board, in its discretion, deems appropriate.
(4) An applicant who is renewing a license for the first time shall not be required to meet the requirements of this subsection until the time of the second renewal if the applicant's initial license period is six months or less.
(5) Licensees must maintain documentation of completion of the continuing competency activities as required in 410-13-.02(1) for no less than four (4) years from the date of licensure renewal. Licensees shall be required to produce documentation of the completion of the continuing competency activities for renewal of the license if audited during the renewal process and during any investigation. Failure to provide documentation shall be grounds for the denial of the renewal application or revocation or immediate suspension of the licensure. In order to assist licensees in the maintenance of these records, the Georgia Board of Nursing has adopted CE Broker, Incorporated to serve as the online reporting and recording system for licensees.
O.C.G.A. §§ 43-26-5(a)(2),(3),(10), 43-26-9.