Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 393-13-.03 - Continuing Education Documentation
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) Each licensee shall maintain for three (3) years documentation of the continuing education activities they complete. The Board will not maintain continuing education files for licensees. Do NOT request providers submit your certificates of attendance directly to the Board. It is the licensee's responsibility to maintain the documents.
(2) Each licensee shall attest to having met the continuing education requirement on their biennial license renewal. Documentation of these activities should be retained by the licensee and not sent to the Board unless the licensee is selected by the Board for a continuing education audit.
(3) The Board shall randomly audit licenses during each renewal period. If a licensee is audited, the licensee shall submit a Board approved CE Report or the transcript to the Board for approval no later than December 31st of the odd numbered renewal year (expiration date). All continuing education certificates of attendance or listings must have been obtained within the two year biennium renewal cycle (i.e. January 1st of Even Numbered years and December 31st of Odd Numbered years) or it may not be accepted as proof of completion.
(4) If the audited licensee fails to submit the required CE documentation to the Board for review, licensee may be subject to Board discipline and the license will not be renewed until the Board has received and approved the required CE documentation.
(5) In the event the Board determines that any or all of the clock hours which the licensee obtained failed to meet the subject area requirements set out in the Rules of the Georgia State Board of Long-Term Care Facility Administrators, Chapter 393-13-.01, the Board shall notify the licensee, by e-mail or in writing, of the failure. The license will then be placed in "Renewal Pending" status.
(6) The licensee may correct any identified deficient continuing education hours by the end of the license late renewal period referenced in Rule 393-5-.02. Failure to correct the deficiency within this period shall result in disciplinary action in accordance with Board rules, Chapter 393-5.
O.C.G.A. §§ 43-1-24, 43-1-25, 43-27-4, 43-27-5, 43-27-8.