Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Subject 391-3-8 - RULES FOR DAM SAFETY
Rule 391-3-8-.08 - Permits for the Construction and/or Operation of New and Existing Dams

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024

(1) New Dams

(a) Applications for a permit to construct and operate a Category I dam shall be accompanied by a statement from an engineer who provides engineering design services for the dam, certifying that he/she has the necessary training and experience to design such dam, and that to the best of his/her knowledge, understanding and belief such design meets the standards of the Act and these Rules. If the design engineer determines that a geological investigation of the dam is advisable, such investigation shall be conducted by a professional geologist registered to practice in the State of Georgia.

(b) As an alternative to a certificate from an engineer, the Director may accept a permit application accompanied by a certificate from the State Conservation Engineer of the Natural Resources Conservation Service stating that the design of the dam meets the standards of this Act and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.

(c) Construction of such dams shall be completed in the time frame stated in the special conditions of the Construction and Operation Permit.

(d) Notice by registered mail shall be given to the Director at least 10 days prior to the commencement of construction for permitted dam construction activities.

(2) Existing Dams

(a) Permits for the operation of existing dams may be issued provided the application for a permit is judged complete and meets the requirements of the Act and these Rules.

(b) When a visual inspection, performed by an engineer, reveals that abnormal stress exists or that the dam was not constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Act or these Rules, a detailed engineering survey meeting the requirements of this section shall be performed prior to final action on the permit application. Such visual inspection may be provided by the applicant, in accordance with Section 12-5-376(g) of the Act, or by the Division, or by another authorized agency under contract with the Director on behalf of the Division.

(3) Applications for permits for existing or new dams shall include the following evaluations and information, when such information is relevant and available, as determined by the Director:

(a) A regional vicinity map showing the location of the existing or new dam and the latitude and longitude of the center of the dam expressed to the nearest second, the watershed drainage area, and the downstream area subject to potential damage due to failure or misoperation of the dam or operation equipment (including other artificial barriers or downstream fixed improvements which would be affected);

(b) A detailed description of the existing or new dam, including:
1. proposed or as-built drawings indicating plans, elevations and sections of the dam and appurtenant works including details of the discharge facilities such as outlet works, limited service and emergency spillways, flashboards, fuse plugs and other operation equipment;

2. the elevation of the top and lowest outside limit of the dam, and the elevation of the lowest upstream and downstream toe;

3. the profile of the top of the dam and the dam's structural height;

4. the maximum and normal storage elevation, hydraulic heights and freeboard and storage capacity associated with each elevation;

5. the surface area of the impoundment;

6. the top and bottom width of the dam;

7. the elevation of the crest, type, width or diameter; length and location of spillways and the number, size and type of gates if the structure is controlled;

8. the type, location, entrance and exit inverts of outlet works, and emergency drawdown facilities;

9. the location, crest elevation, and description of the invert, sides, and length of limited service and emergency spillways;

10. the location and description of flashboards and fuse plugs, including hydraulic head (pool elevation) and other conditions required for breaching along with the assumed results of breaching;

11. the type, location, observations and records of hydrometeorological gauges appurtenant to the project;

12. the maximum non-damaging discharge causing only negligible damage at potential damage locations downstream;

13. the location and description of any proposed or existing instrumentation including, but not limited to, observation wells, piezometers, settlement devices, seepage outlets and weirs; and

14. the location, elevation and description of areas affected by reservoir fluctuation.

(c) Design and safety evaluation reports, including:
1. a hydrological analysis of the new or existing dam, reservoir, drainage basin system including computation of the basin P.M.P. or the design storm event, average watershed slope, watershed area, hydrologic soil groups, land use of impoundment watershed, reservoir inflow hydrograph, spillway and exit water-surface profiles, flow rate, expected frequency of emergency spillway use and minimum freeboard;

2. analysis and/or evaluation of the new or existing dam that indicates that the dam will be stable during construction (new dams), filling (new dams) and under all conditions of reservoir operations including assumed material properties and all pertinent applied loads;

3. evaluation of seepage and measures taken to control seepage through the embankment, foundation, and abutments so that no internal erosion will take place and that there will be no significant sloughing in the area where the seepage emerges;

4. evaluation of the geology of the site and foundation including any boring logs or laboratory testing with engineering conclusions, foundation data, geological maps, profiles and cross sections, foundation treatment, and any relevant seismic information;

5. evaluation of materials in the foundation and embankment including results of any laboratory tests, field permeability tests, construction control tests, and assumed design or evaluation properties of materials;

6. the properties of concrete including source or proposed source of aggregate, mix design, type of cement and additives, and the result of testing during construction;

7. evaluation or design of cover (vegetation, masonry, or riprap) to protect the upstream slope, crest, and downstream slope of the dam and abutments against erosion from wind, waves and runoff;

8. the proposed water control plan, including the regulation plan under normal conditions and during flood or other emergency conditions;

9. analysis of the anticipated time required to completely drain the flood control zone and normal pool;

10. the electric and mechanical equipment types and rating of normal and emergency power supplies, hoists, cranes, valves and valve operators, control and alarm systems, and other electrical and mechanical equipment systems that could affect the safe operation of the dam;

11. the spillway and tailwater rating curve below the dam site, including the elevation corresponding to the maximum design flood discharge and approximate nondamaging channel capacity; and

12. evaluation and/or analysis of settlement estimates and steps adopted to compensate for total settlement and to minimize differential settlements;

(d) Other data requirements for new and existing dams:
1. New Dams:
(i) the proposed method of construction and quality control provisions for the project, including the responsibilities of the applicant, the design engineer, the builder, and the prescribed order of the work;

(ii) the proposed dam construction schedule and filling schedule for the reservoir;

(iii) the proposed inspection and maintenance plan;

(iv) the proposed instrumentation and monitoring plan including the filling surveillance plan;

(v) the estimated life of the dam and reservoir; and

(vi) any other pertinent data as may be required by the Director;

2. Existing dams:
(i) detailed description of the condition of the dam and appurtenant works resulting from a detailed visual inspection, including a description of any signs of structural deterioration and seepage such as, but not limited to, surface cracks, settlement, structural condition of any conduits through the dam, and erosion;

(ii) the year of construction, and the date and description of any modifications or repairs to the dam;

(iii) the construction history of the dam, including the diversion scheme, construction sequence, pertinent construction problems, alterations, modifications, and major maintenance repairs;

(iv) a summary of past major flood events or previous failures or known deficiencies of the dam, including any experiences that presented a threat to the safety of the project or to human life and any action taken to correct or eliminate such hazards;

(v) the records of performance observations, including instrumentation records;

(vi) the inspection history of the dam, including the results of the last safety inspection, the organization that performed the inspection, and the date the inspection was performed; and

(vii) Any other pertinent information as may be required by the Director.

O.C.G.A. §§ 12-5-370 through 12-5-385.

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