Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
Purpose. The purpose of Rule
391-3-6-.19 is to provide for the
degree of waste treatment required and the uniform procedures and practices to
be followed relating to the application for issuance, modification, revocation
and reissuance, and termination of general Land Application System (LAS)
permits for the discharge of any pollutant to a LAS and then into the waters of
the State.
Definitions. All terms used in this Rule shall be interpreted in
accordance with the definitions as set forth in the Act unless otherwise
defined in this paragraph or in any other Rules of this Chapter:
(a) "Land Application System" (LAS) means any
method of disposing of pollutants in which the pollutants are applied to the
surface or beneath the surface of the parcel of land and which results in the
pollutants percolating, infiltrating, or being absorbed into the soil and then
into the waters of the State.
"General LAS Permit Application" means any application filed by any person with
the Director for a general LAS permit.
(c) A "General of LAS Permit" means a LAS
permit issued under this Rule within a geographical area.
(d) "Notice of Intent" (NOI) means a form
used by a potential permittee to notify the Division, within a specified time,
that they intend to comply with a general LAS permit.
(e) "Notice of Termination" (NOT) means a
form used by a permittee to notify the Division that they wish to cease
coverage under a general LAS permit.
(3) General Permit - LAS Requirements.
(a) Coverage. The Director may issue a
general LAS permit in accordance with the following:
1. Area. The general LAS permit shall be
written to cover a category of LAS facilities described in the permit under
subparagraph (3)(a)2. of this section, except those covered by individual
permits, within a geographic area. The area shall correspond to existing
geographic or political boundaries.
2. Sources. The general LAS permit may be
written to regulate, within the area described in subparagraph 1. of this
section, a category of LAS facilities if the LAS facilities all:
(i) Involve the same or substantially similar
types of operations;
(ii) Land
apply the same types of wastes; conditions;
(iii) Require the same treatment requirements
or operating conditions;
Require the same or similar monitoring; and
(v) In the opinion of the Director, are more
appropriately controlled under a general LAS permit than under individual
1. General LAS permits may be
issued, modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with
applicable requirements of Rules
391-3-6-.11 and
391-3-6-.19. Public notice for
issuance, modification, revocation and reissuance, and termination of general
LAS permits shall be in accordance with paragraph
2. Authorization to discharge.
(i) Any person seeking coverage under a
general LAS permit shall submit to the Director a written notice of intent to
be covered by the general LAS permit. Any person who fails to submit a notice
of intent in accordance with the terms of the general LAS permit is not
authorized to land apply under the terms of the general LAS permit. A complete
and timely notice of intent to be covered in accordance with the general LAS
permit requirements, fulfills the requirements for the permit
(ii) The contents of
the notice of intent shall be specified in the general LAS permit. The notice
of intent shall be signed in accordance with subparagraph
(iii) General LAS permits shall specify the
deadline for submitting notices of intent to be covered and the date(s) when
land application in authorized under the permit.
(iv) General LAS permits shall specify
whether a person that has submitted a timely notice of intent to be covered in
accordance with a general LAS permit and that is eligible for coverage under
the general LAS permit, is authorized to land apply in accordance with the
general LAS permit either upon receipt of the notice of intent by the Director,
after a waiting period specified in the general LAS permit, on a date specified
in the general LAS permit, or upon receipt of notification of inclusion by the
Director. Coverage may be revoked in accordance with subparagraph
3. Requiring an individual permit.
(i) The director may require any person
authorized by a general LAS permit to apply for and obtain an individual LAS
permit. Any interested person may petition the Director to take action under
this rule.
(ii) Any owner or
operator authorized by a general LAS permit may request to be excluded from the
coverage of the general LAS permit by applying for an individual LAS permit.
The owner or operator shall submit an application under paragraph
with reasons supporting the request, to the Director.
(iii) When an individual LAS permit is issued
to an owner or operator otherwise subject to a general LAS permit, the
applicability of the general LAS permit to the individual LAS permittee is
automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual LAS
(iv) A source excluded from
a general LAS permit solely because it already has an individual LAS permit may
request that the individual LAS permit be revoked, and that it be covered by
the General LAS permit. Upon revocation of the individual LAS permit, the
general LAS permit shall apply to the source.
(v) Whenever the Director decides an
individual LAS permit is required, the Director shall notify the permittee in
writing if the decision and the reasons for it, and shall send an application
form with the notice. The permittee must apply for a permit under paragraph
within sixty (60) days of notice unless a later date is granted by the
Director. Public notice and public participation shall be in accordance with
(4) Degree of Waste Treatment Required.
(a) All pollutants shall receive such
treatment so as to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the
issued permit and with the following, whenever applicable:
1. The requirements established in paragraph
2. Notwithstanding the above, more stringent
effluent limitations may be required as deemed necessary by the Division (a) to
meet any applicable Federal laws or regulations, or (b) to ensure compliance
with any applicable State water quality standards, treatment standards, or
schedules of compliance.
(5) Notice of Intent (NOI).
(a) A NOI shall be on forms as may be
prescribed and furnished from time to time by the Division. A NOI shall be
accompanied by all pertinent information as the Division may require in order
to establish permit limitations in accordance with paragraph
which may include but is not limited to, complete engineering reports, schedule
of progress, plans, specifications, maps, measurements, quantitative and
qualitative determinations, records and all related materials.
(b) Engineering reports, plans,
specifications, and other similar material submitted to the Division shall be
prepared by or under the direct supervision or review of, and bear the seal of,
a Professional Engineer competent in the field of storm water, sewage and
industrial waste treatment. At no time shall this requirement be in conflict
with O.C.G.A. Section 43-15 governing the practices of professional engineering
and surveying. Storm water pollution prevention plans, erosion and sediment
control plans, best management plans and similar reports shall not be subject
to this requirement.
(c) Material
submitted shall be complete and accurate.
(d) Any NOI form, NOT form, and permit
application submitted to the Division shall be signed in accordance with the
requirements contained in
1. -3.
(e) All other reports or request for
information required by the permit issuing authority shall be signed by in
accordance with the requirements contained in
(f) Any changes in the written authorization
submitted to the permitting authority under (e) above which occur after the
issuance of a permit shall be reported to the permitting authority by
submitting a copy of a new written authorization which meets the requirement of
1. -2. above.
(g) Any person signing any document under (d)
or (e) above shall make the following certification: "I certify under the
penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the
information submitted in the attached document; and based on my inquiry of
those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I
believe the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."
(6) Notice and Public Participation. The
notice and public participation procedures of Rule
391-3-6-.26 shall apply to the
tentative determination to issue a general LAS permit.
(7) Schedules of Compliance. Any person who
obtains a General LAS Permit and who is not in compliance with the permit shall
be required to achieve compliance in accordance with a schedule as set forth in
(8) Monitoring, Recording, and Reporting
(a) Monitoring, recording, and
reporting requirements shall be in accordance with those outlined in paragraph
391-3-6-.11(8) of
this Chapter.
(b) General LAS
permits that do not require submittal of monitoring reports at least annually
shall report to the Director in writing all instances on noncompliance at least
(9) Duration,
Continuation, and Transferability of Permits.
(a) Any general LAS permit under O.C.G.A.
Section 12-5-30 shall have a fixed term
not to exceed five (5) years. Upon expiration of such permit, a new permit may
be issued by the Director in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section
12-5-30. The issuance of such new
permit shall likewise have a fixed term not to exceed five (5) years.
(b) Any owner or operator authorized by a
general LAS permit may request that coverage under the general LAS permit be
terminated by submitting a written Notice of Termination. The contents of the
Notice of Termination shall be specified in the general LAS permit and shall be
signed in accordance with subparagraph 391-3-6-.115(d). Subparagraph
is not applicable to general LAS permits.
(c) When the permittee has submitted a timely
and sufficient application for a new individual LAS permit or a notice of
intent for a general LAS permit and the Director is unable, through no fault of
the permittee, to issue the new permit before the expiration date of the
existing permit, then the Director shall extend the existing permit until a new
permit is issued.
Enforcement. Any person who violates any provision of the Act, any
rule promulgated and adopted pursuant thereto, or any term, condition, schedule
of compliance or other requirement contained in a permit issued pursuant to the
Act shall be subject to enforcement proceedings pursuant to the Act.
(11) Effective Date. This rule shall become
effective twenty days after filing with the Secretary of State's
O.C.G.A. §