Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 391-3-5-.52 - Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR)
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) Purpose. The purpose of the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) is to reduce illness linked with the contaminant Cryptosporidium and other disease-causing microorganisms in drinking water. The rule supplements existing regulations by targeting additional Cryptosporidium treatment requirements to higher risk systems. This rule also contains provisions to reduce risks from uncovered finished water reservoirs and to ensure that systems maintain microbial protection when they take steps to decrease the formation of disinfection byproducts that result from chemical water treatment.
(2) Applicability. This regulation applies to all public water systems that use surface water or ground water under the direct influence (GWUDI) of surface water.
(3) Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium.
(4) Source Water Monitoring. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.701(a) through (h), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems are required to conduct source water monitoring for Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and turbidity in accordance with the monitoring schedule specified in this section.
(5) Sampling Schedules. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.702(a) through (c), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems required to conduct source water monitoring under 40 CFR § 141.701 must submit a sampling schedule that specifies the calendar dates when the system will collect each required sample.
(6) Sampling Locations. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.703(a) through (f), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems required to conduct source water monitoring under 40 CFR § 141.701 must collect samples for each plant that treats a surface water or GWUDI source. Where multiple plants draw water from the same influent, such as the same pipe or intake, the Division may approve one set of monitoring results to be used to satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR § 141.701 for all plants. Systems must collect source water samples prior to chemical treatment, such as coagulants, oxidants and disinfectants, unless the Division determines that collecting a sample prior to chemical treatment is not feasible for the system and that the chemical treatment is unlikely to have a significant adverse effect on the analysis of the sample.
(7) Analytical Methods. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.704(a) through (c), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference.
(8) Approved Laboratories. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.705(a) through (c), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference.
(9) Reporting Source Water Monitoring Results. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.706(a) through (e), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference.
(10) Grandfathering Previously Collected Data. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.707(a) through (h), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems may comply with the initial source water monitoring requirements of 40 CFR § 141.701(a) by grandfathering sample results collected before the system is required to begin monitoring (i.e., previously collected data). To be grandfathered, the sample results and analysis must meet the criteria in this section and the Division must approve.
(11) Requirements when Making a Significant Change in Disinfection Practice. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.708(a) through (b), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Following the completion of initial source water monitoring under 40 CFR § 141.701(a), a system that plans to make a significant change to its disinfection practice, as defined in this section, must calculate disinfection benchmarks for Giardia lamblia and viruses as described in 40 CFR § 141.709. Prior to changing the disinfection practice, the system must notify the Division and must include in this notice the information outlined in this section. Significant changes to disinfection practice are defined as follows:
(12) Developing the Disinfection Profile and Benchmark. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.709(a) through (e), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems required to develop disinfection profiles under 40 CFR § 141.708 must follow the requirements of this section. Systems must monitor at least weekly for a period of 12 consecutive months to determine the total log inactivation for Giardia lamblia and viruses. The disinfection benchmark is the lowest monthly mean value (for systems with one year of profiling data) or the mean of the lowest monthly mean values (for systems with more than one year of profiling data) of Giardia lamblia and virus log inactivation in each year of profiling data.
(13) Bin Classification for Filtered Systems. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.710(a) through (f), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Following completion of the initial round of source water monitoring required under 40 CFR § 141.701(a), filtered systems must calculate an initial Cryptosporidium bin concentration for each plant for which monitoring was required. Calculation of the bin concentration must use the Cryptosporidium results reported under 40 CFR § 141.701(a) and must follow the procedures outlined in this section.
(14) Filtered System Additional Cryptosporidium Treatment Requirements. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.711(a) through (d), in its entirety, is hereby incorporated by reference. Filtered systems must provide the level of additional treatment for Cryptosporidium specified in paragraph (a) of 40 CFR § 141.711 based on their bin classification as determined under 40 CFR § 141.710 and according to the schedule in 40 CFR § 141.713.
(15) Unfiltered System Cryptosporidium Treatment Requirements. All systems that are using surface water sources or groundwater sources that are determined to be under the direct influence of surface water supplies are required to provide filtration and disinfection treatments, in addition to that other treatments that are required by the Division, in order to comply with the drinking water standards, regulations and operating permit conditions, required by the Rules for Safe Drinking Water, Chapter 391-3-5. In order to provide regulatory information on the Cryptosporidium treatment requirements for unfiltered water systems, 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.712(a) through (d) is hereby incorporated by reference.
(16) Schedule for Compliance with Cryptosporidium Treatment Requirements.
Systems that serve ... |
Must comply with Cryptosporidium treatment requirements no later than ... (1) |
At least 100,000 people. |
April 1, 2012 |
From 50,000 to 99,999 people. |
October 1, 2012 |
From 10,000 to 49,999 people. |
October 1, 2013 |
Fewer than 10,000 people. |
October 1, 2014 |
Note: (1) States may allow up to an additional two years for complying with the treatment requirement for systems making capital improvements. |
(17) Requirements for Uncovered Finished Water Storage Facilities. All finished water storage facilities must be provided with a permanent cover, in accordance with Rule 391-3-5-.11. In order to provide regulatory information on the requirements for uncovered finished water storage facilities, 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.714(a) through (d) is hereby incorporated by reference.
(18) Microbial Toolbox Options for Meeting Cryptosporidium Treatment Requirements. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.715(a) through (b) is hereby incorporated by reference.
(19) Reporting Requirements. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.721(a) through (f) is hereby incorporated by reference.
(20) Recordkeeping Requirements. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.722(a) through (c) is hereby incorporated by reference.
(21) Requirements to Respond to Significant Deficiencies Identified in Sanitary Surveys Performed by EPA or Division. 40 CFR, Subpart W § 141.723(a) through (d) is hereby incorporated by reference. Systems must respond in writing to significant deficiencies identified in sanitary survey reports no later than forty-five (45) days after receipt of the report, indicating how and on what schedule the system will address significant deficiencies noted in the survey. Systems must correct significant deficiencies identified in sanitary survey reports according to the approved schedule, or if there is no approved schedule, according to the schedule submitted by the system if such deficiencies are within the control of the system.
(22) Division Recordkeeping. The records kept by the Division shall be in accordance with 40 CFR § 142.14.
(23) Division Reporting. The reporting by the Division shall be performed as required by 40 CFR § 142.15.
O.C.G.A. § 12-5-170 et seq.