(9) Permits.
(a) CCR Permit Applications: After the effective date of this Rule, owners and operators of all CCR units are required to submit to the director a permit application that meets the requirements of this Rule. Separate permits are required for each CCR unit.
1. Owners and operators of new CCR units are required to submit to the director a complete permit application prior to the initial receipt of CCR.
2. Owners and operators of existing and inactive CCR units shall submit a complete permit application no later than two years from the effective date of the Rule.
(b) All CCR unit permit applications must include the following:
1. A completed form designated by EPD.
2. Written verification that the site conforms to all local zoning or land use ordinances.
3. Property boundary survey and legal description.
4. Financial assurance mechanism meeting the criteria in Rule 391-3-4-.13.
5. A qualified professional engineer's certification that all application requirements have been met.
(c) Additional permit application requirements for CCR Units by Facility Type:
1. New CCR landfills or lateral expansion of CCR landfills
(i) Technical data and report to comply with location restrictions in 40 CFR 257.60, 40 CFR 257.61, 40 CFR 257.62, 40 CFR 257.63, and 40 CFR 257.64.
(ii) Siting report that meets the criteria specified in "Criteria for Performing Site Acceptability Studies for Solid Waste Landfills in Georgia", Circular 14, Appendix A. The report shall be prepared by a qualified groundwater scientist.
(iii) Plan and profile sheets of the disposal area. The plan and profile sheets shall include topographical maps at contour intervals of not more than five feet for the existing ground surface elevations, initial disposal area elevations, final disposal area elevations, and buffers.
(iv) Design of a liner and leachate collection system as required by 40 CFR 257.70.
(v) Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) plan for the construction of the liner system, leachate collection system, and the final cover system.
(vi) An operation plan that includes at a minimum:
(I) A fugitive dust plan in compliance with 40 CFR 257.80.
(II) A run-on and run-off control plan in compliance with 40 CFR 257.81.
(III) Inspection requirements in compliance with 40 CFR 257.84.
(IV) Identification of any uniquely associated wastes as listed in 40 CFR 261.4(b)(4), the estimated quantities generated by the facility, and a description of how these wastes will be managed.
(V) Procedures for compliance with recordkeeping, notification, and posting of information to the internet as required by 40 CFR 257.105, 40 CFR 257.106, and 40 CFR 257.107.
(VI) Procedures for updating all plans and assessments periodically as required by 40 CFR Part 257.
(vii) A groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6).
(viii) A closure and post-closure plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4.10(7).
(ix) Any additional information that may be required by the Division.
2. New Surface Impoundments or lateral expansions of surface impoundments
(i) Technical data and report to comply with location restrictions in 40 CFR 257.60, 40 CFR 257.61, 40 CFR 257.62, 40 CFR 257.63, and 40 CFR 257.64.
(ii) Siting report that meets the criteria specified in "Criteria for Performing Site Acceptability Studies for Solid Waste Landfills in Georgia", Circular 14, Appendix A. The report shall be prepared by a qualified groundwater scientist.
(iii) Technical report for the hazardous potential classifications as outlined in 40 CFR 257.74 and the emergency action plan if required by 40 CFR 257.74.
(iv) For a new CCR surface impoundment that has a height of five feet or more and a storage volume of 20 acre-feet or more, or a surface impoundment with a height of 20 feet or more, the application shall include the following:
(I) Design and construction plan requirements in 40 CFR 257.74.
(II) Structural stability assessment as required by 40 CFR 257.74.
(III) Safety factor assessment as required by 40 CFR 257.74.
(v) Design of a liner system as required by 40 CFR 257.72.
(vi) Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) plan for the construction of the liner system, leachate collection system, and the final cover system.
(vii) An operation plan that includes at a minimum:
(I) A fugitive dust plan in compliance with 40 CFR 257.80.
(II) An inflow design flood control system in compliance with 40 CFR 257.82.
(III) Inspection requirements in compliance with 40 CFR 257.83.
(IV) Identification of any uniquely associated wastes as listed in 40 CFR 261.4(b)(4), the estimated quantities generated by the facility, and a description of how these wastes will be managed.
(V) Procedures for compliance with recordkeeping, notification, and posting of information to the internet as required by 40 CFR 257.105, 40 CFR 257.106, and 40 CFR 257.107.
(VI) Procedures for updating all plans and assessments periodically as required by 40 CFR Part 257.
(viii) A groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6).
(ix) A closure and post-closure plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(7).
(x) Any additional information that may be required by the Division.
3. Existing CCR landfills
(i) Location restriction demonstration requirements in 40 CFR 257.64.
(ii) Description of how the CCR landfill's operating criteria requirements in 40 CFR 257.80, 40 CFR 257.81, and 40 CFR 257.84 are met.
(iii) Groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with 391-3-4-.10(6). Explanation of how groundwater monitoring and corrective action criteria requirements in 40 CFR 257.90, 40 CFR 257.91, 40 CFR 257.93, 40 CFR 257.94, 40 CFR 257.95, 40 CFR 257.96, 40 CFR 257.97, and 40 CFR 257.98 are met.
(iv) Explanation of how closure and post-closure care requirements in 40 CFR 257.101, 40 CFR 257.102, 40 CFR 257.103, and 40 CFR 257.104 will be met.
(v) Website address for information required to be posted by 40 CFR 257.105, 40 CFR 257.106, and 40 CFR 257.107.
4. Inactive CCR landfills must meet requirements subparagraphs (9)(c)3.(i) - (iv) of this Rule for an existing CCR landfill.
5. Existing Surface Impoundments
(i) Location restriction demonstrations required by 40 CFR 257.60, 40 CFR 257.61, 40 CFR 257.62, 40 CFR 257.63, and 40 CFR 257.64.
(ii) Description of the CCR surface impoundment's design criteria required by 40 CFR 257.71 and 40 CFR 257.73.
(iii) Description of how the CCR surface impoundment's operating criteria required by 40 CFR 257.80, 40 CFR 257.82, and 40 CFR 257.83 are met.
(iv) Groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6). Explanation of how groundwater monitoring and corrective action criteria required by 40 CFR 257.90, 40 CFR 257.91, 40 CFR 257.93, 40 CFR 257.94, 40 CFR 257.95, 40 CFR 257.96, 40 CFR 257.97, and 40 CFR 257.98 are met.
(v) Explanation of how closure and post-closure care requirements found in 40 CFR 257.101, 40 CFR.257.102, 40 CFR 257.103, and 40 CFR 257.104 will be met.
(vi) Website address for information required to be posted by 40 CFR 257.105, 40 CFR 257.106, and 40 CFR 257.107.
6. Inactive Surface Impoundments. An owner or operator of an inactive surface impoundment shall complete closure of the CCR unit as specified in 40 CFR 257.100, including:
(i) Technical data and report showing compliance with 40 CFR 257.100.
(ii) Technical report of geological and hydrogeological units within the disposal site.
(iii) Potentiometric surface map of the water table.
(iv) Siting report which includes identification of wetlands, floodplains, and seismic impact zones.
(v) Written closure plan that includes at a minimum:
(I) Narrative describing how the CCR unit will be closed including the elimination of free liquids and stabilization of remaining waste or by closure through removal of CCR.
(II) Identification of any pipes, utilities, or other penetrations through or beneath the impoundment. The inspection frequency and method of evaluation should be provided.
(II) Final cover analysis.
(vi) Stability analysis that, at a minimum, includes the following:
(I) On-site or local soil conditions that may result in significant differential settling.
(II) On-site or local geologic or geomorphologic features.
(III) On-site or local human-made features or events, both surface and subsurface.
(vii) Groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6).
(viii) Closure through removal of CCR is subject only to (v)(I) above and is not subject to the financial assurance requirements of Rule 391-3-4-.13.
7. NPDES - CCR Surface Impoundments
(i) Technical report of geological and hydrogeological units within the disposal site.
(ii) Potentiometric surface map of the water table.
(iii) Siting report which includes identification of wetlands, floodplains, and seismic impact zones.
(iv) Closure plan that includes at a minimum:
(I) Narrative describing how the CCR unit will be closed including the elimination of free liquids and stabilization of remaining waste or by closure through removal of CCR.
(II) Identification of any pipes, utilities, or other penetrations through or beneath the impoundment. The inspection frequency and method of evaluation should be provided.
(III) Final cover analysis.
(v) Stability analysis that at a minimum includes the following:
(I) On-site or local soil conditions that may result in significant differential settling.
(II) On-site or local geologic or geomorphologic features.
(III) On-site or local human-made features or events, both surface and subsurface.
(vi) Groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6).
(vii) Closure through removal of CCR is subject only to (iv)(I) above and is not subject to the financial assurance requirements of Rule 391-3-4-.13.
8. Dewatered Surface Impoundments
(i) Demonstration that closure procedures have minimized the threat to human health and the environment.
(ii) Stability analysis.
(iii) Final cover analysis.
(iv) Groundwater monitoring plan in accordance with Rule 391-3-4-.10(6).