Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Chapter 297-1 - GRANT PROGRAMS
Rule 297-1-.03 - Legal Assistance to Families of Indigent Patients Program
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
I. Name of Grant Program: Civil Legal Assistance to Families of Indigent Patients Program (Short name: Medical-Legal Partnerships Program).
II. Legal Authority: O.C.G.A. § 15-5-24 and Supreme Court of Georgia Order of January 15, 1981 relating to the duties of the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts.
III. Definition: This is a statewide program designed to provide civil legal services to indigent hospitalized patients, particularly medically fragile children, and their caregivers.
IV. Scope: According to the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnerships (2020), about 60% of a person's health is determined by social factors, including household income, education, employment, and family stability. Georgia ranks 38th in the nation in child and family well-being, according to the 2021 Kids Count Data Book. According to the American Health Rankings' state findings for 2021, the overall health outcomes for children in Georgia ranked 33rd in the nation, with socioeconomic factors (38th in the nation), economic resources (44th in the nation), and children in poverty (33rd in the nation) being significant factors for poor outcomes. Similarly, a 2018 report from Voices for Georgia's Children regarding barriers to healthcare stated that Georgia had the 7th highest rate for uninsured children and determined that the key barriers to healthcare that children faced were poverty, health literacy, and system navigation.
Patients with access to medical-legal partnerships see improvements in health outcomes, reductions in healthcare expenditures, and increased access to government benefits. An analysis of clients served by Georgia's Health Law Partnership (HeLP) from 2006 to 2018 found that, through the program, 657 children with neurodevelopmental disabilities were able to have their legal concerns addressed and obtained and retained benefits exceeding 4.9 million; these services also resulted in improved access to education resources, as well as short- and long-term financial cost savings for both families and the healthcare system. Studies around the country have found similar results.
V. Purpose: The purpose of this program is to support civil legal services for patients and families with low incomes who are being treated at Georgia hospitals through Medical-Legal Partnerships. Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) combine the health care expertise of hospital professionals with the legal expertise of attorneys to reduce health disparities and address social determinants of health. Lawyers are embedded in hospitals to facilitate seamless access to both healthcare and legal assistance; MLPs foster collaboration between healthcare and legal professionals, improve health outcomes for patients, and result in lower costs to hospitals as a result of uncompensated care and Medicare readmission penalties.
VI. Grant Specifics:
VII. General Terms and Conditions: Grants will be awarded for a one-year term. The amount of funds available for distribution to grantees may change each year based on the amount of funds appropriated to the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts and the cost of the administrative oversight of these funds. The grant awards are generally announced in July.
Grantees will be required to report to the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts every six months detailing how the grant funds were specifically used to assist patients and their caregivers throughout Georgia.
VIII. Criteria for the Award of Grants:
IX. Directions and Deadlines for Application: Applications for grant funds must be submitted via email to the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts at
Comments may be submitted to the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts at or (404) 656-5171.
O.C.G.A. § 15-5-24.