Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 290-2-7-.14 - Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024

(1) Camps shall have access to a minimum of 10 acres per camper for the first 50 campers with an additional 5 acres per camper for each additional camper. Housing sites shall be located so as to provide visual separation of the groups.

(2) Housing sites shall not be subject to or in proximity to conditions that create or are likely to create offensive odors, flies, noise, traffic or any similar hazards.

(3) All camp sites shall be well drained and free from depressions in which water may stand. Natural sinkholes, pools, swamps or other surface collectors of water within 200 feet of the periphery of the camp shall be either drained or filled to remove the still surface water. Mosquito breeding shall be prevented in such areas containing water not subject to such drainage or filling.

(4) Grounds within the housing site shall be free from debris, noxious plants (poison ivy, etc.) and uncontrolled weeds or brush.

(5) The housing site shall provide a space for recreation reasonably related to the size of the program and the type of occupancy.

(6) Water shall be supplied from an approved public supply if available; if not available, the private system shall comply with Rules and Regulations for Water Supply Quality Control of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

(7) The use of a common drinking cup shall not be permitted.

(8) No tile or concrete sanitary sewers or septic tanks shall be allowed within a distance of fifty (50) feet, and no cesspool or septic tank open-jointed drain fields shall be allowed within a distance of one-hundred fifty (150) feet of the private water supply.

(9) Adequate and safe sewerage facilities with flush toilets shall be provided if water supply is available. Public sewers, subsurface septic tank-seepage system or other type of liquid waste treatment and disposal system shall be provided. Raw or treated liquid waste shall not be discharged or allowed to accumulate on the ground surface.

(10) Where water supply is not available, sanitary type privies or portable toilets shall be provided. All such facilities shall be constructed as required by the Department. Privies, if provided, shall be maintained so as to prevent access of flies and animals to the contents therein, to prevent fly breeding and to prevent contamination of water supply.

(11) All facilities provided for excreta and liquid waste disposal shall be maintained and operated in a sanitary manner to eliminate possible health or pollution hazards.

(12) Water closets or privy seats for each sex shall be in the ratio of not less than one such unit for each fifteen (15) occupants, with a minimum of one (1) unit for each sex in common use facilities.

(13) Separate toilet accommodations for males and females shall be provided in common use areas. Toilets shall be distinctly marked "Male" and "Female."

(14) Housing shall be structurally sound, in good repair, maintained in a sanitary condition and shall provide protection to the occupants against the elements.

(15) Housing shall have flooring constructed of rigid materials, smooth finished, readily cleanable and so located as to prevent the entrance of ground and surface water.

(16) A balcony, upper story, attic or loft shall not be used for sleeping or group assembly.

(17) All outside openings in kitchen and dining rooms shall be protected with screening of 16 mesh or less.

(18) All screen doors shall be tight, in good repair and equipped with self-closing devices.

(19) All living quarters and service rooms shall be provided with properly installed, operable heating equipment capable of maintaining a temperature of at least 50° Fahrenheit if during the period of normal occupancy the temperature in such quarters falls below 50° Fahrenheit.

(20) Any stoves or other sources of heat utilizing combustible fuel shall be installed and vented in such a manner as to prevent fire hazards and a dangerous concentration of gases. No portable heaters other than those operated by electricity shall be provided in sleeping areas. If a solid or liquid fuel stove is used in a room with wooden or other combustible flooring, there shall be a concrete slab, insulated metal sheet or other fire-proof materials on the floor under each stove, extending at least eighteen (18) inches beyond the perimeter of the base of the stove.

(21) Any wall or ceiling within eighteen (18) inches of a solid or liquid fuel stove or a stovepipe shall be of fireproof material. A vented metal collar shall be installed around a stovepipe or vent passing through a wall, ceiling, floor or roof. Such vent or chimney shall extend above the peak of the roof.

(22) When a heating system has automatic controls, the controls shall be of the type which cut off the fuel supply upon the failure or interruption of the flame or ignition, or whenever a predetermined safe temperature or pressure is exceeded. All steam and hot water systems shall be provided with safety devices arranged to prevent hazardous pressures and excessive temperatures.

(23) All heating equipment shall be maintained and operated in a safe manner to eliminate possibilities of fire.

(24) Electrical wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition.

(25) Bathing and hand washing facilities, supplied with hot and cold water shall be provided for the use of all occupants. These facilities shall be clean and sanitary and maintained in good repair.

(26) There shall be a minimum of one (1) showerhead per fifteen (15) persons. Showerheads shall be spaced at least three (3) feet apart, with a minimum of nine (9) square feet of floor space per unit. Adequate dry dressing space shall be provided in common use facilities. Shower floors shall be constructed of non-absorbent, properly constructed floor drains. Separate shower facilities shall be provided for each sex. When common use shower facilities for both sexes are in the same building, they shall be separated by a solid nonabsorbent wall extending from the floor to ceiling or roof, and shall be plainly designated "Male" or "Female."

(27) If laundry service is not otherwise provided, laundry facilities supplied with hot and cold water under pressure shall be provided for the use of all occupants.

(28) Bedding provided by the Outdoor Child Caring Program shall be clean and sanitary. All bedding shall be laundered or otherwise sanitized between assignment to different campers.

(29) Linens shall be changed as often as required for cleanliness and sanitation, but not less frequently than once a week.

(30) Bedwetters shall have their linens changed as often as they are wet.

(31) Adequate personal storage area shall be available for each child to separate his or her clothing from other children's personal belongings.

(32) Boys and girls shall not share the same sleeping unit.

(33) A separate bed, bunk or cot shall be available for each person. Tripledeck beds are prohibited. Beds shall be spaced in a manner which will provide a walk space on at least one side and at least one end of each bed.

(34) Food service facilities and program shall meet Chapter 290-5-14 Rules and Regulations for Food Service, Georgia Department of Human Resources.

(35) Poisonous and toxic materials shall be properly identified, stored separately from food and properly used. Poisonous polishes shall not be used on eating and cooking utensils.

(36) Persons with wounds or communicable diseases shall be prohibited from handling food.

(37) Food handlers shall practice good hygienic practices.

(38) Floors, walls and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair.

(39) Adequate lighting shall be provided and shall be properly protected from breakage.

(40) The kitchen area and cooking equipment shall be properly vented.

(41) Pets shall not be allowed in the food storage, preparation or dining area.

(42) Durable, clean containers of adequate size and tight fitting lids shall be conveniently located to each housing unit for storage of garbage and other refuse.

(43) Provisions shall be made for collection of refuse at least once a week, or more often if necessary. The disposal of refuse, which includes garbage, shall be in accordance with requirements of Chapter 290-5-14 Rules and Regulations for Food Service, Georgia Department of Human Resources.

(44) Storage facilities and areas shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.

(45) A vector control program shall be maintained to insure effective control of all insects and rodents in buildings and on the premises.

(46) If chemical control is needed to supplement good sanitation practices, proper pesticides shall be used in strict accordance with label instructions.

(47) Swimming pools shall be constructed in accordance with Department design standards and all pools shall be maintained and operated as required by local regulations and standards of the Department. Other swimming areas (lake, creeks, etc.) shall be kept clean of hazardous trash and debris.

(48) Documentation of current and approved fire, health, and safety inspections shall be kept on file at the Outdoor Child Caring Program. Copies of the inspection reports shall be submitted to the Department when the signed application for licensure is submitted and annually thereafter.

(49) Fire drills shall be held at least 8 times a year. Written records of the drills shall be maintained.

(50) There shall be a disaster preparedness plan for staff and residents to follow for meeting disasters and emergencies such as fires or severe weather. The plan shall include procedures and action to be taken in case of adverse weather conditions such as extremely low temperatures, storms, tornadoes, etc. All staff members shall know the procedures and action to be taken for meeting disasters and emergencies.

(51) Horses and other animals maintained in any camp shall be quartered at a reasonable distance from any sleeping, living, eating or food preparation area.

(a) Stables and corrals shall be located as to prevent contamination of any water supply. Manure shall be removed from stalls and corrals as often as necessary to control flies.

(b) Horses, dogs or other domestic animals or pets shall not be permitted on a bathing beach or in water in the area used for waterfront activities.

(52) All dogs, cats and other warm-blooded pets owned or under the supervision of an occupant of any Camp shall be currently vaccinated against rabies in compliance with the law.

(a) Written records shall be kept on the type of vaccinations and the date of vaccinations.

(b) The premises shall be kept free of stray animals.

(53) Primitive campsites shall be maintained and operated in a safe and healthful manner.

(a) Drinking water used at primitive camps and on hikes and trips away from permanent campsites shall be from a source known to be safe (free of coliform organisms) or shall be rendered safe before used in a manner approved by the Department of Human Resources.

(b) Primitive campsites which are not provided with approved toilet facilities shall have a separate toilet area designated for each sex at a minimum ratio of one (1) toilet seat per 15 persons. Slit trenches or cat holes with a readily available supply of clean earth backfill or other disposal methods approved in writing by the Department of Health shall be utilized for the disposal of human excreta in these areas. Toilet areas shall be located at least one hundred and fifty (150) feet from a stream, lake or well and at least seventy-five (75) feet from a campsite, tent or other sleeping or housing facility.

(c) Solid wastes which are generated in primitive camps should be disposed of at an approved sanitary landfill or similar disposal facility. Where such facilities are not available, solid wastes shall be disposed of daily by burial under at least two (2) feet of compacted earth cover in a location which is not subject to inundation by flooding. Burying is not recommended.

(d) Hot water and detergent shall be used to wash all food utensils after each meal at primitive campsites. Where group dishwashing is practiced, all utensils shall be immersed for at least two (2) minutes in a lukewarm chlorine bath containing at least 50 ppm of available chlorine at all times. Where chlorine is used, a three compartment vat or three containers are required for washing, rinsing and immersion.

(e) No dish, receptacle or utensil used in handling food for human consumption shall be used or kept for use if chipped, cracked, broken, damaged or constructed in such a manner as to prevent proper cleaning sanitizing.

(f) Disposable or single use dishes, receptacles or utensils used in handling food shall be discarded after one use.

(g) Eating utensils shall not be stored with foods or other materials and substances and shall be stored in clean dry containers.

(h) Persons who handle food and/or eating utensils for the group shall maintain personal cleanliness, shall keep hands clean at all times and shall thoroughly wash the hands with soap and water after each visit to the toilet. They shall be free of local infection commonly transmitted through the handling of food or drink and free of communicable disease.

(i) Food shall be stored in clean and dry containers that provide protection from insects, rodents and wildlife. Hazardous substances, medicines, etc., shall not be stored in containers with food.

O.C.G.A. Secs. 49-5-3, 49-5-12.

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