Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Rule 290-2-3-.08 - Children's Records
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) The Home shall maintain current and updated individual records on each Child in care. The Home shall maintain the records outlined herein while the Child is in care and for a period of one (1) year after such Child is no longer in care at the Family Child Care Learning Home. Such records shall include: identifying information (Child's name, birth date, Parent's name, home and business addresses, telephone numbers); name, address and telephone number of persons, including Child's physician, to contact in emergencies; and name, address, telephone numbers, relationship to Child and to Parent(s) and other identifying information of person(s) to whom the Child may be released.
(2) Such records shall include evidence of age appropriate immunizations, or a signed affidavit certifying that the required immunizations conflict with the religious belief of the Parent or a physician statement that immunization is contraindicated. Evidence of immunizations or required documentation shall be on file for each Child upon admission to the Home or within 30 days thereafter.
(3) Such records shall include written authorization for the Child to receive emergency medical treatment when the Parent is not available.
(4) Such records shall include a record of any allergies and other known medical problems.
(5) Such records shall include documentation of any medications given as required by these rules.
(6) Such records shall include descriptions of accidents or serious illnesses occurring while the Child is in the Family Child Care Learning Home, including date, time and condition under which it occurred and the action taken.
(7) Such records shall include parental agreements for transportation, field trips, swimming and/or other activities away from the Home if the Child will be participating in these activities.
(8) Policies and Procedures. Each Family Child Care Learning Home shall establish policies and procedures, which shall be kept current, be consistent with applicable laws, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act, regulations and these rules, made available to the Parents, and used to govern the operations of the Family Child Care Learning Home.
(9) Documenting the Child's arrival and departure. The Parent or person(s) authorized by the Parent to drop off and pick up the Child will document each time the Parent or authorized person drops off and picks up the Child. The documentation shall include at least the following information: the date, the Child's name, the arrival and departure times, and the signature or initials of the Parent or authorized person and shall be made available to the Department in printed or written form upon request.
(10) The Home shall ensure that Children are only released to authorized person(s), and the Home shall take necessary steps to determine that any such person(s) presenting to pick up a Child in care is authorized by the Parent(s) of the Child and that person matches the identifying information provided by the Parent.
(11) If applicable, notification of the absence of a liability insurance policy. If the Home is not covered by liability insurance sufficient to protect its clients, the Home must notify the Parent of each Child under the care of the program in writing. Each Parent must acknowledge receipt of such notice, and a copy of the acknowledgment shall be kept in the Child's file.
(12) Documentation of family relationships for related children, other than the Provider's own children, cared for in the Home shall be maintained and shall include a notarized statement by the related child's Parent(s) attesting to the relationship.
(13) Documentation of the non-pay status of related and unrelated children in care for whom no pay is received shall be maintained and shall include a notarized statement by such child's Parent(s) attesting to the non-pay status.
(14) Documentation of all required training required by these rules shall be maintained in the Home by the Provider, and shall include the title of training courses received by the Provider and any staff, the dates and the number of hours of the courses, and the names of the trainers or sponsoring organizations.
(15) If applicable, documentation of approved water and sewage disposal systems shall be maintained in the Home by the Provider.
O.C.G.A. § 20-1A-1et seq.