Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Subject 290-2-2 - DAY CARE CENTERS
Rule 290-2-2-.12 - Physical Environment and Equipment
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through September 23, 2024
A person planning the construction of a new center or any structural changes to an existing center shall obtain the following approvals and submit evidence of the same to the department:** *
(a) Required Approvals. The center shall be approved by the local zoning, authority,** *
(b) The center plans shall be approved prior to construction or renovation by:** *
(c) All water sources, if other than an approved city or county system, shall be approved by the proper authority having jurisdiction.** *
(d) In all new centers, all sewage disposal systems, if other than an approved city or county system, shall be approved by the local county health department and specify the number of persons the system is approved to serve.** *
(e) The center shall submit proof of a compliance with applicable laws and regulations issued by the state fire marshal, the proper local fire marshal or state inspector, including a certificate of occupancy if required prior to receiving any children for care.** *
(f) Physical Plant Requirements. The following spaces shall not be used as activity areas for children:** *
(g) The center shall be used only for the purpose of child care during the hours that the center is in operation.** *
(h) Ceilings in the center shall be at least seven (7) feet in height.*
(i) The center and the surrounding premises shall be kept clean and free of debris. The center shall be:** *
(j) The indoor area, i.e. the room(s) used for the play, rest and eating activities, shall provide thirty-five (35) square feet of usable space per child:** *
(k) Upon approval by the department, licensees or commission holders may designate two (2) specific one (1) hour periods each day when only twenty-five (25) square feet of space per child is provided for children three (3) years of age and older in their assigned rooms or areas:**
(l) Child care rooms shall have outside windows which receive natural sunlight and equal not less than five percent (5%) of the floor area in each room, unless central heating and air conditioning are provided.*
(m) Children under three (3) years of age shall be housed in separate physical areas from older children except during the early morning times of arrival and late-afternoon times of departure when mixed-age groups are permitted.*
(n) For evening and nighttime care, separate changing areas shall be provided for children of the opposite sex eight (8) years of age and older.** *
(o) Toilets and lavatories which are accessible to the children shall be located on each floor, in or adjacent to the child care areas or rooms.*
(p) Flush toilets and lavatories (hand washing sinks) with running water shall be provided in the following minimum ratios for the use of all children:*
1. |
Number of Children |
Toilets and Lavatories |
1 - 12 |
1 |
* |
13 - 25 |
2 |
* |
26 - 50 |
3 |
* |
51 - 75 |
4 |
* |
76 - 100 |
5 |
* |
101 - 125 |
6 |
* |
126 - 150 |
7 |
* |
151 - 175 |
8 |
* |
Each additional group of twenty-five (25) children shall require one (1) additional toilet and lavatory.
(q) When child-size fixtures are not provided, platforms or sets of steps to assist children who are unable to use the fixtures comfortably shall be available at the toilets and lavatories.*
(r) In centers first licensed after the effective date of the rules and centers that remodel or add to existing plumbing facilities, the bathroom area shall be fully enclosed and ventilated to the outside of the building with either an open screened window or functioning exhaust fan and duct system. Centers without fully enclosed bathrooms shall ensure that there is adequate ventilation to control odors and adequate sanitation measures to prevent the spread of contagious diseases.*
(s) A copy of the hand washing chart, provided by the department, shall be posted above or beside each lavatory used by adults.*
(t) Diapers shall be changed in the child's own crib or on a diaper changing surface that is used for no other purposes other than changing clothes in each room where infants or any other children wearing diapers are served.*
(u) The following items shall also be provided at the diapering area:*
(v) In centers first licensed after the effective date of these rules and centers that renovate existing plumbing facilities, a hand washing lavatory with running heated water shall be located adjacent to the diapering area. Flush sinks shall not be used for hand washing. Cleansing procedures in existing facilities shall be approved by the department.*
(w) Staff shall wash their hands after each diaper change they perform.*
(x) Individual storage spaces which are accessible to children who are not infants shall be provided for each child's:**
(y) Locked or securely fastened storage spaces or cabinets shall be used for the storage of supplies, seasonal toys, decorations and other excess equipment. Children shall not be permitted access to these storage spaces or cabinets.**
(z) The following shall be kept in a locked area out of the reach of children and separate from food storage areas and used by the staff in such ways as to be inaccessible to the children:**
(aa) For centers first licensed after the effective date of these rules, the center shall provide or have ready access to an outdoor play area. The minimum size of the outdoor area must be equal to one hundred (100) square feet times one-third (1/3) of the center's licensed capacity for children.** *
(bb) Any outside storage or equipment area shall be locked or separated from the children by a barrier or be enclosed and shall not be accessible to the children.** *
(cc) Sufficient parking areas shall be provided to permit safe discharge and pick up of children.** *
(dd) The center shall provide outside lighting at entrances and exits used by children when the center provides evening or nighttime care.** *
(ee) General Requirements. All equipment shall be used only by the age-appropriate group of children and shall be:**
(ff) Toys For Children Under Three. All toys used by children less than three (3) years of age shall be appropriate for the age of the children using the toys. These toys shall be:
(gg) Accessibility Of Toys. A variety of age-appropriate toys and play materials shall be stored on low open shelves accessible to children in each room or assigned area. Infants and children shall not be permitted to play with toys which are not designed for their particular age group or younger. Projectile launchers of any sort, such as dart guns, pop guns, and slingshots etc. shall not be allowed at the center. Balloons shall not be accessible to preschool children.**
(hh) Outdoor Equipment. The outdoor play equipment shall provide an opportunity for the children to engage in a variety of experiences and shall be age-appropriate. For example, toddlers shall not be permitted to swing in swings designed for school-age children. The outdoor equipment shall be free of lead-based paint, sharp corners and shall be regularly maintained in such a way as to be free of rust and splinters that could pose significant safety hazard to the children.*
(ii) Tables. There shall be table space provided for each child who is able to sit at a table unassisted.** *
(jj) Feeding Chairs. A feeding chair or similar equipment designed for feeding children shall be provided for the use of each child being fed who is capable of sitting up but who is unable to sit unassisted at a table.*
(kk) Cleaning of Tables and Feeding Chairs. After each use, table tops and high chairs or similar equipment shall be cleaned with a disinfectant.*
(ll) Sleeping Equipment. Individual sleeping equipment shall be available for each child.*
O.C.G.A. Chapter 49-5-12 (1982 and 1982 Supp.) O.C.G.A. Chapter 49-5-14 (1982 Supp.) O.C.G.A. Sec. 49.5-8.