Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Chapter 160-1
Subject 160-1-4 - GRANT PROGRAMS
Rule 160-1-4-.59 - Program for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth/Education of Homeless Children and Youth Subgrants
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024
(1) Purpose of Program. The Program for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth was established to administer the state activities for the education of homeless children and youth. Mandated state activity includes making grants to local school systems to facilitate the enrollment, attendance, and success of children and youth and increase the level of coordination between schools and agencies serving homeless children and youth.
(2) Terms and Conditions. Discretionary and continuation grants are awarded annually, based upon need and quality of application dependent upon appropriation of federal funds. Recipients agree to adhere to Section 723 of P.L. 100-77, as amended by P.L. 103-382 and 34 CFR 76.
(3) Eligible Recipients. Local school systems are eligible to apply.
(4) Criteria for Award. Applications are reviewed and ranked on a competitive basis in accordance with criteria set forth in Title VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act reauthorized as Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 by a peer review process appointed by the Georgia Department of Education.
(5) Directions and Deadlines for Applying. Notification of the availability of applications is sent to all local educational agency superintendents when a competition has been scheduled. Applications are available in March, and completed applications are due in May. Grants are awarded in August. Requests for applications and information should be made to the Program for Education of Homeless Children and Youth, Federal Programs, Georgia Department of Education, 1858 Twin Towers East, Atlanta, Georgia 30334-5030.
O.C.G.A. Sec. 20-2-240.