Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Chapter 160-1
Subject 160-1-4 - GRANT PROGRAMS
Rule 160-1-4-.316 - Safer Georgia Schools Grant
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through September 23, 2024
1. Purpose of Grant. The primary purpose of the Safer Georgia Schools Grant is to provide grant funding for school safety-related (1) programs and activities, (2) professional development and training, (3) personnel, and (4) equipment. Additionally, these grant funds may be used for any other activity to support safe and healthy students as identified in the grant application.
2. Term and Conditions. An eligible grant recipient must submit an application that clearly articulates the local educational agency's ("LEA") (1) need for funding as it relates to supporting the health and safety of students, (2) selection of grant category, (3) proposed expenditures, and (4) budget. The LEA must also describe how it plans to engage with community stakeholders and provide letters of support. Grant recipients must abide by the fundamental requirements of Title IV, Part A, such as supplement - not supplant, maintenance of effort, and the provision of equitable services to private school students and personnel. Also, grant recipients must submit a completion report and all other reports required by the Georgia Department of Education "GaDOE"). The grant awards are one-time funds for use during the fiscal year of the award.
3. Eligible Recipient(s). Any Georgia LEA that is eligible to receive a Title IV, Part A formula allocation may apply for this grant.
4. Criteria for Award. Submitted applications are initially reviewed for completeness, ensuring that the requirements, as described in the application, are met. If all requirements are met, then the application will be reviewed and scored by a GaDOE-approved and trained reviewer. Funding will be awarded based on rank (the highest score first) and available funding until funds are exhausted. Applications must meet or exceed the minimum score set forth in the application to be considered for funding.
5. Directions and Deadlines for Applying. During the application period, applications will be made available through an electronic link on the Office of Whole Child Supports webpage. Included on that webpage will be the deadline for applying. Interested LEAs may also contact the Office of Whole Child Supports - Health, Wellness, and Safety Division at for additional information.
O.C.G.A. § 20-2-240.