Compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia

Universal Citation: GA Rules and Regs r
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 18, 2024


An Administrative History will not be found following those Rules that have not been amended since they were initially filed on July 20, 1965. The Administrative History following each Rule that has been subsequently added, amended or repealed gives the date on which the Rule was originally filed and its effective date, as well as the date on which any amendment or repeal was filed and its effective date. Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. - filed

eff. - effective

R. - Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. - Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. - Emergency Rule

Rev. - Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date filed and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

Chapters 120-1-1 entitled "Organization", 120-1-2 entitled "Practice and Procedure", 120-1-3 entitled "Definition and Interpretation of Certain Terms", 120-1-4 entitled "Manager's Qualifications", 120-1-5 entitled "Application for License, Forms", 120-1-6 entitled "Place of Business, Making Loans, Receiving Payments", 120-1-7 entitled "Books and Records", 120-1-8 entitled "Suspension, Revocation of License", 120-1-9 entitled "Advertising", 120-1-10 entitled "Loans; Installment Loans; Receipts and Other Papers Evidencing Indebtedness; Maximum Interest Per Month", 120-1-11 entitled "Insurance Written in Connection With Loans', 120-1-12 entitled "Computing the Refund Factor" have been adopted. Filed and effective July 20, 1965.

Chapter 120-1-13, entitled "Loan Tax," containing Rule 120-1-13-.01 was filed and effective on July 20, 1965.

Paragraph (7) of Rule 120-7-.02 has been amended. Filed December 22, 1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Rule 120-1-9-.01 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (n) and the adoption of a new subparagraph (n). Filed December 22, 1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Rule 120-1-9-.03 has been amended. Filed December 22, 1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Paragraph (2) of Rule 120-1-10-.04 has been amended. Filed December 22, 1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Rule 120-1-11-.02 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (3)(a) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (3)(a). Filed December 22,1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Rule 120-1-11-.03 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (3)(a) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (3)(a). Filed December 22, 1965; effective January 10, 1966.

Rule 120-1-9-.01 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (1)(i) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (1)(i). Filed April 6, 1966; effective April 25, 1966.

Rule 120-1-10-.01 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed April 6, 1966; effective April 25, 1966.

Rule 120-1-11-.01 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b) and by the adoption of new subparagraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b). Filed April 6, 1966; effective April 25, 1966.

Paragraph (4) of Rule 120-1-10-.03 has been amended. Filed August 20, 1969; effective September 8, 1969.

Subparagraph (3)(g) of Rule 120-1-2-.14 has been amended. Filed April 2, 1971; effective April 22, 1971.

Rule 120-1-7-.02 has been amended by the adoption of subparagraph (3)(g). Filed April 2, 1971; effective April 22, 1971.

Rule 120-1-11-.03 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed August 6, 1973; effective September 1, 1973, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-1-14, entitled "Unfair Trade Practices," containing Rules 120-1-14-.01 through 120-1-14-.26, has been adopted. Filed January 3, 1974; effective January 23, 1974.

Paragraphs (1), (2) and (8) of Rule 120-1-1-.01 have been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Paragraphs (1) and (4) of Rule 120-1-2-.14 have been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rule 120-1-3-.02 has been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rule 120-1-7-.02 has been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rule 120-1-9-.01 has been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rules 120-1-14-.02 through 120-1-14-.04 have been amended. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rule 120-1-10-.01 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Chapter 120-1-15, entitled "Maintenance Charges," containing Rules 120-1-15-.01 through 120-1-15-.07, has been adopted. Filed August 29, 1975; effective September 18, 1975.

Rule 120-1-11-.01 has been amended by the repeal of sub-paragraphs (2)(c), (2)(e), and (3)(b) and by the adoption of new sub-paragraphs (2)(c), (2)(e), and (3)(b); said Rule has been further amended by the adoption of sub-paragraphs (3)(c) and (3)(d). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977.

Rule 120-1-11-.02 has been amended by the repeal of sub-paragraphs (2)(a) and (2)(b) and by the adoption of new sub-paragraphs (2)(a) and (2)(b). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977.

Rule 120-1-11-.03 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977.

Rule 120-1-11-.05 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977.

Rule 120-1-11-.06 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977.

Rule 120-1-15-.07 has been renumbered as 120-1-15-.08 ; Rules 120-1-15-.03 through 120-1-15-.06 have been amended and renumbered as 120-1-15-.04 through 120-1-15-.07, respectively, and a new Rule 120-1-15-.03 adopted. Filed June 28, 1977; effective July 18, 1977.

Rule 120-1-11-.03 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed November 10, 1980; effective January 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.05 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed November 10, 1980; effective January 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.08 has been adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective January 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-10-.03 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (4) and by renumbering paragraph (5) as paragraph (4). Filed October 1, 1985; effective October 21, 1985. Rule 120-1-2-.02 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed March 11, 1988; effective June 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-2-.07 has been amended by renumbering paragraphs (7) through (13) as paragraphs (8) through (14), respectively, and by the adoption of a new paragraph (7). Filed March 11, 1988; effective June 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.02 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (2) and (5) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (2), (5) and (6). Filed March 11, 1988; effective June 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.03 has been amended by the adoption of paragraph (7). Filed March 11, 1988; effective June 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-14-.08 has been amended and subparagraph (3)(e) adopted. Filed August 4, 1989; effective September 29, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.02 has been amended and paragraph (7) adopted. Filed May 9, 1990; effective October 1, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-1-11-.01 has been repealed and a new Rule of same title adopted; Rule 120-1-11-.02 has been amended. Filed October 12, 1993; effective November 1, 1993.

Rules 120-1-11-.01 and .02(2) have been amended. Filed December 6, 1993; effective December 26, 1993.

Chapters 120-1-1, 120-1-5, and 120-1-11 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Rules 120-1-2-.01, .02, .06 to .12, .14 to .17, 120-1-3-.02 to .04, 120-1-4-.05, 120-1-6-.03, 120-1-7-.01, .02, 120-1-9-.01, .02, 120-1-10-.02, .03, 120-1-14-.01 to .05, .17, .22, .26, 120-1-15-.03 to .06 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 120-1-2-.18, .19, 120-1-3-.07, 120-1-4-.08, 120-1-6-.04, 120-1-7-.04, 120-1-9-.05, 120-1-10-.05, 120-1-14-.27, and 120-1-15-.09 have been adopted. Filed November 19, 2004; effective January 1, 2005, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-1-16 entitled "Closing Fees" and Rules 120-1-16-.01 through 120-1-16-.07 adopted. F. Aug. 8, 2013; eff. Aug. 28, 2013.

Editor's Note: Agency title changed. During the 2011-2012 Regular Session of the Georgia General Assembly, the legislature changed the title of this agency through Senate Bill 343. That bill amended the law in Chapter 5B of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the State Accounting Office, so as to designate the state accounting office officer as the Comptroller General; to transfer the office, functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Comptroller General from the Commissioner of Insurance to the State Accounting Office; to provide for related matters; and to amend Chapter 14 of Title 45 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the Commissioner of Insurance, so as to conform such provisions to reflect the change in the transfer of the position and duties of the Comptroller General to the state accounting officer.

The title of this agency shall no longer include the Office of the Comptroller General. Accordingly, the title of this agency is amended from the "Office of Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner, Industrial Loan Commissioner and Comptroller General" to the "Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner and Industrial Loan Commissioner," as filed May 14, 2015, effective June 3, 2015. Therefore, the "Comptroller General" title as listed in any rule and regulation of this agency is hereby repealed.

Chapter 120-1 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Industrial Loan Department" to "Rules of Industrial Loan Commissioner." Chapter 120-2 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Office of Commissioner of Insurance" to "Rules of Commissioner of Insurance." Chapter 120-3 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Safety Fire Commissioner" to "Rules of Safety Fire Commissioner." F. May 14, 2015; eff. June 3, 2015.

Chapter 120-1-17 entitled "Convenience Fees" adopted. F. June 25, 2015; eff. July 15, 2015.


An Administrative History will not be shown following those Rules that have not been amended since they were originally filed on July 20, 1965. The Administrative History following each Rule that has been subsequently added, amended, or repealed gives the date on which the Rule was filed and its effective date, except for amendments to Chapter 120-2-5. (See Editor's Note, Chapter 120-2-5, p. 183.) (Note: As pages bearing Rules that have not been amended since originally filed are necessarily reprinted, an Administrative History will be added to each). Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. - filed

eff. - effective

R. - Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. - Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. - Emergency Rule

Rev. - Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date filed and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

Chapters 120-2-1 entitled "Organization", 120-2-2 entitled "Practice and Procedure", 120-2-3 entitled "Regulations Regarding Agents and Counselors for Life and Accident and Sickness", 120-2-4 entitled "Regulations Regarding Agents, Counselors, Solicitors, Brokers and Adjusters for Property, Casualty and Allied Lines", 120-2-5 entitled "Valuation Procedures and Instructions for Bonds and Stocks", 120-2-6 entitled "Form for Claiming Retaliatory Tax Credit", 120-2-7 entitled "Regulations Regarding Proxies, Consents, and Authorizations of Domestic Stock Issuers", 120-2-8 entitled "Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurers: Organization and Corporate Procedures", 120-2-9 entitled "Insider Trading of Domestic Stock Insurer Equity Securities", 120-2-10 entitled "Regulations Regarding Insurance Contract", 120-2-11 entitled "Regulations Regarding Industrial Life Insurance", 120-2-12 entitled "Advertising Accident Sickness Insurance", 120-2-13 entitled "Credit Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance", 120-2-14 entitled "Georgia Automobile Assigned Risk Plan" have been adopted. [Chapter 120-2-15 was not filed.] Filed and effective July 20, 1965.

Chapters 120-2-16 entitled "National Council Workmen's Compensation Unit Statistical Plan Manual" has been adopted. Filed and effective July 20, 1965. (The Statistical Plan Manual has not been published because of its size and bulk; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-2-17 entitled "Inland Marine Insurance Bureau Statistical Plan for Inland Marine Insurance" has been adopted. Filed and effective July 20, 1965. (The Statistical Plan Manual has not been published because of its size and bulk; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-2-18 entitled "Authorization and General Requirements for Doing Business" has been adopted. Filed and effective July 20, 1965. (The exhibits and forms have not been published because of the size and expense; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Editor's Note:

Under Ga. Laws 1967, p. 618 (Ga. Code Ann., Section 3A-124), the Insurance Department of the Office of the Comptroller General complied with the filing requirements of this Act by filing with the Office of the Secretary of State merely the name and designation of regulations, standards, and plans, provided such regulations, standards and plans were kept on file in the Office of the Comptroller General and were open for public examination and copying.

In accordance with Ga. Laws 1989, p. 681 (O.C.G.A. 50-13-21), the contents of all Rules and Regulations of the Commission of Insurance adopted on and after July 1, 1989 are filed and published by the Office of Secretary of State.

Paragraphs (7), (10), (11), (12), (13), and (14) of Rule 120-2-1-.04 have been amended. Filed December 3, 1965; effective December 22, 1965.

Rule 120-2-2-.26 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (1)(c) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (1)(c). Filed December 3, 1965; effective December 22, 1965.

Chapter 120-2-5 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-5 of the same title, containing Rules 120-2-5-.01 through 120-2-5-.10, adopted. Filed December 3, 1965; effective December 22, 1965.

Chapter 120-2-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-7 of the same title, containing Rules 120-2-7-.01 through 120-2-7-.13, adopted. Filed December 3, 1965; effective December 22, 1965.

Rules 120-2-18-.02, 120-2-18-.03, and 120-2-18-.04 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed December 3, 1965; effective December 22, 1965.

Chapter 120-2-19, entitled "Property Insurance Regulations," containing Rule 120-2-19-.01, has been adopted. Filed December 6, 1965; effective December 25, 1965.

Chapter 120-2-16 has been amended by the adoption of a paragraph 12 to Section II-A relating to "Miscellaneous Premium" and a new paragraph 25 to Section III relating to "Losses." Filed April 22, 1966; effective May 11, 1966.

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (4), (5), and (6). Filed April 22, 1966; effective May 12, 1966.

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (12) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (12). Filed April 22, 1966; effective May 12, 1966.

Rule 120-2-14-.16 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (16) and (17) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (16) and (17). Filed April 22, 1966; effective May 12, 1966.

Rule 120-2-2-.27 has been adopted. Filed July 17, 1967; effective July 10, 1967, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.13 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-14-.13 adopted. Filed August 15, 1967; effective September 4, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.14 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraphs (1)(a), (b), (c), (d), and paragraph (2) and by the adoption of new subparagraphs (1)(a), (b), (c), (d), and a new paragraph (2). Filed August 15, 1967; effective September 4, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-1-.07 has been adopted. Filed September 5, 1967; effective August 28, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-10-.01 and 120-2-10-.02 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed November 13, 1967; effective November 1, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-10-.04 through 120-2-10-.10 have been adopted; Rule 120-2-10-.03 is reserved. Filed November 13, 1967; effective November 1, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-15, entitled "Reporting of Policy Cancellations," containing Rules 120-2-15-.01 through 120-2-15-.03, has been adopted. Filed November 13, 1967; effective September 28, 1967. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-14-.09 and 120-2-14-.10 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed March 4, 1968; effective March 24, 1968. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Subparagraphs (2) (a) and (2) (b) of Rule 120-2-2-.22 have been amended. Filed August 15, 1968; effective July 1, 1968. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

The name of Chapter 120-2-14 has been changed from "Georgia Automobile Assigned Risk Plan" to "Georgia Automobile Insurance Plan." Filed September 20, 1968; effective September 10, 1968. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-21, entitled "Insurance Premium Finance Companies," containing Rules 120-2-21-.01 through 120-2-21-.10, has been adopted. Filed August 29, 1969; effective July 16, 1969. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-22, entitled "Georgia Variable Annuity Contract Regulation," containing Rules 120-2-22-.01 through 120-2-22-.07, has been adopted. Filed December 11, 1969; effective December 1, 1969. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-7-.01, 120-2-7-.02, 120-2-7-.03, 120-2-7-.05, 120-2-7-.06, 120-2-7-.07, 120-2-7-.09, and 120-2-7-.13 have been amended. Filed January 20, 1970; effective January 1, 1970. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-3-.05 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-3-.05 adopted. Filed July 1, 1970; effective July 1, 1970. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-23, entitled "Georgia Insurance Holding Company Regulation," containing Rules 120-2-23-.01 through 120-2-23-.04, has been adopted. Filed and effective on October 30, 1970. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-2-.26 has been amended. Filed January 13, 1971; effective February 2, 1971. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.03 has been amended. Filed January 13, 1971; effective February 2, 1971. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-14-.08 through 120-2-14-.16 have been amended. Filed January 13, 1971; effective February 2, 1971. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-20, entitled "Unfair Trade Practices," containing Rule 120-2-20-.01, has been adopted. Filed June 5, 1972; effective June 25, 1972. It was determined by the

Comptroller General's office that this Chapter had never been filed; therefore this note is being made to substantiate the recent filing date. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-24, entitled "Replacement of Life Insurance Policies," containing Rules 120-2-24-.01 through 120-2-24-.10, has been adopted. Filed June 5, 1972; effective June 25, 1972. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-25, entitled "Exemption From Filing Certain Life and Health Policy Forms," containing Rules 120-2-25-.01 through 120-2-25-.08, has been adopted. Filed June 5, 1972; effective June 25, 1972. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-0.1 was filed on June 9, 1972, to become effective June 15, 1972, as specified by the Agency, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until the adoption of permanent Rules covering the same subject matter superseding said Emergency Rule. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.03.)

Chapter 120-2-26, entitled "Financing Premiums of Life Insurance Policies," containing Rules 120-2-26-.01 through 120-2-26-.14, has been adopted. Filed July 18, 1972; effective August 7, 1972. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-27, entitled "Credit Life Insurance Forms," containing Rules 120-2-27-.01 through 120-2-27-.03, has been adopted replacing Emergency Rule 120-2-0.1, which expired on October 12, 1972. Filed December 12, 1972; effective January 1, 1973. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.03.)

Chapter 120-2-12 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-12 of the same title, containing Rules 120-2-12-.01 through 120-2-12-.22, adopted. Filed May 29, 1973; effective June 18, 1973. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-28-0.2 was filed and effective on December 20, 1974, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by renumbering paragraphs (15) and (16) as (16) and (17) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (15). Filed December 17, 1974; effective January 6, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.16 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (6) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (6). Filed December 17, 1974; effective January 6, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-28-0.2 has been repealed and in lieu thereof Chapter 120-2-28, entitled "Georgia Motor Vehicle Accident Reparations Act," containing Rules 120-2-28-.01 through 120-2-28-.11, adopted. Filed January 16, 1975; effective February 5, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-1-.02 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (10) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (10). Filed February 7, 1975; effective February 27, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-2-.13 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (2) (a) and paragraph (4) and by the adoption of new subparagraph (2) (a) and a new paragraph (4). Filed February 7, 1975; effective February 27, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.03 has been repealed and reserved. Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.18 has been amended. Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-14-.04 adopted. Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.07 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.24 has been adopted. Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-14-.01, 120-2-14-.02, 120-2-14-.05, 120-2-14-.08, 120-2-14-.10, 120-2-14-.11, 120-2-14-.13, 120-2-14-.16, and 120-2-14-.23 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed April 30, 1975; effective May 20, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (2) (d) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (2) (d). Filed August 1, 1975; effective August 21, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-25-.06 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (1) (f) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (1) (f). Filed December 3, 1975; effective December 23, 1975. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-21-.01 has been amended. Filed March 9, 1976; effective March 29, 1976. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-21-.07 and 120-2-21-.08 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed March 9, 1976; effective March 29, 1976. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-21-.11 has been adopted. Filed March 9, 1976; effective March 29, 1976. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-14-.02 adopted. Filed December 21, 1976; effective January 10, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (5) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (5). Filed December 21, 1976; effective January 10, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-21-.11 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed December 21, 1976; effective January 10, 1977: (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-29, entitled "Prepaid Legal Services Plans," containing Rules 120-2-29-.01 through 120-2-29-.17, has been adopted. Filed February 28, 1977; effective March 20, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-21-.11 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed March 8, 1977; effective March 28, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-27 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-27, entitled "Credit Life and Credit Accident and Sickness Insurance Forms," containing Rules 120-2-27-.01 through 120-2-27-.18, adopted. Filed March 8, 1977; effective July 1, 1977, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-30-0.3, containing Rules 120-2-30-0.3-.01 through 120-2-30-0.3-.07, has been adopted. Filed and effective on August 5, 1977 to remain in effect for a period of 120 days, as specified by the Agency. (Emergency Rule 120-2-30-0.3 expired on December 2, 1977.) (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Subparagraphs (3) (a) 3. and (3) (c) of Rule 120-2-14-.08 have been amended. Filed December 1, 1977; effective December 21, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.10 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed December 1, 1977; effective December 21, 1977. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-30, entitled "Issuance and Repayment of Surplus Loans of Domestic Mutual Insurers," containing Rules 120-2-30-.01 through 120-2-30-.07, has been adopted. Filed December 19, 1977; effective January 8, 1978. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Subparagraphs (3)(d), (3)(e), and (3)(e)3. of Rule 120-2-14-.08 have been amended. Filed April 28, 1978; effective May 18, 1978. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.08 has been amended by the adoption of paragraph (14). Filed November 22, 1978; effective December 12, 1978. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-14-.11 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (3) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (3). Filed November 22, 1978; effective December 12, 1978. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-14-.13 and 120-2-14-.18 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed November 22, 1978; effective December 12, 1978. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-32, entitled "Variable Life Insurance," containing Rules 120-2-32-.01 through 120-2-32-.14, has been adopted. Filed October 18, 1979; effective November 7, 1979. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.) (Chapter 120-2-31 is reserved.)

Rule 120-2-15-.01 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed October 23, 1979; effective November 12, 1979. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-15-.04 has been adopted. Filed October 23, 1979; effective November 12, 1979. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and Chapter number reserved. Filed April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-10-.05, 120-2-10-.06, and 120-2-10-.10 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-10-.09 has been repealed and Rule number reserved. Filed April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rules 120-2-10-.11 and 120-2-10-.12 have been adopted. Filed April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-11, entitled "Advertising of Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts," containing Rules 120-2-11-.01 through 120-2-11-.14, adopted. Filed April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-31, entitled "Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation," containing Rules 120-2-31-.01 through 120-2-31-.08, was filed on April 11, 1980; effective July 1, 1980, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-33, entitled "Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)," containing Rules 120-2-33-.01 through 120-2-33-.18, has been adopted. Filed April 21, 1980; effective May 11, 1980. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-10-.03 has been adopted. Filed August 29, 1980; effective September 18, 1980. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Chapter 120-2-8, entitled "Medicare Supplement Insurance," containing Rules 120-2-8-.01 through 120-2-8-.11, has been adopted. Filed October 28, 1980; effective November 17, 1980. (See Editor's Note, p. 88 .03.)

Rule 120-2-2-.13 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-2-.13 adopted. Filed May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.33.)

Rule 120-2-2-.14 has been repealed (including exhibits A through H) and a new Rule 120-2-2-.14 adopted. Filed May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.33.)

Rules 120-2-2-.15 and 120-2-2-.16 have been repealed. Filed May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.33.)

Rule 120-2-2-.22 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-2-.22 adopted. Filed May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.33.)

Rule 120-2-19-.02 has been adopted. Filed on May 5, 1981; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency. (See Editor's Note, p. 88.33.)

Rule 120-2-14-.01 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (1)(a) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (1)(a). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.07 has been repealed and Rule number reserved. Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.02, 120-2-14-.03, 120-2-14-.04, 120-2-14-.05, 120-2-14-.06, and 120-2-14-.08 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.10 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (1)(a)3. and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (1)(a)3. Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.11 has been amended by the repeal of the first unnumbered paragraph, and by the adoption of a new first unnumbered paragraph; said Rule has been further amended by the repeal of paragraphs (2) and (3) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (2), (3), and (4). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rules 120-2-14-.12 and 120-2-14-.13 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-13-.14 has been amended by the repeal of subparagraph (8)(a) and by the adoption of a new subparagraph (8)(a). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.15 has been repealed and Rule number reserved. Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.16 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (5), (6), and (7), and by the adoption of new paragraphs (5) and (6). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.18 has been amended by the adoption of subparagraph (2)(g). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.19 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1), and by the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.20 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (1) and (2), and by the adoption of new paragraphs (1) and (2). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Rule 120-2-14-.21 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2), and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed September 2, 1981; effective September 22, 1981.

Chapter 120-2-34, entitled "Group Self-Insurance Funds," containing Rules 120-2-34-.01 through 120-2-34-.21, has been adopted. Filed March 16, 1982; effective April 15, 1982, as specified by Order of the Insurance Commissioner.

Chapter 120-2-24 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-24, of the same title, containing Rules 120-2-24-.01 through 120-2-24-.11, adopted. Filed April 28, 1982; effective June 1, 1981, as specified by Order of the Insurance Commissioner.

Rules 120-2-2-.15 and 120-2-2-.16 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed May 21, 1982; effective June 10, 1982.

Paragraph 120-2-2-.22 has been amended. Filed May 21, 1982; effective June 10, 1982.

Paragraph 120-2-3-.03, 120-2-3-.04 and 120-2-3-.07 have been repealed and new Rules of the same numbers adopted. Filed May 21, 1981; effective June 10, 1982.

Rule 120-2-3-.06 has been repealed. Filed May 21, 1981; effective June 10, 1982.

Rule 120-2-4-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-4-.04 adopted. Filed May 21, 1982; effective June 10, 1982.

Rule 120-2-4-.17 has been repealed. Filed May 21, 1982; effective June 10, 1982.

Rule 120-2-2-.04 has been amended by deleting the last sentence of paragraph (8). Filed March 31, 1983; effective May 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-18-.04 adopted. Filed March 31, 1983; effective May 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.05 has been adopted. Filed March 31, 1983; effective May 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-35, entitled "Book-Entry Securities," containing Rules 120-2-35-.01 through 120-2-35-.06 has been adopted. Filed March 31, 1983; effective May 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-10-.09 has been adopted. Filed July 1, 1983; effective August 1, 1983 as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.01 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed October 28, 1983; effective December 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-28 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-28 adopted. Filed October 28, 1983; effective December 1, 1983, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-35-.06 has been amended by deleting the word "not" in the second line of Part 1. (f) of Exhibit B. Filed October 28, 1983; effective December 1, 1983.

Chapter 120-2-16 has been repealed and Chapter number reserved. Filed December 1, 1983; effective January 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-36, entitled "Workers' Compensation Insurance Statistical Agent-Forms and Rating Plans," containing Rules 120-2-36-.01 through 120-2-36-.12, has been adopted. Filed December 1, 1983; effective January 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-37, entitled "Georgia Workers' Compensation Rate Filings," containing Rules 120-2-37-.01 through 120-2-37-.09, has been adopted. Filed December 1, 1983; effective January 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-38, entitled "Georgia Workers' Compensation Insurance Plan," containing Rules 120-2-38-.01 through 120-2-38-.11, has been adopted. Filed December 1, 1983; effective January 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-14 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title, containing Rules 120-2-14-.01 through 120-2-14-.17, adopted. Filed October 5, 1984; effective November 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.03 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (2), (3) and (5) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (2) and (3); Rule has further been amended by the repeal of subparagraphs (2)(a) and (2)(c) and by the adoption of new subparagraphs (2)(a) and (2)(c). Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.04 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (2) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (2). Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.07 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-27-.07 adopted. Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.09 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) and by the adoption of new paragraphs (3), (4) and (5). Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.14 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-27-.14 adopted. Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.18 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-2-27-.18 adopted. Filed December 7, 1984; effective June 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-39, entitled "Annuity Mortality Table," containing Rules 120-2-39-.01 through 120-2-39-.07, has been adopted. Filed December 7, 1984; effective January 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-32 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title containing Rules 120-2-32-.01 through 120-2-32-.14 adopted. Filed October 2, 1985; effective December 1, 1985, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-10-.11 has been renumbered as Rule 120-2-10-.13 and a new Rule 120-2-10-.11 adopted. Filed July 24, 1986; effective September 1, 1986, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been renumbered as Rule 120-2-10-.14 and Rule 120-2-10-.12 reserved for future use. Filed July 24, 1986; effective September 1, 1986, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-33 repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-33, entitled "Health Maintenance Organizations," containing Rules 120-2-33-.01 through 120-2-33-.15, adopted. Filed July 24, 1986; effective September 1, 1986, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.04 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and by the adoption of a new paragraph (1). Filed January 14, 1987; effective February 15, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.06 has been adopted. Filed January 14, 1987; effective February 15, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-39 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-2-39, entitled "Life and Annuity Mortality Tables," containing Rules 120-2-39-.01 through 120-2-39-.03, adopted. Filed January 14, 1987; effective February 15, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-40, entitled "Public Self-Insurance Funds," containing Rules 120-2-40-.01 through 120-2-40-.21, adopted. Filed April 10, 1987; effective April 30, 1987.

Chapter 120-2-41, entitled "Modifications to Classifications of Risks," containing Rules 120-2-41-.01 through 120-2-41-.11, adopted. Filed November 10, 1987; effective January 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-42, entitled "Readability Standards for Personal Lines Policies," containing Rules 120-2-42-.01 through 120-2-42-.09, adopted. Filed May 20, 1988; effective July 1, 1988, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-2-.13 has been repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-2-.16 has been amended by the repeal of paragraph (4) and a new paragraph (4) adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-5 has been repealed and a new chapter of the same title adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-16 entitled "Long-Term Care Insurance Regulation," containing Rules 120-2-16-.01 through 120-2-16-.10, adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-43 entitled "Medical or Life-style Questions on Applications and Underwriting Guidelines AIDS and ARC," containing Rules 120-2-43-.01 through 120-2-43-.06, adopted. Filed January 17, 1989; effective February 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-44 entitled "Preferred Provider Arrangements," containing Rules 120-2-44-.01 through 120-2-44-.10, adopted. Filed February 9, 1989; effective March 1, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-45 entitled "Captive Insurance Companies," containing Rules 120-2-45-.01 through 120-2-45-.17, adopted. Filed February 9, 1989; effective March 1, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-46, entitled "Automobile Self-Insurance Regulation," containing Rules 120-2-46-.01 through 120-2-46-.09 has been adopted. Filed May 26, 1989; effective June 30, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-1 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-2-.02 has been repealed and reserved. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-3-.03 has been repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-4-.03 has been repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted and Rule 120-2-4-.20 has been adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-10 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same titled adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective January 1, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-35 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title adopted. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-47 has been adopted, containing Rules 120-2-47-.01 through 120-2-47-.12. Filed August 24, 1989; effective September 15, 1989, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been repealed and Rule number reserved. Filed May 9, 1990; effective June 15, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-18 has been repealed and a new Chapter, same title, adopted. Filed May 9, 1990; effective June 15, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-34 has been repealed and a new Chapter, same title, adopted. Filed May 9, 1990; effective June 15, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.03 has been repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed May 9, 1990; effective June 15, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and a new Chapter, same title, adopted. Filed September 18, 1990; effective December 1, 1990, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-48, entitled "Group Coordination of Benefits," containing Rules 120-2-48-.01 to 120-2-48-.08, has been adopted. Filed September 18, 1990; effective January 1, 1991, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-3-.07 has been repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed June 25, 1991; effective July 15, 1991.

Rule 120-2-4-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed June 25, 1991; effective July 15, 1991.

Paragraph (4) of Rule 120-2-38-.06 has been adopted. Filed May 29, 1992; effective June 18, 1992.

Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and a new Chapter, same title, adopted. Filed July 9, 1992; effective July 29, 1992.

Chapter 120-2-23 has been repealed and a new Chapter entitled "Insurance Holding Company Regulations," containing Rules 120-2-23-.01 to 120-2-23-.19, adopted. Filed July 14, 1992; effective August 3, 1992.

Chapter 120-2-51 entitled "Continuing Care Providers and Facilities," containing Rules 120-2-51-.01 to 120-2-51-.03 adopted. Filed August 7, 1992; effective August 27, 1992.

Paragraph (5) has been repealed and a new paragraph adopted of Rule 120-2-44-.04. Filed August 26, 1992; effective September 17, 1992.

Chapter 120-2-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter entitled "Regulations Regarding Agents, Subagents, Adjusters and Counselors" adopted; Chapter 120-2-4 has been repealed. Filed September 10, 1992; effective September 30, 1992.

Rules 120-2-8-.04, .10(1), .13(1)(c) and .16(3)(d) were amended. Filed January 8, 1993; effective January 28, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-56 entitled "Workers' Compensation Health Benefits Pilot Projects" containing Rules 120-2-56-.01 and 120-2-56-.02 has been adopted. Filed February 9, 1993; effective March 1, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-50 entitled "Multiple Employer Self-Insured Health Plans" containing Rules 120-2-50-.01 to 120-2-50-.16 has been adopted. Filed March 19, 1993; effective April 8, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-49 entitled "Administrator Regulation", containing Rules 120-2-49-.01 to 120-2-49-.19, has been adopted. Filed May 19, 1993; effective June 8, 1993.

Rules 120-2-36-.06, .11, .12 have been repealed and new Rules adopted; Chapter 120-2-38 has been repealed and a new Chapter of same title adopted. Filed August 10, 1993; effective August 30, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-54 entitled "Regulation to Define Standards and Commissioner's Authority for Companies Deemed to be in Hazardous Financial Condition" containing Rules 120-2-54-.01 to 120-2-54-.05 and Chapter 120-2-55 entitled "Administrative Supervision" containing Rules 120-2-55-.01 to 120-2-55-.09 have been adopted. Filed August 19, 1993; effective September 8, 1993.

Rule 120-2-18-.07 has been amended; Chapter 120-2-61 entitled "Life and Health Reinsurance Agreements" containing Rules 120-2-61-.01 to 120-2-61-.08 has been adopted; Chapter 120-2-63 entitled "Purchasing Groups" containing Rules 120-2-63-.01 to 120-2-63-.04 has been adopted; Chapter 120-2-64 entitled "Producer Controlled Property and Casualty Insurers Regulation," containing Rules 120-2 64-.01 to 120-2-64-.04 has been adopted. Filed September 8, 1993; effective September 28, 1993.

Rule 120-2-49-.02 has been amended. Filed September 15, 1993; effective October 5, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-27 has been amended. Filed October 12, 1993; effective November 1, 1993.

Rules 120-2-27-.03, .07, .08, .09, .14 have been amended and .19 repealed. Filed December 6, 1993; effective December 26, 1993.

Chapter 120-2-59 entitled "Standard Claim Form for Accident and Sickness Insurance", containing Rules 120-2-59-.01 to .06, has been adopted. Filed January 11, 1994; effective January 31, 1994.

Chapter 120-2-52 entitled "Fair and Equitable Settlement of First Party Property Damage Claims," containing Rules 120-2-52-.01 to 120-2-52-.08 adopted. Filed March 29, 1994; effective April 18, 1994. Chapter 120-2-53, entitled "Cancellation and Nonrenewal Hearing Regulation Private Passenger Automobile and Motorcycle" containing Rules 120-2-53-.01 to .05, has been adopted. Filed April 7, 1994; effective April 27, 1994.

Chapter 120-2-15 repealed, new Chapter entitled "Reporting of Policy Cancellations, Nonrenewals and Declinations" adopted. Chapter 120-2-60 containing Rules 120-2-60-.01 to .16, Chapter 120-2-65 containing Rules 120-2-65-.01 to .07, and Chapter 120-2-66 containing Rules 120-2-66-.01 to .07 have been adopted. Filed October 7, 1994; effective October 27, 1994.

Chapter 120-2-62 entitled "Assumption Reinsurance" containing Rules 120-2-62-.01 to 120-2-62-.07 has been adopted. Filed August 11, 1995; effective August 31, 1995.

Chapter 120-2-67 entitled "Portability" containing Rules 120-2-67-.01 to 120-2-67-.11 has been adopted. Filed February 29, 1996; effective March 20, 1996.

Emergency Rule 120-2-8-0.4 entitled "Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards Regulation" containing Rules 120-2-8-0.4-.01 to 120-2-8-0.4-.23 was filed on April 30, 1996; effective April 28, 1996, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of permanent Rules covering the same subject matter superseding said Emergency Rule has been adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with section 1882 of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-2-68 entitled "Child Wellness" containing Rules 120-2-68-.01 to 120-2-68-.07 has been adopted. Filed April 30, 1996; effective May 20, 1996.

Chapter 120-2-58 entitled "Certification of Private Review Agents'' adopted. Filed May 23, 1996; effective June 12, 1996.

Chapter 120-2-35 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Chapters 120-2-69 entitled "Requirements For Insurance Company Custodial Accounts", 120-2-71 entitled "Sale of Annuities By Financial Institutions" and 120-2-75 entitled "Regulation of Provider Sponsored Health Care Corporations" have been adopted. Filed July 19, 1996; effective August 8, 1996.

Chapters 120-2-15, 120-2-65 and 120-2-66 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Filed August 8, 1996; effective August 28, 1996.

Chapter 120-2-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed August 9, 1996; effective August 29, 1996.

Emergency Rule 120-2-28-0.5-.15 was filed and effective on August 15, 1996, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a Permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to offer medical payments coverage to applicants for private passenger automobile insurance. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-8-0.4 has been repealed and Chapter 120-2-8 has been adopted. Filed September 6, 1996; effective September 26, 1996.

Chapter 120-2-38 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed September 12, 1996; effective October 2, 1996.

Chapters 120-2-6 and 120-2-28 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Rule 120-2-18-.07 has been amended. Chapter 120-2-73 entitled "Annuity and Deposit Fund Disclosure Regulation" has been adopted. Filed November 25, 1996; effective December 15, 1996.

Chapter 120-2-44 has been repealed and new chapter, same title, adopted. Filed January 21, 1997; effective February 10, 1997.

Chapters 120-2-72, entitled "Special Insurance Fraud Fund", 120-2-76, entitled "Sale of Insurance by Financial Institutions" have been adopted. Filed February 18, 1997; effective March 10, 1997.

Chapters 120-2-21 and 120-2-49 have been amended. Filed June 10, 1997; effective June 30, 1997.

Chapters 120-2-74 entitled "Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Regulations" and 120-2-78 entitled "Credit for Reinsurance" have been adopted. Filed July 9, 1997; effective July 29, 1997.

Rules 120-2-14-.03, .04, .05 and 120-2-52-.03 have been amended. Filed September 5, 1997; effective September 25, 1997.

Chapter 120-2-53 has been repealed and a new Chapter entitled "Cancellation and Nonrenewal Regulation" adopted. Filed September 16, 1997; effective October 6, 1997.

Chapter 120-2-34 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed November 4, 1997; effective November 24, 1997.

Emergency Rule 120-2-33-0.6-.06 was filed and effective on November 10, 1997, as specified by the Agency, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a Permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with mandate in the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and State of Georgia House Bill 654 (1997). (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-67-0.7 was filed and effective on November 10, 1997, as specified by the Agency, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a Permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with mandate in the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and State of Georgia House Bill 654 (1997). (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-81-0.8 was filed January 2, 1998; effective December 31, 1997, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and State of Georgia House Bill 654 (1997). (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 120-2-10-0.9-.11 A was filed January 2, 1998; effective December 31, 1997, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and State of Georgia House Bill 654 (1997). (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 120-2-33-.06 has been amended and Chapter 120-2-67 repealed and a new Chapter entitled "Portability and Renewability" adopted. Filed February 17, 1998; effective March 9, 1998.

Chapter 120-2-80 entitled "Patient Protection Act" has been adopted. Filed March 20, 1998; effective April 9, 1998.

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed March 25, 1998; effective April 14, 1998.

Chapter 120-2-28 has been repealed and a new chapter adopted. Filed April 14, 1998; effective May 4, 1998.

Chapter 120-2-81 entitled "Individual Health Insurance Assignment Systems" and Rule 120-2-10-.11 A have been adopted. Filed April 29, 1998; effective May 19, 1998.

Chapter 120-2-3 has been amended. Filed July 23, 1998; effective August 12, 1998.

Chapter 120-2-77 entitled "Large Commercial Insurance Risk Rating" has been adopted. Filed December 22, 1998; effective January 11, 1999.

Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed April 7, 1999; effective April 27, 1999.

Chapter 120-2-59 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed April 30, 1999; effective May 20, 1999.

Chapter 120-2-82 entitled "Coverage for Management and Treatment of Diabetes" has been adopted. Filed November 12, 1999; effective December 2, 1999.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-83-0.10 was filed and effective on November 24, 1999, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted "to provide for the implementation of the consumer choice option as defined in O.C.G.A. § 33-20A-9.1." (This Emergency Rule will not be published, copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rules 120-2-3-.06, .07, .09, .15, .21, .45, .46 and .47 have been amended. Filed January 14, 2000; effective February 3, 2000. Chapter 120-2-79 entitled "Health Plan Purchasing Cooperatives" has been adopted. Filed February 23, 2000; effective March 14, 2000.

Chapter 120-2-83 entitled "Consumer Choice Option" has been adopted. Filed March 3, 2000; effective March 23, 2000.

Rule 120-2-77-.03 has been amended. Filed August 25, 2000; effective September 14, 2000.

Chapter 120-2-87 entitled "Regulations Governing the Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Information Gathered in Connection with Insurance Transactions" has been adopted. Filed July 24, 2001; effective August 13, 2001.

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed May 23, 2002; effective November 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-2-58-.03 and 120-2-80-.07 have been amended. Filed June 5, 2002; effective June 25, 2002.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-88-0.11 has been adopted. Filed June 28, 2002; effective July 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule adopted Rules for Standards of Diabetes Care. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed August 15, 2002; effective November 1, 2002, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-82 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed October 8, 2002; effective October 28, 2002.

Chapter 120-2-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Chapter 120-2-89 entitled "Surplus Lines Insurance Regulation" has been adopted. Filed January 15, 2003; effective February 4, 2003.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-18-0.12 adopted. Filed and effective July 8, 2003, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to encourage insurers to seek licensure in Georgia. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-2-18 has been repealed superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-18-0.12 and a new Chapter adopted. Filed November 5, 2003; effective November 25, 2003.

Rules 120-2-3-.07 and .09 have been amended. Rule 120-2-3-.16 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed August 23, 2004; effective September 12, 2004.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-92-0.13 adopted. Filed October 4, 2004; effective August 3, 2004, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on Health Maintenance Organizations. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-92-0.14 adopted. Filed November 29, 2004; effective December 1, 2004, as specified by the Agency, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on Health Maintenance Organizations. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 120-2-2-.25 has been repealed. Chapter 120-2-6 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Rule 120-2-14-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Chapter 120-2-90 entitled "Standard Nonforfeiture and Valuation for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits Regulation" has been adopted. Filed January 28, 2005; effective February 17, 2005.

Chapter 120-2-92 entitled "Independent Accreditation of Health Maintenance Organizations" has been adopted superseding Emergency Rules Chapters 120-2-92-0.13 and 120-2-92-0.14 . Filed March 10, 2005; effective March 30, 2005.

Emergency Rule 120-2-72-0.15-.05 and Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-91-0.16 adopted. Filed June 29, 2005; effective June 28, 2005, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding these Emergency Rules are adopted, as specified by the Agency. These Emergency Rules were adopted to amend the Participation in Fund Rule and adopt a new chapter for Minimum Nonforfeiture Values for Individual Deferred Annuities. (These Emergency Rules will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 120-2-72-.05 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted superseding Emergency Rule 120-2-72-0.15-.02 . Chapter 120-2-91 entitled "Minimum Nonforfeiture Values for Individual Deferred Annuities" has been adopted superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-91-0.16 . Filed June 24, 2005; effective July 14, 2005.

Rule 120-2-3-.28 has been amended. Chapter 120-2-8 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed August 19, 2005; effective September 8, 2005.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-47-0.17 adopted. Filed and effective September 16, 2005, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding these Emergency Rules are adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rules was adopted to amend Chapter 120-2-47 entitled "Vehicle and Automobile Club Service Contracts". (These Emergency Rules will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-2-93 entitled "Life Settlements Regulation" has been adopted. Filed October 14, 2005; effective November 13, 2005.

Chapter 120-2-47 has been adopted superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-47-0.17.

Chapter 120-2-49 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed December 9, 2005; effective December 29, 2005.

Emergency Rules 120-2-19-0.18-.01, and .03, and Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-20-0.19 adopted. Filed and effective February 20, 2006, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding these Emergency Rules are adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rules was adopted to amend Chapter 120-2-19 entitled "Property Insurance Regulations" and Chapter 120-2-20 entitled "Unfair Trade and Claims Settlement Practices". (These Emergency Rules will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rules 120-2-19-0.20-.01, and .03, and Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-20-0.21 adopted. Filed June 13, 2006; effective June 20, 2006, as specified by the Agency, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding these Emergency Rules are adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rules was adopted to amend Chapter 120-2-19 entitled "Property Insurance Regulations" and Chapter 120-2-20 entitled "Unfair Trade and Claims Settlement Practices". (These Emergency Rules will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rules 120-2-19-.01 and .03 have been adopted superseding Emergency Rules 120-2-19-0.20-.01 and .03. Chapter 120-2-20 has been adopted superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-20-0.21 . Filed September 22, 2006; effective October 12, 2006.

Rules 120-2-60-.03 and .07 have been amended. Chapter 120-2-94 entitled "Suitability in Annuity Transactions" has been adopted. Filed October 10, 2006; effective October 30, 2006.

Chapter 120-2-90 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed December 11, 2006; effective January 1, 2007, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-7 submitted for publishing on March 6, 2007.

Chapters 120-2-11, 120-2-12, and 120-2-22 submitted for publishing on March 7, 2007.

Chapters 120-2-25, 120-2-26, 120-2-30, 120-2-37, 120-2-39, 120-2-41, 120-2-42, 120-2-43, and 120-2-46 submitted for publishing on March 15, 2007.

Chapters 120-2-24, 120-2-27, 120-2-31, 120-2-32, and 120-2-33 submitted for publishing on April 6, 2007.

Chapter 120-2-95 entitled "Military Sales Practices" has been adopted. Filed August 8, 2007; effective September 1, 2007, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-28-.06 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed December 7, 2007; effective December 27, 2007.

Chapter 120-2-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed March 27, 2008; effective April 16, 2008.

Chapter 120-2-72 has been amended. Filed December 4, 2008; effective December 24, 2008.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-8-0.22 adopted. Filed May 29, 2009; effective June 1, 2009, as specified by the Agency, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding these Emergency Rules are adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rules was adopted to amend Chapter 120-2-8 entitled "Medicare Supplement Insurance". (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rules 120-2-3-.07, .08, .11, .14, .21, .23 to .25, .28, .32, .34, and .40 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 120-2-3-.09, .12, .15, .16, .19, .29, .31, .44 and 120-2-16-.34 have been amended. Filed July 16, 2009; effective August 5, 2009.

Chapter 120-2-8 has been adopted superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-2-8-0.22 . Filed September 3, 2009; effective September 23, 2009.

Rule 120-2-10-.12 has been amended. Chapter 120-2-96 entitled "Georgia Affordable HSA Eligible High Deductible Health Plan" has been adopted. Filed October 20, 2009; effective November 9, 2009.

Chapter 120-2-93 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed October 29, 2009; effective November 18, 2009.

Rules 120-2-60-.03 to .07, .09 to .16 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 120-2-60-.17 to .19 have been adopted. Filed November 19, 2009; effective December 9, 2009.

ER Chapter 120-2-.23-98 adopted. F. Aug. 26, 2011; eff. Aug. 27, 2011, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-2-100 entitled "Limited Purpose Subsidiaries" adopted. F. Nov. 8, 2011; eff. Nov. 28, 2011.

Chapter 120-2-99 entitled "Sale of Individual Health Insurance Products Approved in Other States" adopted. F. Nov. 18, 2011; eff. Dec. 8, 2011.

Chapter 120-2-74 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. F. Dec. 17, 2010; eff. Jan. 6, 2011.

Chapter 120-2-98 adopted. F. Dec. 6, 2011; eff. Dec. 26, 2011.

Rule 120-2-20-.03 amended. F. Feb. 10, 2012; eff. Mar. 1, 2012.

Rule 120-2-20-.04 entitled "Severability" adopted. F. Feb. 10, 2012; eff. Mar. 1, 2012.

Chapter 120-2-97 entitled "Pharmacy Benefits Manager Regulation" adopted. Filed March 16, 2011; effective April 5, 2011.

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-.24-.06, 120-2-3-.24-.09, 120-2-3-.24-.18, 120-2-3-.24-.46, 120-2-3-.24-.47, and 120-2-3-.24-.48 adopted. F. Jun. 12, 2012; eff. Jun. 12, 2012, as specified by the Agency (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency).

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-0.25-.05, 120-2-3-0.25-.15, 120-2-3-0.25-.16, 120-2-3-0.25-.19, 120-2-3-0.25-.29, 120-2-3-0.25-.31, 120-2-3-0.25-.34, 120-2-3-0.25-.35, 120-2-3-0.25-.39, 120-2-3-0.25-.45 adopted. F. Jun. 28, 2012; eff. Jun. 28, 2012, as specified by the Agency (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency).

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-.24-.06, 120-2-3-.24-.09, 120-2-3-.24-.18, 120-2-3-.24-.46, 120-2-3-.24-.47, and 120-2-3-.24-.48 repealed. F. Sep. 10, 2012; eff. Sep. 30, 2012.

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-0.25-.05, 120-2-3-0.25-.15, 120-2-3-0.25-.16, 120-2-3-0.25-.19, 120-2-3-0.25-.29, 120-2-3-0.25-.31, 120-2-3-0.25-.34, 120-2-3-0.25-.35, 120-2-3-0.25-.39, and 120-2-3-0.25-.45 repealed. F. Sep. 10, 2012; eff. Sep. 30, 2012.

Rules 120-2-3-.05, 120-2-3-.15, 120-2-3-.16, 120-2-3-.19, 120-2-3-.20, 120-2-3-.31, 120-2-3-.34, 120-2-3-.35, 120-2-3-.39, 120-2-3-.45, 120-2-3-.06, 120-2-3-.09, 120-2-3-.18, 120-2-3-.46, 120-2-3-.47, and 120-2-3-.48 adopted. F. Sep. 10, 2012; eff. Sep. 30, 2012.

Rules 120-2-47-.02, 120-2-47-.03, 120-2-47-.05, 120-2-47-.08, 120-2-47-.10, 120-2-47-.13 amended. Rule 120-2-47-.12 repealed and reserved. F. Nov. 1, 2012; eff. Nov. 21, 2012.

Rules 120-2-3-.47 and 120-2-3-.48 repealed and readopted. Rule 120-2-3-.49 adopted. F. Nov. 26, 2012; eff. Dec. 16, 2012.

Chapter 120-2-101 and rules 120-2-101-.01 through 120-2-101-.06 adopted. F. Dec. 7, 2012; eff. Dec. 27, 2012.

Rules 120-2-54-.01, 120-2-54-.02, 120-2-54-.03, 120-2-54-.04 amended. F. Jan. 3, 2013; eff. Jan. 23, 2013.

Rules 120-2-3-.06, 120-2-3-.16, 120-2-3-.25, amended. Rule 120-2-3-.39 repealed and new rule adopted. F. Apr. 1, 2013; eff. Apr. 21, 2013.

Chapter 120-2-102 and Rules 120-2-102-.01 through 120-2-102-.10 adopted. F. Apr. 17, 2013; eff. May 7, 2013.

Chapter 120-2-103 and Rules 120-2-103-.01 through 120-2-103-.09 adopted. F. May 6, 2013; eff. May 26, 2013.

Rules 120-2-72-.04, 120-2-72-.05, 120-2-72-.06, and 120-2-72-.08 repealed and readopted. F. Jun. 7, 2013; eff. Jun. 27, 2013.

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-0.26-.08 and 120-2-3-0.27-.50 adopted. F. Jul. 9, 2013; eff. Jul. 9, 2013.

Chapter 120-2-104 and Rules 120-2-104-.01 through 120-2-104-.06 adopted. F. Sep. 6, 2013; eff. Sep. 26, 2013.

Emergency Rules 120-2-3-0.26-.08 and 120-2-3-0.27-.50 repealed. Rules 120-2-3-.08, 120-2-3-.48, 120-2-3-.49 repealed and new rules adopted. Rule 120-2-3-.50 adopted. F. Oct. 15, 2013; eff. Nov. 4, 2013.

Rules 120-2-23-.03, .04, .06, .07, .09 and .11 amended. Rules 120-2-23-.12 through 120-2-23-.19 repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 120-2-23-.20 and .21 adopted. F. Nov. 6, 2013; eff. Nov. 26, 2013.

Rules 120-2-3-.09, 120-2-3-.15, 120-2-3-.19 amended. F. Apr. 16, 2014; eff. May 6, 2014.

Rule 120-2-39-.01 repealed and new rule adopted. Rules 120-2-39-.04 through .09 and Appendixes I through IV adopted. Rules 120-2-73-.01 and .02 amended. Appendix to Rule 120-2-73-.05 repealed and new Appendix adopted. F. Oct. 8, 2014; eff. Jan. 1, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-27-.06 repealed and new rule adopted. Rule 120-2-27-.08 amended. F. Feb. 20, 2015; eff. Mar. 12, 2015.

Editor's Note: Agency title changed. During the 2011-2012 Regular Session of the Georgia General Assembly, the legislature changed the title of this agency through Senate Bill 343. That bill amended the law in Chapter 5B of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the State Accounting Office, so as to designate the state accounting office officer as the Comptroller General; to transfer the office, functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Comptroller General from the Commissioner of Insurance to the State Accounting Office; to provide for related matters; and to amend Chapter 14 of Title 45 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the Commissioner of Insurance, so as to conform such provisions to reflect the change in the transfer of the position and duties of the Comptroller General to the state accounting officer.

The title of this agency shall no longer include the Office of the Comptroller General. Accordingly, the title of this agency is amended from the "Office of Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner, Industrial Loan Commissioner and Comptroller General" to the "Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner and Industrial Loan Commissioner," as filed May 14, 2015, effective June 3, 2015. Therefore, the "Comptroller General" title as listed in any rule and regulation of this agency is hereby repealed.

Chapter 120-1 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Industrial Loan Department" to "Rules of Industrial Loan Commissioner." Chapter 120-2 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Office of Commissioner of Insurance" to "Rules of Commissioner of Insurance." Chapter 120-3 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Safety Fire Commissioner" to "Rules of Safety Fire Commissioner." F. May 14, 2015; eff. June 3, 2015.

Chapter 120-2-60 repealed and new chapter of same title adopted. F. June 25, 2015; eff. July 15, 2015.

Rule 120-2-23-.21 repealed and new rule adopted. Rule 120-2-.23-.22 adopted. F. July 15, 2015; eff. Aug. 4, 2015.

Chapter 120-2-94 repealed and new chapter of same title adopted. F. Aug. 7, 2015; eff. Aug. 27, 2015.

Chapter 120-2-45 repealed and new chapter of same title adopted. Chapter 120-2-45 "Editor's Note" rescinded. Rule 120-2-72-.05 amended. F. Sep. 21, 2015; eff. Oct. 11, 2015.

Rules 120-2-3-.12, 120-2-3-.15 amended. F. Sep. 21, 2015; eff. Mar. 1, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-2-14-.04, .05, .07, .08, .13, .14 amended. Chapter 120-2-14 "Editor's Note" rescinded. Rules 120-2-20-.03, 120-2-60-.15 amended. F. Oct. 1, 2015; eff. Oct. 21, 2015.

Rule 120-2-2-.25 adopted. F. Feb. 3, 2016; eff. Feb. 23, 2016.

Chapter 120-2-51 repealed and new chapter of same title adopted. F. Mar. 24, 2016; eff. Apr. 13, 2016.

Rules 120-2-3-.06, .09, .18, .46 amended. F. June 6, 2016; eff. Aug. 1, 2016, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-18-.05 amended. F. Oct. 21, 2016; eff. Nov. 10, 2016.

Rule 120-2-72-.05 amended. F. Dec. 12, 2016; eff. Jan. 1, 2017.

Rule 120-2-44-.11 adopted. F. Mar. 9, 2017; eff. Mar. 29, 2017.

Rule 120-2-103-.07(1), correction of typographical error in paragraph (1) as submitted by the Agency on August 14, 2017, partial sentence ("No person, wherever located, shall demand or request the issuance of a certificate of") deleted and paragraph (1) in its entirety added as originally filed. Effective August 14, 2017.

Rules 120-2-3-.03, .05 amended. F. Jan. 25, 2018; eff. Feb. 14, 2018.

Emergency Rule 120-2-8-0.29-.09 adopted. F. Dec. 5, 2019; eff. Dec. 16, 2019. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 120-2-3-.24 repealed and new rule adopted. Rule 120-2-23-.19 amended. Subject 120-2-2 repealed and new Subject of same title adopted. Subject 120-2-105 entitled "Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure" adopted. F. Dec. 13, 2019; eff. Jan. 1, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-2-8-.09.1 adopted. Rules 120-2-49-.09, 120-2-72-.05 amended. F. Mar. 20, 2020; eff. Apr. 13, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-2-3-.24, 120-2-52-.03, 120-2-58-.02, .03, .05, .06, .07, .09 amended. F. June 29, 2022; eff. July 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 120-2-52-.03, correction of non-substantive typographical error in paragraph (2), "... referred to in paragraph (1) above. 18, 1994." corrected to "... referred to in paragraph (1) above.", as requested by the Agency. Effective August 12, 2022.

Note: Rule 120-2-58-.09, correction of non-substantive typographical errors, Services Performed paragraph, number 4., "restrospective" corrected to "retrospective," Utilization Review Staff paragraph, number 2., "Osteophatic" corrected to "Osteopathic," as requested by the Agency. Effective August 12, 2022.

Rules 120-2-3-.05, 120-2-14-.04 amended. F. Aug. 31, 2022; eff. Sep. 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-2-72-.05, 120-2-78-.08, 120-2-3-.08, .09, .12, .13, .14, .15, .16, .18, .19, .20, .25, .28, .29, .30, .48 amended. Subject 120-2-111 entitled "Patient's Right to Independent Review" adopted. F. Sept. 20, 2023; eff. Aug. 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.


The Administrative History following each Rule gives the date on which the Rule was originally filed and its effective date, as well as the date on which any amendment or repeal was filed and its effective date. Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. - filed

eff. - effective

R. - Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. - Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. - Emergency Rule

Rev. - Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date filed and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

The contents of the Rules and Regulations of the Safety Fire Commissioner are not printed in the Official Compilation Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia. By Ga. Laws 1967, p. 618 (Ga. Code Ann., Section 3A-124), the General Assembly of Georgia amended the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act (Ga. Laws 1964, p. 338; Ga. Code Ann., Chapter 3A) by the addition of the following provision relating to the filing of Rules and Regulations of the Safety Fire Commissioner.

"As to such regulations, standards and plans as required by law to be filed and kept on file with the Office of the Secretary of State, the Fire Safety Department and the Insurance Department of the Office of the Comptroller General may comply with the filing requirements of this Act by filing with the Office of the Secretary of State merely the name and designation of such regulations, standards and plans, provided such regulations, standards and plans are kept on file in the Office of the Comptroller General by the titles otherwise applicable under this Act, and such regulations, standards and plans are open for public examination and copying.

The Fire Safety Department and the Insurance Department of the Office of Comptroller General may also satisfy the procedure for conduct of hearings on contested cases and rule-making required under this Act by following the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Georgia Insurance Code, Chapter 56-2, Georgia Code, as amended."

On July 20, 1965, the Comptroller General filed with the Secretary of State Original Rules for the Fire Safety Department, but said Rules and Regulations were not in proper form for printing and distribution as a part of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia. Before said Rules and Regulations could be prepared in proper form for printing and distribution, the General Assembly enacted Ga. Laws 1967, p. 618, whereby the Rules and Regulations of the Fire Safety Department are filed with the Secretary of State by name and designation only.

On January 29, 1968, the Comptroller General, as the Georgia Safety Fire Commissioner, filed with the Secretary of State, under Ga. Laws 1967, p. 618 (Ga. Code Ann., Section 3A-124), the names and designations of the Rules and Regulations (Chapters 120-3-1 through 120-3-7, and 120-3-10 through 120-3-16; Chapters 120-3-8 and 120-3-9 reserved.) relative to the Safety Fire Department.

Pursuant to said filing, the Comptroller General provided that as of April 1, 1968, all previous Rules and Regulations of the Georgia Safety Fire Department would be superseded by the Rules and Regulations as filed on January 29, 1968. The Comptroller General stated that all of said Rules, Regulations and Standards are on file in the Office of Comptroller General and are open for public examination and copying.

Chapter 120-3-1, entitled "Organization of the Office of the Safety Fire Commissioner," containing Rules 120-3-1-.01 through 120-3-1-.07, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-2, entitled "Rules of Practice and Procedure," containing Rules 120-3-2-.01 through 120-3-2-.10, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-3, entitled "The Prevention of Loss of Life and Property from Fire, Panic from Fear of Fire, Explosions or Related Hazards, in Buildings, Structures, Occupancies and Facilities as specified in the 1949 Georgia Safety Fire Act, as Amended, containing Rules 120-3-3-.01, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-4, entitled "Fire Prevention Inspection and Licensing of Carnivals and Circuses," containing Rules 120-3-4-.01 through 120-3-4-.06, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-5, entitled "Mobile/or Portable Classrooms," containing Rules 120-3-5-.01 through 120-3-5-.06, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-6 reserved.

Chapter 120-3-7 reserved.

Chapter 120-3-8 reserved.

Chapter 120-3-9 reserved.

Chapter 120-3-10, entitled "Explosives and Blasting Agents," containing Rules 120-3-10-.01 through 120-3-10-.07, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-11, entitled "Flammable and Combustible Liquids," containing Rules 120-3-11-.01 through 120-3-11-.26, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-12, entitled "The Storing and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia," containing Rules 120-3-12-.01 through 120-3-12-.05, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-13, entitled "Welding Gases," containing Rules 120-3-13-.01 through 120-3-13-.06, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-14, entitled "Natural Gas Systems," containing Rules 120-3-14-.01 through 120-3-14-.04, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-15; entitled "Dry Cleaning Plants and Fluids," containing Rules 120-3-15-.01 through 120-3-15-.04, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-16, entitled "Liquefied Petroleum Gases," containing Rules 120-3-16-.01 through 120-3-16-.09, was filed on January 29, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-6, entitled "General Regulations," containing Rules 120-3-6-.01 through 120-3-6-.03, was filed on June 12, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-11-.05 has been amended. Filed June 12, 1968; effective April 1, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-7, entitled "Factory Manufactured Movable Homes, Mobile Homes, Relocatable Homes," containing Rules 120-3-7-.01 through 120-3-7-.09, was filed on October 1, 1968; effective September 26, 1968, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-18, entitled "Fire Safety Inspection and Certification of Motor Vehicle Racetracks and Grandstands," containing Rules 120-3-18-.01 through 120-3-18-.11, was filed on August 17, 1970; effective June 16, 1970, as specified by the Agency. (Chapter 120-3-17 reserved.)

Chapter 120-3-17, entitled "Liquefied Natural Gas," containing Rules 120-3-17-.01 through 120-3-17-.04, was filed on January 13, 1971; effective January 7, 1971, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-3-11-.01 through 120-3-11-.26 have been amended. Filed January 13, 1971; effective January 7, 1971, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-7, entitled "Factory Manufactured Mobile Homes," containing Rules 120-3-7-.01 through 120-3-7-.16, adopted. Filed August 8, 1974; effective September 1, 1974, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-3 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-3-.01 through 120-3-3-.04, adopted. Filed February 8, 1979; effective March 1, 1979, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-3-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-3-3-.04 adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Rule 120-3-3-.05 has been adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Chapter 120-3-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-11 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-11-.01 through 120-3-11-.12, adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Chapter 120-3-13 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-13 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-13-.01 through 120-3-13-.07, adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Chapter 120-3-14 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-14 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-14-.01 through 120-3-14-.08, adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Chapter 120-3-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-16 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-16-.01 through 120-3-16-.11, adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Chapter 120-3-17 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-17 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-17-.01 through 120-3-17-.07, adopted. Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Rule 120-3-18-.02 has been amended by the adoption of paragraph (5). Filed November 10, 1980; effective November 30, 1980.

Rule 120-3-3-.05 has been repealed and a new Rule 120-3-3-.05 adopted. Filed April 1, 1981; effective August 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-3-.06 has been adopted. Filed April 1, 1981; effective August 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-3-3-.01 has been amended by the repeal of paragraphs (2) and (3) and by renumbering paragraph (4) as (2). Filed August 6, 1982; effective September 1, 1982, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-3-.02 has been amended by the adoption of paragraphs (2) and (3). Filed August 6, 1982; effective September 1, 1982, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-3-.03 has been amended by: renumbering subparagraphs (8)(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), and (l) as (8)(h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), and (r), respectively; renumbering subparagraph (8)(a) as (8)(e); and, by the adoption of new subparagraphs (8)(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and (g). Filed August 6, 1982; effective September 1, 1982, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-19, entitled "Fire Protection Sprinkler Contractors," containing Rules 120-3-19-.01 through 120-3-19-.06, has been adopted. Filed December 22, 1982; effective January 11, 1983.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been amended. Filed July 7, 1983; effective August 1, 1983, by Order of the Georgia Safety Fire Commissioner.

Chapter 120-3-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-7 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Manufactured Homes," containing Rules 120-3-7-.01 through 120-3-7-.14, adopted. Filed May 23, 1984; effective July 1, 1984, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been amended. Filed April 23, 1986; effective May 15, 1986, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-1 has been repealed. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-2 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-2 of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-2-.01 through 120-3-2-.03, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-4 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-4 entitled "Rules and Regulations of Fire Prevention Inspection and Licensing of Carnivals and Circuses," containing Rules 120-3-4-.01 through 120-3-4-.07, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-5 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-5 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Mobile/or Portable Classrooms," containing Rules 120-3-5-.01 through 120-3-5-.07, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-10 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-10 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Explosives and Blasting Agents," containing Rules 120-3-10-.01 through 120-3-10-.07, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-11 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Flammable and Combustible Liquids," containing Rules 120-3-11-.01 through 120-3-11-.12, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-12 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-12 entitled "Rules and Regulations for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia," containing Rules 120-3-12-.01 through 120-3-12-.06, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-13 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-13 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Welding Gases" containing Rules 120-3-13-.01 through 120-3-13-.07, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-14 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-14 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Natural Gas Systems," containing Rules 120-3-14-.01 through 120-3-14-.08, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-16 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Liquefied Petroleum Gases," containing Rules 120-3-16-.01 through 120-3-16-.10, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-17 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-17 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Liquefied Natural Gas," containing Rules 120-3-17-.01 through 120-3-17-.07, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-18 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-18 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Fire Safety Inspection and Certification of Motor Vehicle Racetracks and Grandstands," containing Rules 120-3-18-.01 through 120-3-18-.13, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-22 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-22 entitled "Rules and Regulations Fireworks," containing Rules 120-3-22-.01 through 120-3-22-.11, adopted. Filed June 3, 1987; effective June 25, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter 120-3-3, of the same title, containing Rules 120-3-3-.01 through 120-3-3-.07, adopted. Filed September 30, 1987; effective November 1, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-21, entitled "Rules and Regulations for Residential Board and Care Occupancies (Personal Care Homes)," containing Rules 120-3-21-.01 through 120-3-21-.08, was filed on September 30, 1987; effective November 1, 1987, as specified by the Agency.

Chapters 120-3-3, 120-3-5, 120-3-11, 120-3-16 and 120-3-21 have been repealed and new Chapters, same titles, adopted. Filed December 3, 1990; effective January 1, 1991, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 120-3-23 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Installation, Inspection, Recharging, Repairing, Servicing and Testing of Portable Fire Extinguishers or Fire Suppression Systems," containing Rules 120-3-23-.01 through 120-3-23-.09 adopted. Filed July 23, 1992; effective August 12, 1992.

Chapter 120-3-12 has been amended. Filed August 25, 1992; effective September 14, 1992.

Rules 120-3-13-.03 and .04 have been amended. Filed September 18, 1992; effective October 8, 1992.

Rule 120-3-17-.03 repealed and a new Rule entitled "Submission of Plans/Fees" adopted; 120-3-17-.04 repealed and a new Rule entitled "Reporting of Fires and Serious Accidents" adopted; 120-3-17-.05 adopted and Rules 120-3-17-.05, .06, .07 renumbered to .06, .07, .08. Filed October 7, 1992; effective October 27, 1992.

Rules 120-3-16-.03, .04, .06, .07 were amended and .11 adopted. Filed October 16, 1992; effective November 5, 1992.

Chapters 120-3-14 and 120-3-22 have been amended. Filed October 26, 1992; effective November 15, 1992.

Rules 120-3-7-.01, .03, .04, .07, .12 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 120-3-7-.02 has been amended. Rule 120-3-7-.14 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rules 120-3-7-.15, .16, .17 and .18 have been adopted. Filed October 7, 1992; effective January 1, 1993, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-10-.02 has been amended. Rules 120-3-10-.05, .06 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 120-3-10-.08 has been adopted. Filed November 16, 1992; effective December 6, 1992.

Rules 120-3-5-.03, .04, .05 have been amended. Filed December 8, 1992; effective December 28, 1992.

Rules 120-3-18-.02, .03, .05, .07, .11, .13, .18 have been amended. Rule 120-3-18-.14 has been adopted. Filed December 31, 1992; effective January 20, 1993.

Rules 120-3-3-.01, .02, .04, .07 have been amended. Filed January 8, 1993; effective January 28, 1993.

Chapter 120-3-7 has been amended. Filed July 22, 1996; effective August 11, 1996.

Chapter 120-3-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted.

Chapter 120-3-20 entitled "Access to and Use of Public Facilities by Handicapped Persons" has been adopted. Filed June 5, 1997; effective June 25, 1997.

Chapters 120-3-3, 120-3-10 and 120-3-11 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Filed July 9, 1998; effective July 29, 1998.

Chapters 120-3-13, 120-3-14, 120-3-17, 120-3-22 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Filed July 23, 1998; effective August 12, 1998.

Chapters 120-3-7, 120-3-16 have been repealed and new Chapters adopted. Filed August 6, 1998; effective August 26, 1998.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed December 21, 1999; effective January 10, 2000.

Chapter 120-3-19 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed November 7, 2001; effective November 27, 2001.

Chapter 120-3-10 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed April 17, 2002; eff. May 7, 2002.

Emergency Rule 120-3-3-0.1-.04 adopted. Filed and effective May 14, 2003, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the NFPA 101 code. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-22-0.2 adopted. Filed and effective June 10, 2003, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on fireworks. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-3-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed July 23, 2003; effective August 12, 2003.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Chapter 120-3-5 has been repealed. Filed August 21, 2003; effective September 10, 2003.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-22-0.3 adopted. Filed and effective October 8, 2003, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on fireworks. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-3-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed December 16, 2003; effective January 5, 2004.

Chapter 120-3-22 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed January 16, 2004; effective February 5, 2004.

Chapter 120-3-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed November 30, 2004; effective December 20, 2004.

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-10-0.4 adopted. Filed and effective February 17, 2006, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on explosives and blasting agents. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-10-0.5 adopted. Filed and effective June 8, 2006, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to amend the chapter on explosives and blasting agents. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-3-10 has been adopted superseding Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-10-0.5 . Filed November 1, 2006; effective November 21, 2006.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed January 12, 2007; effective February 1, 2007.

Chapter 120-3-23 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed October 11, 2007; effective October 31, 2007.

Emergency Rule 120-3-3-0.6-.02 adopted. Filed and effective November 13, 2007, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to reduce the use of water in the testing of fire suppression systems when this water use reduction is determined to be necessary by the State or local governing authority. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 120-3-16-0.7-.09 adopted. Filed March 7, 2008; effective March 3, 2008, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to aid investigations that could result in safer use, transportation, and storage of liquefied petroleum gas. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.8 adopted. Filed March 7, 2008; effective March 6, 2008, as specified by the Agency, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-3-11 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed March 7, 2008; effective March 27, 2008.

Chapter 120-3-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed January 7, 2010; effective January 27, 2010.

Emergency Rule 120-3-3-0.9-.02 adopted. Filed and effective March 31, 2008, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to reduce the use of water in the testing of fire suppression systems when this water use reduction is determined to be necessary by the State or local governing authority. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 120-3-16-0.10-.09 adopted. Filed and effective July 2, 2008, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to aid investigations that could result in safer use, transportation, and storage of liquefied petroleum gas. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.11 adopted. Filed and effective July 2, 2008, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.12 adopted. Filed and effective October 29, 2008, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.13 adopted. Filed February 26, 2009; effective February 25, 2009, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.14 adopted. Filed and effective June 25, 2009, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule Chapter 120-3-24-0.15 adopted. Filed and effective October 19, 2009, the date of adoption, to be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted to establish minimum fire safety standards regarding potential industrial and manufacturing dust fires and explosions. (This Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 120-3-16 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed January 7, 2010; effective January 27, 2010.

Chapter 120-3-3 has been repealed and a new chapter adopted. Chapter 120-3-24 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Loss Prevention Due to Combustible Dust Explosions and Fire" has been adopted. Filed February 17, 2010; effective March 9, 2010.

Chapter 120-3-20 adopted. F. May 23, 2012; eff. Jun. 11, 2012.

Chapters 120-3-25 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Escalators and Elevators," 120-3-26 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Boiler and Pressure Vessels," 120-3-27 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Amusement Ride Safety" adopted. F. Sep. 4, 2013; eff. Sep. 24, 2013.

Chapter 120-3-3 repealed and new Chapter adopted. Rules 120-3-25-.13, 102-3-25-.21, 120-3-26-.07, 120-3-26-.16 amended. Chapter 120-3-28 entitled "Rules and Regulations for Carnival Rides" adopted. F. Jan. 10, 2014; eff. Jan. 30, 2014.

Rules 120-3-3-.04 amended. Chapters 120-3-20 and 120-3-.25 repealed and new chapters with the same title adopted. F. Dec. 12, 2014; eff. Jan. 1, 2015.

Chapter 120-3-26 repealed and new Chapter adopted. F. Mar. 16, 2015; eff. Apr. 5, 2015.

Editor's Note: Agency title changed. During the 2011-2012 Regular Session of the Georgia General Assembly, the legislature changed the title of this agency through Senate Bill 343. That bill amended the law in Chapter 5B of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the State Accounting Office, so as to designate the state accounting office officer as the Comptroller General; to transfer the office, functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Comptroller General from the Commissioner of Insurance to the State Accounting Office; to provide for related matters; and to amend Chapter 14 of Title 45 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the Commissioner of Insurance, so as to conform such provisions to reflect the change in the transfer of the position and duties of the Comptroller General to the state accounting officer.

The title of this agency shall no longer include the Office of the Comptroller General. Accordingly, the title of this agency is amended from the "Office of Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner, Industrial Loan Commissioner and Comptroller General" to the "Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, Safety Fire Commissioner and Industrial Loan Commissioner," as filed May 14, 2015, effective June 3, 2015. Therefore, the "Comptroller General" title as listed in any rule and regulation of this agency is hereby repealed.

Chapter 120-1 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Industrial Loan Department" to "Rules of Industrial Loan Commissioner." Chapter 120-2 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Office of Commissioner of Insurance" to "Rules of Commissioner of Insurance." Chapter 120-3 title amended from "Rules of Comptroller General Safety Fire Commissioner" to "Rules of Safety Fire Commissioner." F. May 14, 2015; eff. June 3, 2015.

Chapter 120-3-16 repealed and new chapter with same title adopted. Chapter 120-3-22 repealed and new Chapter entitled "Manufacturing, Storage, Sales, Exhibitions and Displays of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics" adopted. F. July 24, 2015; eff. Aug. 13, 2015.

Note: Correction of error in Administrative History, "Rule 120-3-16-.01 through .13 amended. F. July 24, 2015; eff. Aug. 13, 2015." and "Rule 120-3-22-.01 through .19 repealed and new rule adopted. F. July 24, 2015; eff. Aug. 13, 2015." deleted, "Chapter 120-3-16 repealed and new chapter with same title adopted. Chapter 120-3-22 repealed and new Chapter entitled "Manufacturing, Storage, Sales, Exhibitions and Displays of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics" adopted. F. July 24, 2015; eff. Aug. 13, 2015." added, effective January 1, 2018.

Rules 120-3-3-.04, 120-3-28-.03, .05, .06 amended. F. Dec. 28, 2017; eff. Jan. 1, 2018, as specified by the Agency.

Subjects 120-3-3, 120-3-10 through 120-3-14, 120-3-16 amended, Subject 120-3-17 amended and title changed to "Rules and Regulations for Liquefied Natural Gas and Compressed Natural Gas", Subject 120-3-22 amended and title changed to "Manufacturing, Storage, Sales, Exhibitions and Displays of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics, Use of Flame Effects Before a Proximate Audience." F. Dec. 13, 2019; eff. Jan. 1, 2020, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-3-3-.04, 120-3-19-.07, 120-3-25-.03, .07, .14, .15, .20, .22, 120-3-26-.02, .14, .20 amended. F. June 10, 2022; eff. July 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Note: Rule 120-3-3-.04, correction of non-substantive typographical errors in amendment filed June 10, 2022 (i.e., deleted extra space after quotation marks and hyphens, corrected "O.O.G.A." to "O.C.G.A.," and "120-3-3.03 " to "120-3-3-.03"), as requested by the Agency. Effective August 12, 2022.

Note: Rule 120-3-26-.02, correction of non-substantive typographical error in History, "History. Original Rule entitled "Definition of Terms" adopted. F. Sep. 4, 2013; eff. Sept. 24, 1913." corrected to "History. Original Rule entitled "Definition of Terms" adopted. F. Sep. 4, 2013; eff. Sep. 24, 2013." Effective August 12, 2022.

Rules 120-3-3-.04, 120-3-11-.04, .06, .09 amended. F. Aug. 31, 2022; eff. Sept. 1, 2022, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 120-3-3-.04, 120-3-25-.15, .20 amended. F. Feb. 1, 2023; eff. Feb. 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 120-3-26-.22 amended. F. Sept. 1, 2023; eff. Aug. 1, 2023, as specified by the Agency.

Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Georgia may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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