Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) For the purpose
of regulating the speed and operation of motorboats within Dade County, the
following year-round and seasonal zones are established, which shall include
all associated and navigable tributaries, lakes, creeks, coves, bends,
backwaters, canals, channels and boat basins, unless otherwise designated or
excluded: (Provisions setting forth procedures for resident access to "No
Entry" and "Motorboats Prohibited" Zones are given under subsection
68C-22.003, F.A.C.)
(a) Slow Speed Zone (Year-round) -
1. Dumfoundling Bay Area - All waters of
Dumfoundling Bay and all those waters northerly of Dumfoundling Bay through
which the Intracoastal Waterway passes, including the main marked channel of
the Intracoastal Waterway, southerly of the Dade/Broward County line easterly
of a line across the entrance of the canal to Maule Lake which bears North
90° 00' 00" East (True) from a point on the southerly shoreline of said
canal (approximate latitude 25° 56' 17" North, approximate longitude
80° 08' 02" West) and northerly of the southerly shoreline of Dumfoundling
Bay (approximate latitude 25° 56' 15" North), and including all canals and
waterways connecting thereto, except as otherwise designated under paragraph
2. Maule Lake Area - All
waters of Maule Lake northerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East
(True) from a point at the intersection of the southern shoreline of Royal
Glades Canal with the western shoreline of Oleta River (approximate latitude
25° 55' 43" North, approximate longitude 80° 09' 02" West), easterly of
Salinity Control Structure S-29 in the Royal Glades Canal and easterly of the
centerline of the Biscayne Boulevard (US Highway 1) Bridge over the Oleta
River, southerly of a line across the entrance to Little Lake Maule which bears
North 90° 00' 00" East (True) from the southernmost tip of land on the west
side of the entrance to Little Lake Maule (approximate latitude 25° 56' 18"
North, approximate longitude 80° 08' 27" West), including the canal
connecting Maule Lake with Dumfoundling Bay and all of the canals lying
westerly of N.E. 35th Avenue;
Biscayne Creek Area - All waters of Biscayne Creek including the main marked
channel of the Intracoastal Waterway southerly of the southerly shoreline of
Dumfoundling Bay (approximate latitude 25° 56' 15" North), easterly of a
line across the mouth of the Oleta River which bears North 07° 00' 00" West
(True) from a point on the southerly shoreline of Oleta River (approximate
latitude 25°55'43" North, approximate longitude 80° 07 52" West) and
northerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True) running
through Flashing Red Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "60" (latitude
25° 55' 20" North, longitude 80° 07' 47" West);
4. Snake Creek, Royal Glades Canal Area - All
waters of Snake Creek and Royal Glades Canal westerly of Salinity Control
Structure S-29 in the Royal Glades Canal near the southwest end of Maule Lake
and southeasterly of the centerline of the Interstate Highway 95 (State Road 9)
Bridge, including all waters of Sky Lake and Little Sky Lake;
5. Oleta State Park Area - All waters of
Biscayne Bay and Indian Creek southerly of a line which bears North 90° 00'
00" East (True) running through Flashing Red Intracoastal Waterway Channel
Marker "60" (latitude 25° 55' 20" North, longitude 80° 07' 47" West),
easterly of the centerline of the Biscayne Boulevard (US Highway 1) Bridge over
L Arch Creek, westerly of the centerline of the Collins Avenue (US Highway A1A)
Bridge and northerly of the centerline of the Broad Causeway, 96th Street
Bridges, excepting therefrom those portions of the main marked channel of the
Intracoastal Waterway lying between Flashing Green Intracoastal Waterway
Channel Marker "3" (latitude 25° 55' 10" North, longitude 80° 07' 34"
West) and Flashing Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "5" (latitude
25° 54' 34" North, longitude 80° 07' 31" West) and between Flashing
Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "9" (latitude 25° 53' 59" North,
longitude 80° 07' 57" West) and the centerline of the Broad Causeway
6. Broad Causeway to John
F. Kennedy (79th Street) Causeway Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay westerly
of the western boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway
and those waters of Biscayne Bay and Indian River easterly of the easterly
boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway and easterly
of a line 1000 feet westerly of the general contour of the westerly shorelines
of Indian Creek Village Island, the unnamed peninsula of land over which
Stillwater Drive passes, the northerly shoreline of Biscayne Point, and
easterly of the eastern boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East
Channel, southerly of the centerline of the Broad Causeway, 96th Street Bridges
and northerly of the centerline of the John F. Kennedy Causeway, 71st Street
Bridges; and those waters of Biscayne Bay easterly of the easterly boundary of
the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway, westerly of the westerly
boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel, northerly of the
centerline of the John F. Kennedy Causeway Bridges, and southerly of the
following described line: BEGIN at Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker
"21" (latitude 25° 51' 32" North, longitude 80° 09' 49" West); thence
North 90° 00' 00" East (True) to a line 1, 000 feet easterly of and
parallel with the seawall on the eastern side of Harbor Island; thence
southerly along said parallel line to a line which bears South 90° 00' 00"
West (True) from the westernmost point of the southerly shoreline of the
Normandy Waterway (approximate latitude 25° 51' 10" North, approximate
longitude 80° 08' 48" West); thence easterly along said line to the
easterly boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel and the
TERMINATION of said line, except as otherwise designated under paragraphs
(1)(b), (1)(g), and (1)(h);
7. John
F. Kennedy (79th Street) Causeway to Julia Tuttle Causeway Area - All waters of
Biscayne Bay, Indian Creek and Surprise Lake exclusive of the main marked
channels of the Intracoastal Waterway and the Meloy or East Channel southerly
of the centerline of the John F. Kennedy Causeway and 71st Street Bridges and
northerly of the centerline of the Julia Tuttle Causeway and Arthur Godfrey
Road Bridges; excepting therefrom the waters of Little River westerly of the
general contour of the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay; and except as
otherwise designated under paragraphs (1)(b), (1)(g), and (1)(i);
8. Julia Tuttle Causeway to Venetian Causeway
Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay westerly of the westerly boundary of the
main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway and those waters of Biscayne
Bay and Sunset Lake easterly of the easterly boundary of the marked channel of
the Meloy or East Channel, all southerly of the centerline of the Julia Tuttle
Causeway and Arthur Godfrey Road Bridges and northerly of the centerline of the
Venetian Causeway Bridges; and that part of Biscayne Bay easterly of the
easterly boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway,
westerly of the westerly boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East
Channel, southerly of the centerline of the Julia Tuttle Causeway Bridges and
northerly of the following described line: BEGIN at Flashing Green Intracoastal
Waterway Channel Marker "45" (latitude 25° 47' 48" North, longitude 80°
10' 45" West); thence South 78° 00' 00" East (True) to a line which is 2,
500 feet perpendicularly distant southeasterly of and parallel with the eastern
boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway; thence
northeasterly along said parallel line to a line which is 1, 000 feet southerly
of and parallel with the southerly shoreline of the island over which the Julia
Tuttle Causeway (36th Street) passes; thence easterly along said parallel line
3, 500 feet, more or less, to the easternmost line of concrete pilings; thence
southerly along the line of the concrete pilings to a line which bears North
90° 00' 00" East (True) running through a piling marking the Meloy or East
Channel (approximate latitude 25° 48' 00" North, approximate longitude
80° 09' 01" West); thence east along said line to the westerly boundary of
the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel and the POINT OF TERMINATION;
and that part of Biscayne Bay easterly of the easterly boundary of the main
marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway and westerly of the easterly
boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel, southerly of the
following described line: a line 1, 000 feet northerly of and parallel with the
general contour of the northerly shorelines of Biscayne, San Marco, San Manno,
DiLido and Rivo Alto Islands (except that part lying northerly of the
southernmost row of concrete pilings approximately 750 feet northerly of DiLido
Island) and southerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True)
from the northernmost tip of Rivo Alto Island (latitude 25° 47' 38" North)
from a point 1, 000 feet easterly of the easterly shoreline of Rivo Alto Island
to the easterly boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel,
except as otherwise designated under paragraphs (1)(b), (1)(g), and
9. Venetian Causeway to
MacArthur Causeway Area - All waters of Biscayne Bay, Collins Canal and Indian
Creek, including the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway southerly
of the centerline of the Venetian Causeway and Arthur Godfrey Road Bridges and
northerly of the centerline of the MacArthur Causeway Bridges, except as
otherwise designated under paragraphs (1)(g), and (1)(i);
10. MacArthur Causeway to Miami River Area -
Those waters of Biscayne Bay westerly of the westerly boundary of the main
marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway southerly of the centerline of the
MacArthur Causeway Bridge and northerly of the northerly boundary of the
channel entrance to the Miami River; and those waters of Biscayne Bay easterly
of the easterly boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal
Waterway, southerly of the extension of the line of the northerly seawall of
Dodge Island northwesterly to the easterly boundary of the main marked channel
of the Intracoastal Waterway, northerly of a line which bears approximately
North 82° 00' 00" East (True) from the northeasternmost tip of Claughton
Island to a corner of the seawall on the southerly side of Dodge Island
(approximate latitude 25° 46' 18" North, approximate longitude 80° 10'
17" West) and westerly and southwesterly of the following described line: BEGIN
at a point on the southwesterly shoreline of Dodge Island (approximate latitude
25° 46' 28" North, approximate longitude 80° 10' 46" West); thence
South 27° 00' 00" West (True) a distance of 700 feet; thence South 43°
00' 00" East (True) a distance of 800 feet; thence North 26° 00' 00" East
(True) a distance of 600 feet more or less to the southerly boundary of
Fisherman's Channel; thence South 64° 00' 00" East (True) along the
southerly boundary of Fisherman's Channel a distance of 1, 200 feet more or
less to the aforementioned line running from the northeasternmost tip of
Claughton Island to a corner of the seawall on the southerly side of Dodge
11. Claughton Island, Point View Area - Those
waters of Biscayne Bay southerly of the line of the northerly seawall of
Claughton Island extended from Brickell Point on the mainland to the northerly
seawall of Claughton Island, northerly of a line being the southeasterly
extension of the centerline of S.W. 15th Road and westerly of a line 1, 000
feet easterly of the general contour of the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay
opposite Point View to a point 100 feet easterly of the easterly boundary of
the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway at a point which bears
south 75° 00' 00'' East (True) from a point on the southernmost tip of
Claughton Island (approximate latitude 25° 45' 48'' North, approximate
longitude 80° 11' 06'' West);
12. Point View to Cutler Area - All waters
within 1, 000 feet of the general contour of the westerly shoreline of Biscayne
Bay southerly of a line being the southeasterly extension of the centerline of
S.W. 15th Road and northerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East
(True) from the southern edge of Cutler Drain Canal No. C-100 to include all
waters within 1, 000 feet each way of the centerline of the privately
maintained channel northeasterly of Chicken Key to a point 1, 000 feet
southeasterly of Red Channel Marker "2" (latitude 25° 36' 41" North,
longitude 80° 16' 25" West), all waters within 1, 000 feet of the shoreline
of all islands (natural or artificial) associated with this area, all waters of
Cutler Drain Canal No. C-100 easterly of the control gate located approximately
750 feet easterly of Old Cutler Road, all waters of Snapper Creek Canal No. C-2
southeasterly of the floodgate located approximately 500 feet north and 200
feet east of the intersection of Killian Drive and S.W. 57th Avenue and all
waters associated with the canal system surrounding Gables Estates, the Park
area north of Gables Estates, Isla Dorado, Isla Grande and the canals west,
south and east of Isla Marina; excepting therefrom waters of the Coral Gables
13. Black Point to Turkey
Point Area - All waters within 1, 000 feet of the general contour of the
westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay southerly of a line 1, 000 feet northerly of
and parallel with the northerly edge of the breakwater on the north side of
Black Creek Canal and Goulds Canal Channel including all waters within 1, 000
feet of the outer edges of the breakwaters north and south of said Channel to a
point 1, 000 feet southeasterly of the easternmost end of the breakwater
(approximate latitude 25° 31' 39" North, approximate longitude 80° 18'
25" West) and northwesterly of a line which bears North 60° 00' 00" East
(True) from the easternmost point of the shoreleline at Turkey Point
(approximate latitude 25° 26' 18" North, approximate longitude 80° 19'
03" West) to include all waters within 1000 feet each way of the centerline of
the marked channel of "North Canal" to a point 1000 feet easterly of Flashing
Red Channel Marker "2" (latitude 25° 27' 46" North, longitude 80° 19'
11" West) and all waters within 1, 000 feet of the shoreline of all islands
(natural or artificial) associated with this area, all waters of Florida City
Canal easterly of a line located 1, 000 feet westerly of and parallel with a
line which bears North 00° 00' 00" East (True) from the intersection of the
westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay with the southerly shoreline of the Florida
City Canal (approximate latitude 25° 26' 52" North, approximate longitude
80° 19' 51" West), Mowry Canal No. C-103 easterly of the gauging station
located immediately east of Canal No. L 31 E., Military Canal easterly of the
flood gate located immediately east of Canal No. L 31 E., and Princeton Canal
No. C-102 easterly of the control gate located approximately 250 feet easterly
of Canal No. L 31 E., except as otherwise designated in paragraph
14. Norris Cut Area - All
waters of Norris Cut southwesterly of Fisher and, northeasterly of Virginia
Key, easterly of a line which bears approximately South 12° 00' 00" West
(True) from a point on the southwestern shoreline of Fisher Island (approximate
latitude 25° 45' 44" North, approximate longitude 80° 08' 57" West) to
a point on the northwestern shoreline of Virginia Key (approximate latitude
25° 45' 24" North, approximate longitude 80° 09' 02" West) and westerly
of a line which bears approximately South 15° 00' 00" West (True) from a
point on the southernmost tip of the shoreline of Fisher Island (approximate
latitude 25° 45' 19" North, approximate longitude 80° 08' 25" West) to
a point on the shoreline of the northernmost tip of a peninsula of Virginia Key
(approximate latitude 25° 44' 50" North, approximate longitude 80° 08'
33" West) including all waters of Lamar Lake; and that part of Biscayne Bay
within 1, 000 feet of the southwesterly and westerly shorelines of Fisher
Island and the westerly shoreline extended northerly, westerly of the
aforementioned line which bears approximately South 12° 00' 00" West (True)
from a point on the southwestern shoreline of Fisher Island and southerly of
the southerly boundary of Fisherman's Channel;
15. Key Biscayne Area - All waters of
Biscayne Bay within 1, 000 feet of the southwesterly shoreline of Virginia Key
southeasterly of a line which bears South 75° 00' 00" West (True) from the
intersection of the centerline of Rickenbacker Causeway with the centerline of
the northernmost entrance to the Seaquarium (latitude 25° 44' 09" North,
longitude 80° 09' 57" West) and southwesterly of a line 1, 000 feet
southwesterly of and parallel with the centerline of Bear Cut Bridge; all
waters of Bear Cut between the centerline of Bear Cut Bridge and a line 1, 000
feet southwesterly of and parallel with the centerline of Bear Cut Bridge; all
waters of Biscayne Bay within 1, 000 feet of the general contour of the
westerly and southerly shoreline of the island of Key Biscayne southwesterly of
a line 1, 000 feet southwesterly of and parallel with the centerline of Bear
Cut Bridge and westerly of a line which bears South 00° 00' 00" West (True)
from the Cape Florida Old Lighthouse Tower (latitude 25° 39' 58" North,
longitude 80° 09' 22" West); and all waters within 1, 000 feet of the
shoreline of all islands (natural or artificial) associated with this
16. Biscayne Canal Area - All
waters of Biscayne Canal westerly of the general contour of the western
shoreline of Biscayne Bay and southeasterly of the southeasterly edge of the
Interstate Highway 95 (State Road 9) Bridge and including an unnamed lake and
associated waters in Sections 14, 22 and 23, Township 52 South, Range 41 East,
southerly of Biscayne Canal, southeasterly of Interstate Highway 95 (State Road
9) and easterly of a line approximately 100 feet westerly of and parallel with
the centerline of N.W. 19th Avenue, except as otherwise designated for seasonal
17. Tamiami Canal, Blue
Lagoon Area - All waters of the Tamiami Canal and Blue Lagoon Lakes
southwesterly of the general contour of the southwestern shoreline of the Miami
River and easterly of the centerline of Red Road (State Road 959), except as
otherwise designated under paragraph (1)(j), hereunder;
18. Intracoastal Waterway, Green Channel
Marker "21" to Claughton Island Area - All waters of Biscayne Bay not otherwise
described as a speed restrictive zone easterly of the westerly boundary of the
main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway and westerly of a line 100
feet easterly of and parallel with the easterly boundary of the main marked
channel of the Intracoastal Waterway southerly of Green Intracoastal Waterway
Channel Marker "21" (latitude 25° 51' 32" North, longitude 80° 09' 49"
West) and northerly of a line which bears South 75° 00' 00" East (True)
from a point on the southernmost tip of Claughton Island (approximate latitude
25° 45' 48" North, approximate longitude 80° 11' 06" West);
19. Aerojet Canal No. C-111 Area - All waters
of the Aerojet Canal No. C-111 northwesterly of the general contour of the
northwesterly shoreline of Manatee Bay and southeasterly of a line
perpendicular to the canal at a point 300 feet northwesterly of the control
gate near the boat ramp in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 59 South,
Range 39 East (approximate latitude 25° 17' 13" North, approximate
longitude 80° 26' 32" West);
20. Little Lake Maule Area - Those waters of
Little Lake Maule easterly of the general contour of the easterly shoreline of
the main body of Little Lake Maule (approximate longitude 80° 08' 23"
21. MacArthur Causeway to
Rickenbacker Causeway Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay exclusive of the main
marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway within 1000 feet of the general
contour of the northerly shoreline of the islands over which Rickenbacker
Causeway passes and within 1000 feet of the centerline of the William M. Powell
Bridge, southeasterly of a line 1000 feet southeasterly of and parallel with
the general contour of the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay, and
southwesterly of the northwesterly extension of the general contour of the
southerly shoreline of the Marine Stadium, including the boat basin
northeasterly of the easterly end of the William M. Powell Bridge; and,
22. Flagler Memorial Monument Area
- Those waters of Biscayne Bay lying within 100 feet of the general contour of
the southwesterly, northwesterly and northeasterly shoreline of the Flagler
Memorial Monument Island, southwesterly of a line which bears North 52° 00'
00" West (True) running through Red Nun Bouy "2" (latitude 25° 47' 05"
North, longitude 80° 09' 01" West), westerly of a line bearing North
90° 00' 00" East (True) running through Red Nun Bouy "2, " northerly of
latitude 25° 47' 00" North, and northeasterly of a line which bears North
52° 00' 00" West (True) located 100 feet southwesterly of the
southwesternmost tip of the Flagler Memorial Monument
(b) Slow Speed
Zone (November 15 through April 30)/MAXIMUM 30 MPH ZONE (Remainder of Year) -
1. Meloy or East Channel, Surprise Lake to
Sunset Islands Area - Those waters of the Marked Channel of the Meloy or East
Channel southerly of a line bearing South 75° 00' 00" East (True) running
through Red Channel Marker "16" (latitude 25° 49' 10" North, longitude
80° 08' 24" West) and northerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00"
East (True) running through Red Channel Marker "22" (latitude 25° 48' 24"
North, longitude 80° 08' 56" West);
2. Dumfoundling Bay Area - Those waters
within the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway, southerly of the
northerly boundary of the main marked channel leading westerly from the
Intracoastal Waterway (approximate latitude 25° 56' 58" North, approximate
longitude 80° 07' 37" West) and northerly of a line which bears South
57° 00' 00" East (True) running through Flashing Red Intracoastal Waterway
Channel Marker "52" (latitude 25° 56' 26" North, longitude 80° 07' 52"
3. Broad Causeway to John F.
Kennedy Causeway Area - Those waters within the main marked channel of the
Intracoastal Waterway, southerly of a line which bears South 55° 00' 00"
East (True) running through Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "21"
(latitude 25° 51' 32" North, longitude 80° 09' 49" West), and northerly
of a line which bears South 86° 00' 00" East (True) running through Red
Privately Maintained Channel Marker "2" (latitude 25° 51' 00" North,
longitude 80° 10' 17" West); and,
4. John F. Kennedy Causeway to Venetian
Causeway Area - Those waters within the main marked channel of the Intracoastal
Waterway, southerly of a line which bears South 86° 00' 00" East (True)
running through Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "31" (latitude
25° 49' 57" North, longitude 80° 10' 18" West), and northerly of a line
100 feet northerly of and parallel with the centerline of the Venetian Causeway
(c) Idle Speed
Zone (Year-round) -
1. Little Lake Maule Area
- All waters of Little Lake Maule northerly of a line across the entrance to
Little Lake Maule which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True) from the
southernmost tip of land on the west side of the entrance to Little Lake Maule
(approximate latitude 25° 56' 18" North, approximate longitude 80° 08'
27" West) and westerly of the general contour of the easterly shoreline of the
main body of Little Lake Maule (approximate longitude 80° 08' 23"
2. Oleta River Northwesterly
of Maule Lake Area - Those waters of Oleta River northwesterly of the
centerline of the Biscayne Boulevard (US Highway 1) Bridge;
3. Little River Area - Those waters of Little
River north and south of Belle Meade Island westerly of the general contour of
the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay and southerly of Salinity Control
Structure S-27, except as otherwise designated for seasonal
4. Miami River Area -
Those waters of Biscayne Bay southerly of the northerly shoreline of the Miami
River and the northerly boundary of the Miami River Channel, northerly of the
northerly seawall of Claughton Island and said line extended from Brickell
Point on the mainland to the northerly seawall of Claughton Island, and
westerly of the western boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal
Waterway; and all waters of the Miami River southeasterly of the centerline of
State Road 953 (S.E. 8th Avenue, N.W. 42nd Avenue) including all waters of
Palmer Lake, the South Fork of the Miami River easterly of N.W. 37th Avenue
(Douglas Road) and Seybold Canal, excluding waters of the Tamiami
5. Coral Gables Canal Area -
Those waters of the Coral Gables Waterway westerly of the general contour of
the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay and northerly of the general contour of
the northerly shoreline of Isla Marina, and those waters of the Coral Gables
Canal easterly of the centerline of the Alhambra Circle Bridge including that
canal northeasterly of the Coral Gables Canal northerly of Avenue Vilabella and
westerly of Riviera Drive, that portion of the canal loop westerly of the Coral
Gables Canal, northerly of Alhambra Circle, southerly of the Elevated Bridge,
and that portion of the canal loop running through the University of Miami
Campus and adjacent to the Biltmore Golf Course, northerly of the centerline of
the Pisano Avenue Bridge, except as otherwise designated for seasonal
6. Black Creek Canal
Area - Those waters of the Black Creek Canal and the Black Point Marina Basin
southerly of a line bearing North 60° 00' 00" East (True) located 50 feet
southeasterly of the southernmost tip of the shoreline of the peninsula
northeast of the entrance to the Black Point Marina Basin (approximate latitude
25° 32' 23" North); those waters of the Goulds Canal easterly of the
southerly extension of the centerline of S.W. 87th Avenue; and those waters of
Biscayne Bay within the channel representing the extension of the Black Creek
and Goulds Canals to a point opposite the easterly end of the breakwater on the
northerly side of said channel (approximate latitude 25° 31' 39" North,
approximate longitude 80° 18' 25" West);
7. Oleta River Area - All waters of the Oleta
River southerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True) from a
point at the intersection of the southern shoreline of Royal Glades Canal with
the western shoreline of Oleta River (approximate latitude 25° 55' 43"
North, approximate longitude 80° 09' 02" West) and westerly of a line
across the mouth of the Oleta River at Biscayne Creek which bears North 07°
00' 00" West (True) from a point on the southerly shoreline of Oleta River
(approximate latitude 25° 55' 43" North, approximate longitude 80° 07'
52" West); and,
8. Convoy Point
Area - Those waters of North Canal and the channel of North Canal, westerly of
the easterly shoreline of the waterway leading into Convoy Point, and easterly
of the centerline of the North Cal Drive Bridge to include the waterways of
Convoy Point and the boat basins of Homestead Bayfront County
(d) Motorboats
Prohibited Zone (Year-round) - Fisher Island Area: Those waters of the Atlantic
Ocean within 400 feet of the general contour of the southeasterly shoreline of
Fisher Island southerly of the breakwater on the southerly side of Government
Cut and northerly of a line which bears South 50° 00' 00" East (True) from
a point on the southernmost tip of the shoreline of Fisher Island (approximate
latitude 25° 45' 19" North, approximate longitude 80° 08' 25"
(e) No Entry Zone
(Year-round) -
1. Virginia Key Area - Those
waters of Biscayne Bay westerly of the westerly shoreline of Virginia Key,
northerly of the northerly shoreline of the peninsula of land on the northerly
side of the Marine Stadium, southeasterly of a line bearing North 33° 00'
00" East (True) from the northwesternmost tip of the shoreline of said
peninsula (approximate latitude 25° 45' 03" North, approximate longitude
80° 10' 23" West) and southerly of a line bearing North 56° 00' 00"
West (True) from a point on the northwestern shoreline of Virginia Key
(approximate latitude 25° 45' 24" North, approximate longitude 80° 09'
02" West); and,
2. Black Creek
Canal Area - Those waters of the Black Creek Canal and the Black Point Marina
Basin southerly of Salinity Control Structure S-21 and northerly of a line
bearing North 60° 00' 00" East (True) located 50 feet southeasterly of the
southernmost tip of the shoreline of the peninsula northeast of the entrance to
the Black Point Marina Basin (approximate latitude 25° 32' 23"
(f) No Entry Zone
(November 15 through April 30) -
1. Biscayne
Canal Area - Those waters of the Biscayne Canal southeasterly of Salinity
Control Structure S-28 and westerly of the southerly extension of the easterly
shoreline of the small basin northerly of and associated with the Biscayne
Canal near N.E. 10th Court, including all waters within said basin;
2. Little River Area - Those waters of Little
River westerly of the centerline of the Biscayne Boulevard (U.S. Highway 1)
Bridge and southerly of Salinity Control Structure S-27; and,
3. Coral Gables Canal Area - Those waters of
the Coral Gables Canal northwesterly of the centerline of the Elevated Bridge
northwesterly of and parallel with US Highway 1 and southerly of the centerline
of the Bird Road (S.W. 40th Street) Bridge including that part of the canal
loop and associated portions of this water system westerly of the Coral Gables
Canal adjacent to the Biltmore Golf Course northerly of the centerline of the
Pisano Avenue Bridge, that canal northeasterly of the Coral Gables Canal
northerly of Avenue Vilabella and westerly of Riviera Drive, and that part of
the canal loop and associated portions of this water system westerly of the
Coral Gables Canal northeasterly of Alhambra Circle, southerly of US Highway 1
and northwesterly of the northerly extension of the centerline of Trionto
(g) Maximum 30
MPH Zone -
1. Oleta State Park Area - Those
waters within the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway lying
between Flashing Green Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "3" (latitude
25° 55' 10" North, longitude 80° 07' 34" West) and Flashing Green
Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "5" (latitude 25° 54' 34" North,
longitude 80° 07' 31" West) and between Flashing Green Intracoastal
Waterway Channel Marker "9" (latitude 25° 53' 59" North, longitude 80°
07' 57" West) and a line bearing South 55° 00' 00" East (True) located 300
feet South 35° 00' 00" West (True) of the centerline of the Broad Causeway
Bridge as me measured along the centerline of the Intracoastal
2. John F. Kennedy
Causeway to Julia Tuttle/Venetian Causeway Area - Those waters within the
marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel southerly of a line which bears
South 90° 00' 00" West (True) from the westernmost point of the southerly
shoreline of the Normandy Waterway (approximate latitude 25° 51' 10" North,
approximate longitude 80° 08' 48" West) and northerly of a line which bears
North 90° 00' 00" East (True) running through a piling marking the Meloy or
East Channel (approximate latitude 25° 48' 00" North, approximate longitude
80° 09' 01" West), except as otherwise designated for seasonal regulation
under paragraph (1)(b); and,
Venetian Causeway to MacArthur Causeway Area - Those waters within the channel
commonly known as the Meloy or East Channel (to be marked upon zone
establishment) generally southerly of marker R "30" and a line which bears
North 90° 00' 00" East (True) from the northernmost tip of Rivo Alto Island
(latitude 25° 47' 38" North), such channel passing through the opening of
the Venetian Causeway bascule bridge, and northerly of the centerline of the
easternmost span of the MacArthur Causeway Bridge.
(h) Slow Speed Zone (November 15 through
April 30)/Maximum 35 MPH Zone (Remainder of Year) -
1. Broad Causeway to John F. Kennedy Causeway
Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay, easterly of the easterly boundary of the
marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel and the northerly extension of said
channel near Flashing Red Channel Marker "2" (latitude 25° 52' 08" North,
longitude 80° 08' 41" West), southerly of a line which bears North 90°
00' 00" East (True) located 200 feet southerly of the southernmost tip of
Indian Creek Village Island, westerly of a line which bears North 00° 00'
00" East (True) located 200 feet westerly of the westerly tip of the unnamed
peninsula of land over which Stillwater Drive passes, southerly of a line 200
feet southerly of and parallel with the general contour of the southerly
shoreline of said unnamed peninsula, northwesterly and northerly of a line 200
feet northwesterly and northerly of the general contour of the northerly
shoreline of that island over which Cleveland Road passes, and northerly of
said line extended westerly to the easterly boundary of the marked channel of
the Meloy or East Channel; and,
Julia Tuttle Causeway to Venetian Causeway Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay,
easterly of the easterly boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East
Channel, southerly of a line 200 feet southerly of and parallel with the
general contour of the southerly shoreline of the island over which the Julia
Tuttle Causeway passes, northwesterly of a line 200 feet northwesterly of and
parallel with the general contour of the shoreline of Miami Beach Island in the
vicinity of North Bay Road, and northerly of a line which bears North 90°
00' 00" East (True) located 200 feet northerly of the northernmost tip of the
northernmost island of the Sunset Islands.
(i) Maximum 35 MPH Zone (Year-round) -
1. John F. Kennedy (79th Street) Causeway to
Julia Tuttle Causeway Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay, easterly of the
easterly boundary of the marked channel of the Meloy or East Channel, southerly
of a line which bears South 60° 00' 00" West (True) running through
Flashing Green Channel Marker "11" (latitude 25° 50' 49" North, longitude
80° 07' 59" West), northerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00"
East (True) located 1300 feet South 00° 00' 00" West (True) of Red Channel
Marker "12B" (latitude 25° 49' 57" North, longitude 80° 08' 04" West),
southwesterly of a line 200 feet southwesterly of and parallel with the general
contour of the southwesterly shoreline of La Gorce Island, westerly of a line
which bears South 00° 00' 00" West (True) at longitude 80° 07' 55" West
between La Gorce Island and the island on which the La Gorce Golf Course lies,
and westerly of a line 200 feet westerly of and parallel with the general
contour of the westerly shoreline of the island on which the La Gorce Golf
Course lies; and,
2. Venetian
Causeway to MacArthur Causeway Area - Those waters of Biscayne Bay, westerly of
the westerly boundary of the channel (to be marked upon zone establishment)
commonly known as the Meloy or East Channel, northerly of a line which bears
North 90° 00' 00" East (True) located 200 feet northerly of the
northernmost tip of Star Island, northeasterly of a line which is 200 feet
northeasterly of and parallel with the general contour of the northeasterly
shoreline of Hibiscus Island, southeasterly of a line which bears South 25°
00' 00" West running through the southernmost tip of Di Lido Island
(approximate latitude 25° 47' 18" North, approximate longitude 80° 09'
32" West), southerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True)
located 200 feet southerly of the southernmost tip of Rivo Alto Island,
southerly of a line which bears North 90° 00' 00" East (True) easterly of
Rivo Alto Island located 300 feet northerly of the southernmost tip of Rivo
Alto Island, and southeasterly of a line 200 feet southeasterly of and parallel
with the general contour of the southeasterly shorelines of Di Lido and Rivo
Alto Islands, excepting therefrom the Flagler Memorial Monument Area designated
under paragraph (1)(a).
(j) Maximum 35 MPH Zone (Transitional) - The
waters herein described shall be designated a 35 MPH zone for explicit use by
personal watercraft for a period of one year from the effective date of this
rule. After said one-year period, the below described area shall revert to
designation as Slow Speed, year-round. Blue Lagoon Lakes Area: That portion of
the northerly body of Blue Lagoon Lake, westerly of a line which bears North
00° 00' 00" East (True) running through the easternmost tip of a peninsula
(approximate latitude 25° 46' 54" North, approximate longitude 80° 16'
37'' West) LESS that portion of the northerly 200 feet of the lake easterly of
a line 200 feet easterly of and parallel with the general contour of the
westerly shoreline of the lake.
Rulemaking Authority
370.12(2)(f), (g),
(n) FS. Law Implemented
370.12(2)(f), (g),
New 12-25-91, Formerly 16N-22.025,