Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(2) The following year-round and seasonal
zones are established, which include all associated and navigable tributaries,
lakes, creeks, coves, bends, backwaters, canals, and boat basins unless
otherwise designated or excluded. Access to the No Entry zones designated in
paragraph (2)(a), will be provided in accordance with procedures set forth in
subsection (4), hereunder, and applicable provisions of Rule
68C-22.003, F.A.C.
(a) No Entry (November 15 - March 31) - Tice
Power Plant Area: All waters of the discharge canal north of the general
contour of the northern shoreline of the Orange River and south of State Road
No. 80; and all waters of the intake canal south of the general contour of the
southern shoreline of the Caloosahatchee River on the northeast side of the
power plant.
(b) Idle Speed (All
Year) - All waters of the Orange River south of the river's confluence with the
Caloosahatchee River and west of the centerline of Buckingham Road, except as
otherwise designated under paragraph (2)(a).
(c) Idle Speed (All Year)/ICW Channel 25 MPH
(April 1 - November 14) - All waters of the Caloosahatchee River east of the
centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad trestle that crosses Beautiful
Island and west of a line that bears 147° from a point (approximate
latitude 26° 41' 59'' North, approximate longitude 81° 47' 25'' West)
on the southernmost tip of the mangrove peninsula at the west end of Thompson
Cutoff. The portion of the marked Intracoastal Waterway (Okeechobee Waterway)
channel in this area is regulated at Idle Speed between November 15 and March
31 and at a maximum speed of twenty-five (25) mph for the remainder of the
(d) Slow Speed (All Year) -
1. North Matlacha Pass Area: All waters of
Matlacha Pass, south of a line that bears 90° and 270° from Matlacha
Pass Green Channel Marker "77" (approximate latitude 26° 40' 00'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 06' 00'' West), and north of Pine Island Road
(State Road No. 78), excluding the portion of the marked channel otherwise
designated under subparagraph (2)(h)3., and those waters described under
sub-subparagraphs (2)(d)1.a. and (2)(d)1.b.
The following waters of Buzzard Bay are excluded from the Slow Speed zone
designated under subparagraph (2)(d)1.: All waters of Buzzard Bay east and
northeast of a line beginning at a point (approximate latitude 26° 40' 00''
North, approximate longitude 82° 05' 20'' West) on the southwest shoreline
of an unnamed mangrove island east of Matlacha Pass Green Channel Marker "77"
and bearing 219° to the northeasternmost point (approximate latitude
26° 39' 58'' North, approximate longitude 82° 05' 23'' West) of another
unnamed mangrove island, then running along the eastern shoreline of said
island to its southeasternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 36''
North, approximate longitude 81° 05' 09'' West), then bearing 115° to
the westernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 34'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 05' 05'' West) of the unnamed mangrove island to the
southeast, then running along the western shoreline of said island to its
southwesternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 22'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 04' 53'' West), then bearing 123° to the
northwesternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 21'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 04' 52'' West) of an unnamed mangrove island,
then running along the western shoreline of said island to its southeasternmost
point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 09'' North, approximate longitude
82° 04' 44'' West), then bearing 103° to the northwesternmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 39' 08'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04'
41'' West) of a peninsula on the unnamed mangrove island to the southeast, then
running along the southwestern shoreline of said island to its southeasternmost
point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 51'' North, approximate longitude
82° 04' 18'' West), then bearing 99° to the southernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 38' 50'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04'
03'' West) of the unnamed mangrove island to the east, then bearing 90° to
the line's terminus at a point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 50'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 03' 55'' West) on the eastern shoreline of
Matlacha Pass.
b. The following
waters of North Pine Island Creek and Matlacha Pass are excluded from the Slow
Speed zone designated under subparagraph (2)(d)1.: All waters of Pine Island
Creek and Matlacha Pass north of Pine Island Road, west of a line bearing
360° from the northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 54''
North, approximate longitude 82° 06' 19'' West) of an unnamed island near
the western shoreline of Matlacha Pass west of Matlacha Pass Green Channel
Marker "77, " and west and southwest of a line beginning at said northernmost
point of an unnamed island, then running along the eastern shoreline of said
island to its southernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 18'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 06' 24'' West), then bearing 128° to the
northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 12'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 06' 17'' West) of an unnamed mangrove island to the south,
then running along the eastern shoreline of said island to its southeasternmost
point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 00'' North, approximate longitude
82° 06' 09'' West), then bearing 138° to a point (approximate latitude
26° 38' 45'' North, approximate longitude 82° 05' 53'' West) on the
northern shoreline of Bear Key, then running along the northern shoreline of
Bear Key to its easternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 44'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 05' 46'' West), then bearing 85° to the
westernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 45'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 05' 32'' West) of Deer Key, then running along the northern
shoreline of Deer Key to its easternmost point (approximate latitude 26°
38' 46'' North, approximate longitude 82° 05' 22'' West), then bearing
103° to the northwesternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 45''
North, approximate longitude 82° 05' 17'' West) of the unnamed mangrove
island to the east, then running along the western shoreline of said island to
its southernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 30'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 05' 04'' West), then bearing 106° to the
westernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 30'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 04' 57'' West) of the unnamed island to the southeast, then
running along the northern and eastern shorelines of said island to a point
(approximate latitude 26° 38' 23'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04'
51'' West) on its eastern shoreline, then bearing 113° to the northernmost
point of West Island (approximate latitude 26° 38' 21'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 04' 37'' West), then running along the western shoreline of
West Island to the point where the line intersects Pine Island
2. South Matlacha
Pass Area: All waters of Matlacha Pass, St. James Creek, and San Carlos Bay,
south of Pine Island Road (State Road No. 78), north of a line 500 feet
northwest of and parallel to the main marked channel of the Intracoastal
Waterway, west of a line that bears 302° from Intracoastal Waterway Green
Channel Marker "99" (approximate latitude 26° 31' 00'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 00' 52'' West), and east of a line that bears 360° from
Intracoastal Waterway Red Channel Marker "10" (approximate latitude 26° 29'
16'' North, approximate longitude 82° 03' 35'' West), excluding the
portions of the marked channels otherwise designated under subparagraphs
(2)(h)4. and (2)(h)5., and those waters described under sub-subparagraphs
(2)(d)2.a. through (2)(d)2.d.
a. The following
waters in western Matlacha Pass are excluded from the Slow Speed zone
designated under subparagraph (2)(d)2.: All waters of Matlacha Pass south of
Pine Island Road and west of the western shoreline of West Island and a line
beginning at the southernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 37' 25''
North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 17'' West) of West Island and bearing
149° to the northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 37' 18''
North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 12'' West) of the unnamed mangrove
island to the south, then running along the eastern shoreline of said island to
its southernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 36' 55'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 04' 02'' West), then bearing 163° to the
line's terminus at a point (approximate latitude 26° 36' 44'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 03' 58'' West) on the eastern shoreline of Little
Pine Island.
b. The following
waters in eastern Matlacha Pass/Pontoon Bay are excluded from the Slow Speed
zone designated under subparagraph (2)(d)2.: All waters of Matlacha Pass,
Pontoon Bay, and associated embayments south of Pine Island Road and east of a
line beginning at a point (approximate latitude 26° 38' 12'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 03' 46'' West) on the northwestern shoreline of
the embayment on the east side of Matlacha Pass, immediately south of Pine
Island Road and then running along the eastern shoreline of the unnamed island
to the south to its southeasternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 37'
30'' North, approximate longitude 82° 03' 22'' West), then bearing 163°
to the northwesternmost point of the unnamed island to the south, then running
along the western shoreline of said island to its southernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 37' 15'' North, approximate longitude 82° 03'
15'' West), then bearing 186° to the line's terminus at a point
(approximate latitude 26° 37' 10'' North, approximate longitude 82° 03'
16'' West) on the eastern shoreline of Matlacha Pass.
c. The following waters of South Pine Island
Creek and Matlacha Pass are excluded from the Slow Speed zone designated under
subparagraph (2)(d)2.: All waters of Pine Island Creek south of Pine Island
Road; and all waters of Matlacha Pass, Rock Creek, and the Mud Hole, west of a
line beginning at a point (approximate latitude 26° 33' 52'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 04' 53'' West) on the western shoreline of
Matlacha Pass and bearing 22° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 34'
09'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 45'' West) on the southern
shoreline of the unnamed island to the northeast, then running along the
southern and eastern shorelines of said island to a point (approximate latitude
26° 34' 15'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 39'' West) on its
northeastern shoreline, then bearing 24° to a point (approximate latitude
26° 34' 21'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 36'' West) on the
southern shoreline of the large unnamed island to the north, then running along
the southern and eastern shorelines of said island to a point (approximate
latitude 26° 34' 31'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 29'' West)
on its eastern shoreline, then bearing 41° to the southernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 34' 39'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04'
22'' West) of another unnamed island to the northeast, then running along the
eastern shoreline of said island to its northwesternmost point (approximate
latitude 26° 35' 22'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 07'' West),
then bearing 2° to the southernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 35'
32'' North, approximate longitude 82° 04' 07'' West) of the unnamed island
to the north, then running along the eastern shoreline of said island to its
northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 35' 51'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 03' 59'' West), then bearing 353° to the line's terminus
at a point (approximate latitude 26° 36' 08'' North, approximate longitude
82° 04' 01'' West) on the eastern shoreline of Little Pine
d. The following waters of
Punta Blanca Bay and Punta Blanca Creek are excluded from the Slow Speed zone
designated under subparagraph (2)(d)2.: All waters of Punta Blanca Bay and
Punta Blanca Creek, east of the eastern shoreline of Matlacha Pass and east and
north of the eastern and northern shorelines of San Carlos
3. San Carlos Bay:
All waters of San Carlos Bay south of the main marked channel of the
Intracoastal Waterway, north and west of the Sanibel Causeway, west of a line
beginning at a point (approximate latitude 26° 28' 57'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 01' 04'' West) on the Sanibel Causeway, then running along
the western boundary of the marked channel that runs between Sanibel Causeway
and the Intracoastal Waterway to Channel Marker "15" (approximate latitude
26° 30' 24'' North, approximate longitude 82° 01' 06'' West), then
bearing 339° to the line's terminus at a point (approximate latitude
26° 30' 33'' North, approximate longitude 82° 01' 10'' West) on the
southern boundary of the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway, and
east of a line that bears approximately 316° from the westernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 28' 34'' North, approximate longitude 82° 01'
34'' West) of the easternmost Sanibel Causeway island to Intracoastal Waterway
Green Channel Marker "7" (approximate latitude 26° 29' 40'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 02' 46'' West), excluding those waters within 700
feet of the Sanibel Causeway.
Punta Rassa and Shell Creek Area: All waters of San Carlos Bay and Punta Rassa
Cove east of a line that bears 352° from the northernmost tip of the
northern peninsula on Punta Rassa (approximate latitude 26° 29' 44'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 00' 33'' West), and south of a line that bears
122° from Intracoastal Waterway Green Channel Marker "99" (approximate
latitude 26° 31' 00'' North, approximate longitude 82° 00' 52'' West),
including all waters of Shell Creek and associated waterways.
5. Mouth of the Caloosahatchee River and the
Big Shell Island/Shell Point Area: All waters of San Carlos Bay and the
Caloosahatchee River, including the residential canals of Cape Coral, northeast
of a line that bears 302° and 122° from Intracoastal Waterway Green
Channel Marker "99" (approximate latitude 26° 31' 00'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 00' 52'' West), west of a line that bears 346° from
Intracoastal Waterway Green Channel Marker "93" (approximate latitude 26°
31' 37'' North, approximate longitude 81° 59' 46'' West), and north and
northwest of the general contour of the northwestern shoreline of Shell Point
and a line that bears approximately 74° from the northernmost tip
(approximate latitude 26° 31' 31'' North, approximate longitude 81° 59'
57'' West) of Shell Point to said Intracoastal Waterway Green Channel Marker
"93", excluding the waters of Jewfish Creek.
6. Caloosahatchee River Area:
a. Cape Coral to North Fort Myers Area: All
waters of the Caloosahatchee River, Hancock Creek, and associated waterways of
Cape Coral and North Fort Myers, east of a line that bears 346° from
Intracoastal Waterway Green Channel Marker "93" (approximate latitude 26°
31' 37'' North, approximate longitude 81° 59' 46'' West), west of a line
that bears 160° from a point (approximate latitude 26° 39' 25'' North,
approximate longitude 81° 53' 17'' West) on the northern shoreline of the
Caloosahatchee River approximately 1600 feet southwest of the centerline of
U.S. Highway No. 41, and north and northwest of a line one quarter (1/4) mile
south and southeast of and parallel to the general contour of the northern
shoreline of the Caloosahatchee River, excluding the marked channel of the
Intracoastal Waterway.
b. Shell
Point to Fort Myers Area: All waters of the Caloosahatchee River, Deep Lagoon,
and Whiskey Creek, southeast of a line that bears approximately 74° from
the northernmost tip (approximate latitude 26° 31' 31'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 59' 57'' West) of Shell Point to Intracoastal Waterway Green
Channel Marker "93" (approximate latitude 26° 31' 37'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 59' 46'' West), west of a line 1100 feet southwest of and
parallel to the centerline of the U.S. Highway No. 41 Bridge, and south and
southeast of a line 1/4 mile north and northwest of and parallel to the general
contour of the southern shoreline of the Caloosahatchee River, excluding the
marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway.
c. Redfish Point Area: All waters of the
Caloosahatchee River south of lines that bear 90° and 296° from
Intracoastal Waterway Red Channel Marker "72" (approximate latitude 26° 32'
43" North, approximate longitude 81° 56' 16" West) and northeast of lines
that bear 140° and 320° from Intracoastal Waterway Red Channel Marker
"76" (approximate latitude 26° 32' 16" North, approximate longitude 81°
56' 43" West), excluding the portion of the marked Intracoastal Waterway
channel otherwise designated under subparagraph (2)(h)6.
d. Fort Myers Area: All waters of the
Caloosahatchee River northeast of a line 1100 feet southwest of and parallel to
the centerline of the U.S. Highway No. 41 Bridge, southwest of the eastern side
of the easternmost Edison Memorial Bridge, and southeast of a line one quarter
(1/4) mile north and northwest of and parallel to the general contour of the
southern shoreline of the Caloosahatchee River.
e. Fort Myers to Seaboard Coastline Railroad
Area: All waters of the Caloosahatchee River and Billy Creek east of the
eastern side of the easternmost Edison Memorial Bridge, and west of the
centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad trestle near Beautiful Island,
excluding the portion of the marked Intracoastal Waterway channel otherwise
designated under subparagraph (2)(h)7.
f. All cutoffs, oxbows, boat basins, and
canals off of the Caloosahatchee River, including Owl Creek and Trout Creek,
east of the centerline of the State Road No. 31 Bridge and west of the W.P.
Franklin Lock and Water Control Structure.
g. W.P. Franklin Lock and Water Control
Structure Area: All waters of the Caloosahatchee River within one quarter (1/4)
mile east of the easternmost end of the lock and within one quarter (1/4) mile
west of the westernmost end of the lock.
7. Fort Myers Beach Area: All waters of
Matanzas Pass east of a line that bears 360° from the northernmost tip
(approximate latitude 26° 27' 56'' North, approximate longitude 82° 58'
04'' West) of Estero Island, west of a line that bears 340° from a point
(approximate latitude 26° 25' 56'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
25'' West) on the northern tip of an unnamed mangrove peninsula on the
northeastern shoreline of Estero Island, and south and southwest of the general
contour of the southwestern shorelines of the islands forming the northern
shoreline of Matanzas Pass, a line that bears 312° from the
northwesternmost point of Julies Island (approximate latitude 26° 26' 37''
North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 57'' West), a line that bears 104°
from a point (approximate latitude 26° 27' 23'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 56' 16'' West) on the southeastern tip of San Carlos Island,
and a line that bears 313° from the northwesternmost point (approximate
latitude 26° 28' 01'' North, approximate longitude 82° 57' 17'' West)
of San Carlos Island.
8. San Carlos
Island and Pelican Bay Area: All waters of Pelican Bay north of the general
contour of the northeastern shoreline of San Carlos Island, east of a line that
bears 313° from the northwesternmost point (approximate latitude 26°
28' 01'' North, approximate longitude 82° 57' 17'' West) of San Carlos
Island, and west of the centerline of San Carlos Boulevard (State Road No.
9. Ten Mile Canal and Mullock
Creek Area: All waters of Mullock Creek west of U.S. Highway No. 41, and east
and northeast of a line that bears 135° and 315° from Red Channel
Marker "18" (approximate latitude 26° 27' 46'' North, approximate longitude
81° 52' 00'' West) and all waters of Ten Mile Canal south of a line
(approximate latitude 26° 30' 00'' North) 200 feet north of the centerline
of U.S. Highway No. 41, excluding the portion of Mullock Creek otherwise
designated under paragraph (2)(i).
10. Intrepid Waters, Fish Trap Bay, and
Imperial River Area: All waters of Intrepid Waters, Fish Trap Bay, and the
Imperial River south of a line that bears 90° from a point (approximate
latitude 26° 20' 51'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 33'' West)
on the eastern shoreline of Little Hickory Island, north of the Lee
County/Collier County line, and west of the centerline of the State Road No.
887 bridge, excluding the portion of the marked channel otherwise designated
under subparagraph (2)(h)12.
Sanibel Island Area: All waters of Pine Island Sound and San Carlos Bay east
and south of the Wulfert Channel, west of a line that bears 360° from the
northernmost tip (approximate latitude 26° 28' 08'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 03' 35'' West) of Woodrings Point, and southwest and south of
a line one quarter (1/4) mile northeast and north of and parallel to the
general contour of the northeastern and northern shorelines of Sanibel Island
and Wulfert Keys, including all waters of Tarpon Bay and associated bayous,
canals and channels north and east of the centerline of the Sanibel-Captiva
(e) Slow Speed (All
Year)/ICW Channel 25 MPH (April 1 - November 14) - All waters of the
Caloosahatchee River and Thompson Cutoff, east of a line that bears 160°
from a point (approximate latitude 26° 41' 59'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 47' 25'' West) on the southernmost tip of the mangrove
peninsula at the western end of Thompson Cutoff, and west of a line that bears
180° from a point (approximate latitude 26° 42' 10'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 46' 42'' West) on the northern shoreline of the
Caloosahatchee River at the eastern end of Thompson Cutoff, except as otherwise
designated under paragraph (2)(a). The portion of the marked Intracoastal
Waterway (Okeechobee Waterway) channel in this area is regulated at Slow Speed
between November 15 and March 31 and at a maximum speed of twenty-five (25) mph
for the remainder of the year.
Slow Speed (April 1 - November 15)/25 MPH (Remainder of Year) -
1. Hurricane Bay Area: All waters of
Hurricane Bay east of the centerline of San Carlos Boulevard (State Road No.
865), north of the general contour of the northeastern shoreline of San Carlos
Island and a line that bears 104° from a point (approximate latitude
26° 27' 23'' North, approximate longitude 81° 56' 16'' West) on the
southeastern tip of San Carlos Island, and west of a point (approximate
latitude 26° 27' 36" North, approximate longitude 81° 55' 31" West) in
the waterway connecting Hurricane Bay and Hell Peckney Bay, excluding the
portions of the marked channels otherwise designated under subparagraph
2. North Estero Bay Area:
All waters of Estero Bay east of a line beginning at the westernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 26' 11'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
32'' West) of the unnamed island southeast of Julies Island and running along
the northwestern shoreline of said island to its northernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 26' 16" North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
27" West), then bearing 31° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 26'
20" North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 24" West) on the southwestern
shoreline of an unnamed island to the northeast, then running along said
island's western and then northern shorelines to a point (approximate latitude
26° 26' 35" North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 23" West) on the
island's northeastern shoreline, then bearing 55° to the line's terminus on
the eastern shoreline of Hell Peckney, a line that bears 340° from a point
(approximate latitude 26° 25' 56'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
25'' West) on the northern tip of an unnamed mangrove peninsula on the
northeastern shoreline of Estero Island, and the northern shoreline of Estero
Island, south of a line that bears 45° from a point (approximate latitude
26° 27' 38" North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 16" West) on the
shoreline near the southern end of Hendry Creek and lines that bear 135°
and 315° from Red Channel Marker "18" (approximate latitude 26° 27'
46'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 00'' West) in Mullock Creek, and
north of a line that bears 72° from the northernmost point (approximate
latitude 26° 24' 22'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 34'' West)
of Black Island, including the waters of Buccaneer Lagoon at the southern end
of Estero Island, but excluding the portions of the marked channels otherwise
designated under subparagraph (2)(h)11., the Estero River, and the waters of
Big Carlos Pass east of a line beginning at a point (approximate latitude
26° 24' 34'' North, approximate longitude 81° 53' 05'' West) on the
eastern shoreline of Estero Island and bearing 36° to a point (approximate
latitude 26° 24' 40'' North, approximate longitude 81° 53' 00'' West)
on the southern shoreline of Coon Key, south of a line beginning at a point
(approximate latitude 26° 24' 36'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52'
30'' West) on the eastern shoreline of Coon Key and bearing 106° to a point
(approximate latitude 26° 24' 39'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52'
34'' West) on the southwestern shoreline of the unnamed mangrove island north
of Black Island, and west of a line beginning at a point (approximate latitude
26° 24' 36'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 30'' West) on the
southern shoreline of said unnamed mangrove island north of Black Island and
bearing 192° to the northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 24'
22'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 34'' West) of Black
3. South Estero Bay and Big
Hickory Bay Area: All waters of Estero Bay and Big Hickory Bay south of a line
that bears 72° from the northernmost point (approximate latitude 26°
24' 22'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 34'' West) of Black Island,
east of the centerline of State Road No. 865 (but including the waters of the
embayment on the eastern side of Black Island and the waters inshore of the
mouth of Big Hickory Pass that are west of State Road No. 865), and north of a
line that bears 90° from a point (approximate latitude 26° 20' 51''
North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 33'' West) on the eastern shoreline of
Little Hickory Island, excluding Spring Creek, the portions of the marked
channels otherwise designated under subparagraph (2)(h)11., and the portion of
Big Hickory Bay otherwise designated under subparagraph
(g) Slow Speed
(April 1 - November 15) -
1. Cayo
Costa/Pelican Bay Area: All waters of Pelican Bay south and west of a line that
bears 320° from a point (approximate latitude 26° 41' 32'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 14' 23'' West) on the northern end of Punta
Blanca Island, north and northwest of a line that bears 80° from the
southernmost tip of Primo Point (approximate latitude 26° 40' 28'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 14' 06'' West), and west and southwest of the
western shoreline of Punta Blanca Island.
2. North Captiva Island Area: All waters of
Safety Harbor west and northwest of a line that bears 198° from the
southeasternmost tip (approximate latitude 26° 35' 56'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 12' 50'' West) of the peninsula lying on the northeastern
side of Safety Harbor.
3. Captiva
Island Area: All waters of Pine Island Sound south of a line that bears 90°
from the northernmost tip (approximate latitude 26° 23' 11'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 11' 55'' West) of Captiva Island, north and west
of the Wulfert Channel, and west and south of a line one quarter (1/4) mile
east of and parallel to the general contour of the eastern shoreline of Captiva
Island and Buck Key, including all waters of associated bayous, canals and
channels north and east of the centerline of the Sanibel-Captiva
4. Chino Island, York Island,
and St. James City Area: All canals and boat basins of St. James City and the
waters known as Long Cut and Short Cut; and all waters of Pine Island Sound and
San Carlos Bay south of a line beginning at the southernmost tip (approximate
latitude 26° 31' 28'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06' 19'' West)
of a mangrove peninsula on the western shore of Pine Island approximately 2200
feet north of Galt Island and bearing 309° to the southeasternmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 31' 32'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06'
25'' West) of another mangrove peninsula, then running along the southern
shoreline of said peninsula to its southwesternmost point (approximate latitude
26° 31' 40'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06' 38'' West), then
bearing 248° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 31' 40'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 06' 39'' West) on the eastern shoreline of an
unnamed mangrove island, then running along the southern shoreline of said
island to its southwesternmost point (approximate latitude 26° 31' 39''
North, approximate longitude 82° 06' 44'' West), then bearing 206° to
the line's terminus at the northernmost point of the Mac Keever Keys
(approximate latitude 26° 31' 09'' North, approximate longitude 82° 07'
09'' West), east of a line beginning at said northernmost point of the Mac
Keever Keys and running along and between the general contour of the western
shorelines of said keys to a point (approximate latitude 26° 30' 27''
North, approximate longitude 82° 07' 08'' West) on the southernmost of the
Mac Keever Keys, then bearing 201° to a point (approximate latitude 26°
30' 01'' North, approximate longitude 82° 07' 19'' West) approximately 150
feet due east of the southeasternmost point of Chino Island, then bearing
approximately 162° to Red Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "22"
(approximate latitude 26° 28' 57'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06'
55'' West), then bearing approximately 117° to the line's terminus at Red
Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "20" (approximate latitude 26° 28'
45'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06' 38'' West), north of a line
beginning at said Red Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "20'' and bearing
86° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 28' 50'' North, approximate
longitude 82°05'48'' West) one quarter (1/4) mile south of York Island,
then running parallel to and one quarter (1/4) mile south of the general
contour of the southern shorelines of York Island and Pine Island to the line's
terminus at a point on a line bearing 360° from Red Intracoastal Waterway
Channel Marker "10" (approximate latitude 26° 29' 16'' North, approximate
longitude 82° 03' 35'' West), and west and southwest of the general contour
of the western and southern shorelines of Pine Island and a line that bears
360° from said Red Intracoastal Waterway Channel Marker "10", excluding the
portion of the marked channel otherwise designated under subparagraph
(h) 25 MPH (All
Year) -
1. Wulfert Channel: All waters within
the marked channel known as Wulfert Channel, which connects Pine Island Sound
with the Gulf of Mexico through Blind Pass, east of the centerline of the
Sanibel-Captiva Road Bridge and west of a line one-quarter (1/4) mile east of
and parallel to the general contour of the eastern shoreline of Sanibel Island.
This restriction is in effect only between April 1 and November 15.
2. Cherry Estates Channel: All waters of the
marked channel that runs adjacent to the power lines from the Cherry Estates
area of St. James City into Pine Island Sound, east of the western boundary of
the zone designated under subparagraph (2)(g)4., and west of a line
perpendicular to the power lines that begins at the easternmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 30' 25'' North, approximate longitude 82° 06'
15'' West) of the mangrove island on the north side of the power lines
approximately 1800 feet southwest of the Galt Island Causeway. This restriction
is in effect only between April 1 and November 15. This designation only
applies if a channel is marked in accordance with permits issued by all
applicable state and federal authorities. In the absence of a properly
permitted channel, this area is as designated under subparagraph
3. North Matlacha Pass
Channel: All waters within the main marked channel in Matlacha Pass south of
Green Channel Marker "77" (approximate latitude 26° 40' 00'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 06' 00'' West) and north of a line perpendicular
to the channel at a point in the channel one quarter (1/4) mile northwest of
the Pine Island Road Bridge.
South Matlacha Pass Channel: All waters within the main marked channel in
Matlacha Pass south of a line perpendicular to the channel at a point in the
channel one quarter (1/4) mile southeast of the Pine Island Road Bridge, and
north of a line 500 feet northwest of and parallel to the main marked channel
of the Intracoastal Waterway (just north of Green Channel Marker
5. South Matlacha Pass/Sword
Point Channel: All waters within the marked channel in Matlacha Pass that
intersects the main Matlacha Pass channel near Green Channel Marker "15"
(approximate latitude 26° 31' 57'' North, approximate longitude 82° 03'
38'' West) and intersects the main marked channel of the Intracoastal Waterway
near Green Channel Marker "101" (approximate latitude 26° 30' 39'' North,
approximate longitude 82° 01' 00" West).
6. ICW channel, Redfish Point Area: All
waters of the marked Intracoastal Waterway channel between Red Channel Marker
"72" (approximate latitude 26° 32' 43" North, approximate longitude 81°
56' 16" West) and Red Channel Marker "76" (approximate latitude 26° 32' 16"
North, approximate longitude 81° 56' 43" West).
7. ICW channel, Fort Myers to Seaboard
Coastline Railroad: All waters of the marked Intracoastal Waterway (Okeechobee
Waterway) channel east of the eastern side of the easternmost Edison Memorial
Bridge and west of the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad trestle
near Beautiful Island.
8. Hurricane
Bay channels: All waters within the main marked channel of Hurricane Bay east
of the centerline of San Carlos Boulevard (State Road No. 865) and north of
where the channel enters Matanzas Pass at Green Channel Marker "5" (approximate
latitude 26° 27' 22'' North, approximate longitude 81° 56' 12'' West);
and all waters within that portion of the channel leading to Bayside Estates
south of Green Channel Marker "23" (approximate latitude 26° 28' 27''
North, approximate longitude 81° 56' 39" West).
9. Hell Peckney Bay: All waters of Hell
Peckney Bay south and east of a point (approximate latitude 26° 27' 36"
North, approximate longitude 81° 55' 31" West) in the waterway connecting
Hell Peckney Bay and Hurricane Bay, northeast of the northern shorelines of
Julies Island and the unnamed island immediately northwest of Julies Island, a
line that bears 312° from the northwesternmost point of Julies Island
(approximate latitude 26° 26' 37'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
57'' West), and a line that bears 306° from the westernmost point
(approximate latitude 26° 26' 11'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54'
32'' West) of the unnamed island southeast of Julies Island, northwest of a
line beginning at the aforementioned westernmost point (approximate latitude
26° 26' 11'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 32'' West) of the
unnamed island southeast of Julies Island and running along the northwestern
shoreline of said island to its northernmost point (approximate latitude
26° 26' 16" North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 27" West), then
bearing 31° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 26' 20" North,
approximate longitude 81° 54' 24" West) on the southwestern shoreline of an
unnamed island to the northeast, then running along said island's western and
then northern shorelines to a point (approximate latitude 26° 26' 35"
North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 23" West) on the island's northeastern
shoreline, then bearing 55° to the line's terminus on the eastern shoreline
of Hell Peckney Bay.
10. Hendry
Creek: All waters of Hendry Creek north of a line that bears 45° from a
point (approximate latitude 26° 27' 38" North, approximate longitude
81° 52' 16" West) on the shoreline near the southern end of Hendry
11. Estero Bay Area
channels: All waters within the portions of the marked channels of Estero Bay
and Big Hickory Bay as described below:
North Estero Bay Channel: All waters of the main marked North-South channel in
northern Estero Bay from Green Channel Marker "37" (approximate latitude
26° 26' 02'' North, approximate longitude 81° 54' 29" West) to Green
Channel Marker "57" (approximate latitude 26° 25' 08'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 53' 29'' West).
b. South Estero Bay Channel: All waters of
the main marked North-South channel in southern Estero Bay south of a line
beginning at a point (approximate latitude 26° 24' 36'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 52' 30'' West) on the southern shoreline of the unnamed
mangrove island north of Black Island and bearing 192° to the northernmost
point (approximate latitude 26° 24' 22'' North, approximate longitude
81° 52' 34'' West) of Black Island, and north and east of Red Channel
Marker "62" (approximate latitude 26° 21' 31'' North, approximate longitude
81° 51' 20'' West) in Broadway Channel; and all waters within the portion
of the marked channel leading to the Gulf of Mexico through New Pass, west of
the North-South channel and east of State Road No. 865.
c. Mullock Creek Channel: All waters of the
marked channel leading to Mullock Creek north of a line beginning at a point
(approximate latitude 26° 24' 36'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52'
30'' West) on the eastern shoreline of Coon Key and bearing 106° to a point
(approximate latitude 26° 24' 39'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52'
34'' West) on the southwestern shoreline of the unnamed mangrove island north
of Black Island, and south of Red Channel Marker "18" (approximate latitude
26° 27' 46'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 00'' West).
d. Estero River Channel: All waters of the
marked channel leading from the Mullock Creek Channel to the Estero River, west
of the mouth of the Estero River. This designation only applies if a channel is
marked in accordance with permits issued by all applicable state and federal
authorities. In the absence of a properly permitted channel, this area is as
designated under subparagraph (2)(f)3.
e. Alternate Route Channel: All waters of the
marked channel commonly known as Alternate Route Channel, with said channel
generally running between Channel Marker "1" (approximate latitude 26° 24'
29'' North, approximate longitude 81° 51' 53'' West) and Channel Marker
"10" (approximate latitude 26° 24' 00'' North, approximate longitude
81° 51' 09'' West).
f. Coconut
Channel: All waters of the marked channel commonly known as Coconut Channel,
with said channel generally running between Channel Marker "1" (approximate
latitude 26° 23' 44'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 55'' West)
and Channel Marker "23" (approximate latitude 26° 24' 00'' North,
approximate longitude 81° 50' 30'' West).
g. Southern Passage Channel: All waters of
the marked channel commonly known as Southern Passage Channel, with said
channel generally running between Channel Marker "1" (approximate latitude
26° 22' 58'' North, approximate longitude 81° 51' 57'' West) and
Channel Marker "22" (approximate latitude 26° 23' 27'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 50' 46'' West).
h. Spring Creek Channel: All waters of the
marked channel leading from the Southern Passage Channel to Spring Creek, west
of the mouth of Spring Creek.
12. Fish Trap Bay Channel: That portion of
the marked channel in Fish Trap Bay beginning at Channel Marker "90"
(approximate latitude 26° 20' 42'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50'
33'' West) and ending at Channel Marker "101" (approximate latitude 26° 20'
09'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 26'' West).
13. Big Hickory Bay Area: All waters of Big
Hickory Bay north of a line that bears 90° from a point (approximate
latitude 26° 20' 51'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 33'' West)
on the eastern shoreline of Little Hickory Island, west of a line beginning at
a point (approximate latitude 26° 20' 48'' North, approximate longitude
81° 50' 24'' West) on the southern shoreline of Big Hickory Bay and bearing
338° to a point (approximate latitude 26° 21' 39'' North, approximate
longitude 81° 50' 48'' West) on the water in the northwestern end of Big
Hickory Bay near the eastern end of Broadway Channel, south of a line beginning
at said point on the water in the northwestern end of Big Hickory Bay and
bearing 242° to the northernmost point (approximate latitude 26° 21'
39'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50' 50'' West) of the unnamed
mangrove island south of Broadway Channel, and east of the eastern shoreline of
said mangrove island and a line beginning at the southernmost point of said
island (approximate latitude 26° 21' 07'' North, approximate longitude
81° 50' 58'' West) and bearing 167° to a point on Little Hickory Island
(approximate latitude 26° 21' 03'' North, approximate longitude 81° 50'
57'' West).
Depth-depentent Slow Speed or 25 MPH - All waters of Mullock Creek, excluding
side creeks and embayments, between Red Channel Marker "18" (approximate
latitude 26° 27' 46'' North, approximate longitude 81° 52' 00'' West)
and Green Channel Marker "47" (approximate latitude 26° 28' 11'' North,
approximate longitude 81° 51' 34'' West). Slow Speed is required in this
area whenever the controlling water depth is greater than two feet (2'). Speeds
of up to twenty-five (25) MPH are allowed whenever the controlling water depth
is two feet (2') or less. For the purposes of this zone, the controlling water
depth shall be defined as the water depth at the shallowest point of the creek
between channel markers "18" and "47" as measured along the route that runs
over the deepest water available.
(3) Commercial Fishing Permits: The following
provisions pertain to the issuance of permits to allow individuals engaged in
commercial fishing activities to operate their vessels in specified areas at
speeds greater than the speed limits established under subsection (2), above.
Procedures related to the application for and the review and issuance of these
permits are as set forth in Rule
68C-22.003, F.A.C.
(a) Permits shall be limited as follows:
1. Permits shall only be available for the
zones or portions of zones described under subparagraphs (2)(d)1. through
(2)(d)4., (2)(d)10., (2)(f)2., (2)(f)3., (2)(g)1., (2)(g)3., and
2. Permits shall not apply
on weekends or on the holidays identified in Section
110.117, F.S.
3. Permits shall only apply to commercial
fishing activities for the setting of nets to encircle fish, and shall only
allow speeds up to twenty (20) mph.
(b) Permit applications may be obtained at
the Commission's Law Enforcement office at 2423 Edwards Drive, Ft. Myers,
Florida, or by contacting the Commission's Division of Law Enforcement (Boating
and Waterways Section) at 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida
32399-1600, (850)488-5600.
Rulemaking Authority
379.2431(2) FS.
Law Implemented 379.2431(2)
New 3-19-79, Formerly 16N-22.05, Amended 12-5-89, Formerly
16N-22.005, 62N-22.005, Amended 11-30-99, 7-17-01,