Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) PURPOSE. The
purpose of a Stock Collection and Release SAL is to ensure that activities
which involve the collection of broodstock or wild stock and the release of
captive-bred offspring or captive-reared wild stock for scientific research,
stock enhancement, or stock restoration purposes are conducted in a manner that
preserves the health and genetic diversity of the wild stock native to Florida
waters and the adjacent EEZ. Scientific research, stock enhancement, or stock
restoration activities that are conducted to fulfill mitigation requirements
established by other state or federal agencies are not exempt from the
provisions and requirements of this rule.
(2) ELIGIBILITY. A Stock Collection and
Release SAL may be issued only to the following:
(a) An applicant eligible to receive a
Scientific Research SAL pursuant to Rule
68B-8.006, F.A.C.
(b) An owner, director, or manager of a
certified aquaculture facility that holds a valid aquaculture certificate of
registration issued pursuant to Section
597.004, F.S., and Chapter 5L-3,
(a) The processing fee for a
Stock Collection and Release SAL is $25.00. A processing fee is
(b) An applicant
for a Stock Collection and Release SAL must complete and submit a Stock
Collection and Release SAL application provided by the Commission (Form
DMF-SCRSAL (9/09)).
EVALUATION CRITERIA. In addition to the evaluation criteria set forth in
subsection 68B-8.004(2),
F.A.C., an application for a Stock Collection and Release SAL will be evaluated
via genetic risk assessment using the flowchart entitled, "Decision Process for
the Genetic Risk Assessment of Release Activities Involving Marine Organisms,
September 2009" (which is hereby adopted as a rule of the Commission and is
incorporated herein by reference) and based on information contained in the
applicant's Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMP) that must be submitted
as part of the application process. The information requested in the HGMP is
designed to address four primary genetic concerns: potential impacts from
translocations of non-indigenous genes, potential impacts from
propagation-related genetic changes in cultured fish, potential impacts from
excessive genetic input into natural populations, and indirect genetic
(a) A Stock Collection and Release SAL holder
must coordinate all release activities with the Commission and obtain written
authorization prior to conducting any release. A release shall not be conducted
without written authorization from the Commission.
(b) A marine organism will not be authorized
for release unless it has been maintained in accordance with the Captivity
Requirements set forth in the "Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission Policy on the Release of Marine Organisms."
(c) Captive-bred or captive-reared marine
organisms authorized for release must be distinguishable from wild marine
organisms so that estimates of project success may be obtained through
monitoring. The method used to identify captive-bred or captive-reared marine
organisms is at the discretion of the SAL holder conducting the release.
Potential distinguishing methods include but are not limited to internal or
external mechanical tags, chemical marks, or genetic tags. All costs incurred
in the fulfillment of this provision or any other provision of Rule
68B-8.010, F.A.C., will be the
responsibility of the SAL holder.
(d) Prior to release, a representative sample
of the marine organisms targeted for release must be submitted for a health
examination. This examination must be conducted under the direction of a United
States Department of Agriculture-certified veterinarian with fish health
experience, or an American Fisheries Society-certified fish pathologist or fish
health inspector. Exam results must be summarized in a USDA Health Certificate
or a letter. The certificate or letter must state that the organisms are
suitable for release into the wild.
Stock Collection and Release SAL holder must submit the following:
(a) An activity report detailing all
SAL-related harvest and release activities. The activity report is a report
other than any publications or technical, monitoring, or final reports. The
activity report must include common and scientific names of the marine
organisms harvested and released (both targeted and incidental), numbers and
sizes harvested and released, locations of harvest and release by county, and
disposition of all marine organisms harvested. The activity report for a Stock
Collection and Release SAL involving prohibited species must also include the
specific harvesting gear used. If mortality of a prohibited species occurred
during harvest or subsequent possession, the report must indicate the cause of
death if known.
(b) A copy of any
publications, technical, monitoring, or final reports that were generated as a
result of work conducted pursuant to the SAL. These reports must include the
notation that research was conducted pursuant to the specific Commission
Special Activity License.
(c) A
post-release genetic monitoring program shall be required if there was
insufficient information to determine the genetic impact of activities under
the SAL, or if evaluation of the proposed activity determines that the genetic
risks have not been minimized.
Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law
Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla.
New 7-1-04, Amended