Florida Administrative Code
68A - Freshwater Fish and Wildlife
Section 68A-6.015 - Caging Requirements for Mobile Exhibits

Universal Citation: FL Admin Code R 68A-6.015

Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024

(1) Performing Animals. No mobile exhibit shall utilize the performing animal caging dimensions prior to approval by the Commission. To obtain such approval, the permittee shall provide written schedules to the Commission of wildlife exercise intervals and scheduled performances. The exercise intervals shall be of such frequency, intensity and duration as to provide for the health and welfare of the animal over an extended period, provided that the animals shall not be caged without exercise or performances for more than a 72-hour period. Performing and exercise information shall be verifiable by Commission personnel through inspections. Performing animals used in mobile exhibits shall not be confined in any cage or enclosure that is smaller in dimension; or is not equipped as follows:

(a) Class I and Class II Carnivores (i.e., lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, pumas, bears, hyenas, wolves).

For a single animal, a cage which shall permit the animal to turn or stand on all fours with head clearance, and confined in such a manner so that no animal can injure another. For Class I animals, cages shall be constructed of steel, case hardened aluminum, alloy, or strength equivalent material. If bars are used, bars shall be spaced no more than 2 inches apart. For Class II animals, cage construction shall not be less than 11 1/2 gauge chain link or strength equivalent material. Cages of Class I and Class II animals that the public can access, shall be equipped with a physical barrier, which is made of a material to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animals. All cages shall have secure locking devices.

(b) Primates, Class I and Class II. For a single animal, a cage which shall permit the animal to turn and stand erect with head clearance, confined in such a manner so that no animal can injure another. For Class I animals, cages shall be constructed of steel, case hardened aluminum, alloy or strength equivalent material. If bars are used, bars shall be spaced no more than 2 inches apart. For Class II animals, cage construction shall not be less than 11 1/2 gauge chain link or strength equivalent material. Cages of Class I and Class II animals that the public can access, shall be equipped with a physical barrier, which is made of a material to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animals. All cages shall have secure locking devices.

(c) Elephants. When not performing or being exercised, elephants shall either be:
1. Securely tethered.

2. Enclosed by an electric fence, under the supervision of at least one qualified handler in accordance with Rule 68A-6.007, F.A.C., and in an area not accessible to the public.

(d) Class III Animals. For a single animal, a cage which shall permit the animal to turn and stand on all fours, or stand erect, with head clearance, confined in such a manner so that no animal can injure another.

(e) Time limitation on smaller travel caging allowed for housing performing animals. For performing wildlife possessed by traveling zoos and other traveling acts, wildlife shall be housed in cages or enclosures that meet or exceed the specifications as provided in this Chapter, whenever such wildlife is housed in such travel cages or enclosures for more than 90 days. Performing wildlife shall not be kept in cages or enclosures below the size required by the standard caging requirements for more than a total of 90 days out of each 120 day period. Such mobile exhibits shall provide an itinerary of planned exhibition times and locations with annual renewal applications.

(2) Non-Performing Animals. Non-performing wildlife in mobile exhibits shall not be confined in any cage or enclosure that is smaller in dimension or is not equipped as follows:

(a) Class I and Class II Carnivores (i.e., lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, pumas, bears, hyenas, wolves).

For a single animal, the cage length shall be double the body length (excluding tail), with a width that is equal to the body length, and a height that permits the animal to stand on all fours with head clearance. For two or more animals kept together, add one-third more cage length for each additional animal. For Class I animals, cages shall be constructed of steel, case hardened aluminum, alloy or strength equivalent material. If bars are used, bars shall be spaced no more than 2 inches apart. For Class II animals, cage construction shall not be less than 11 1/2 gauge chain link or strength equivalent material. Cages of Class I and Class II animals that the public can access, shall be equipped with a physical barrier, which is made of a material to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animals. All cages shall have secure locking devices.

(b) Primates. All cages shall be well ventilated and shall have secure locking devices. Each cage shall have an overhead pull bar and a seat. For two or more animals kept together, add one-third more cage length for each additional animal. For Class I animals, cages shall be constructed of steel, case hardened aluminum, alloy or strength equivalent material. If bars are used, bars shall be spaced no more than 2 inches apart. For Class II animals, cage construction shall not be less than 11 1/2 gauge chain link or strength equivalent material. Cages of Class I and Class II animals that the public can access, shall be equipped with a physical barrier, which is made of a material to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animals.
1. Gorillas. For a single animal, a cage 8 feet by 8 feet, with a height at least 2 feet over the standing height of the animal.

2. Orangutan. For a single animal, a cage 7 feet by 7 feet, with a height at least two feet over standing height of the animal.

3. Adult chimpanzee. For a single animal, a cage 6 1/2 feet by 6 1/2 feet, with a height at least two feet over standing height of the animal.

4. Chimpanzees up to 50 pounds and macaques. For a single animal, a cage 5 feet by 5 feet, with a height at least two feet over standing height of the animal.

(c) Elephants. For one animal in a non-performing capacity, a paddock that is double the body length in length and equal to the body length in width. For two or more animals kept together, increase square footage by one third for each additional animal. Other than for exercise periods, elephants not kept in a paddock shall either be:
1. Securely tethered.

2. Enclosed by an electric fence under the direct, on-site supervision of a least one qualified handler in accordance with Rule 68A-6.007, F.A.C., and in an area not accessible to the public.

(d) Class III animals (except reptiles). For a single animal, the cage length shall be double the body length (excluding tail), with a width that is equal to the body length, and a height that will permit the animal to stand on all fours, or stand erect, with head clearance. For two or more animals kept together, add one third more cage length for each additional animal.

(e) Time limitation on smaller travel caging allowed for housing non-performing animals. For non-performing wildlife possessed by traveling zoos and other traveling acts, wildlife shall be housed in standard cage specifications as provided in this chapter, whenever such wildlife is present in such travel cages or enclosures for more than 45 days. Non-performing wildlife shall not be kept in cages or enclosures below the size required by the standard caging requirements for more than a total of 45 days out of each 90 day period. Such mobile exhibits shall provide an itinerary of planned exhibition times and locations with annual renewal applications.

Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const.

New 9-30-19.

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